

单词 wedding party
释义 wedding party ˈwediŋˈpɑ:ti 短语³⁰⁷⁶⁵

a party of people at a wedding近义词 wedding婚礼
And in some countryside, the village bride and her wedding party always walk together towards the church.
在一些乡村,新娘和参加婚礼的人们总是一起步行走向教堂。 chinaedu

A blizzard of shaving cream falls on a Kurdish wedding party in northern Iraq.
暴风雪般的剃须膏落在伊拉克北部的一场婚礼上。 yeeyan

Best of all, you can even knit yourself into the wedding party.
最好的就是你甚至可以把自己也编织进这个婚宴中去。 hxen

Gunmen killed44 people at a wedding party in south-east Turkey.
一批枪手在土耳其东南部的一个婚礼上射杀了44人。 ecocn

Gunmen killed44 people at a wedding party in south-east Turkey. Some claimed the assailants were from a militia that had helped Turkish troops fight Kurdish separatists.
一批枪手在土耳其东南部的一个婚礼上射杀了44人。据称这些杀手来自一个民兵组织,该组织曾帮助土耳其军队打击库尔德分裂分子。 ecocn

He designed some red and black canvas slip- ons for the wedding party, including matching lace-ups for his father-in-law.
他为自己的婚宴设计了一些红黑相间的帆布休闲鞋,包括为他岳父准备的一双配套的系带鞋。 edu.sina.com.cn

He said no militants were present and the victims were mainly women and children who were walking to a wedding party.
他说,现场没有激进份子。遇难者大多数是妇女和儿童,他们当时正在前去参加一个婚礼。 ebigear

He says that he and others were in the wedding party, when a suicide bomber blew himself up among the guests.
他说,他和其他人正在婚礼上。就在那时,混在客人中的自杀性爆炸者引爆了炸弹。 hjenglish

How the devil does he come to be one of the wedding party?
见鬼,他怎么会在婚礼行列中? ebigear

In the movie, Xiao plays a wedding party host who loves singing, while his real life business partner Wang Taili plays a hairdresser who loves dancing.
在电影里,肖央饰演一位喜爱唱歌的婚庆司仪,而他现实生活中的合作伙伴王太利则扮演了一位热爱舞蹈的理发师。 ebigear

It was the midsummer season of white nights, when the sun never fully sets, and we stayed at the wedding party till morning, wandering along the Moika embankment for breakfast at the Hotel Angleterre.
此时正是仲夏的白夜时节,太阳几乎不会落山。我们在婚典上一直呆到次日早上,然后在莫伊卡河河堤上漫步到昂格勒泰酒店去用早餐。 yeeyan

Local officials in Nangarhar province said the victims were part of a wedding party and no militants were in the region.
阿富汗楠格哈尔省地方官员说,空袭的遇难者是参加一个婚礼的民众,当时那个地区没有激进份子。 kekenet

She, best man Michael Jackson and others in the wedding party sat on stage.
于是他她和伴郎麦克.杰克逊以及婚礼中的其他人都坐在楼梯上。 yeeyan

The whole wedding party broke into shouts of applause, the three of them embraced each other at the end.
整个婚礼暴发出喝彩的呼喊声,在末尾,他们三个彼此拥抱。 blog.sina.com.cn

The pair stayed at the Newport Beachside Hotel, alongside several other friends who were part of the wedding party.
布兰妮与男友下榻的酒店是新港海滨酒店,还有一些亲密朋友参加婚礼。 hxen




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