释义 |
Web surfer 基本例句 网络冲浪者 The averageweb surfersurfs with their PC screen set to an 800 x 600 resolution.网站访问者的计算机屏幕分辨率一般设定为800x600。 Veteran online shoppers and heavy English websitesweb surfer.有网上购物经验和经常浏览英语网站的习惯和有评价分析网站设计优劣的能力。 Even if you find a really excellent designer who can put together an incredible high-tech Flash feature, consider the harriedweb surfer.即使你所找的Flash高手能综合地制造出非常好的Flash效果,不要忘了考虑可能时刻被别的网站夺走的访问用户。 Everyweb surfer, in the course of his or her browsing, has been forced to stop and perform this weird little task: look at a picture of some wavy, ghostly, distorted letters and type them into a box.每一个互联网用户在浏览网页的过程中,都不得不停下来完成一个奇怪的小任务:将一张图片中波浪的、朦胧的或者扭曲的字母辨认出来,并把它们填到一个小方框里。 |