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词汇 Web page
释义 Web page 英ˈwebˌpeɪdʒ美ˈwɛbˌpedʒ ☆☆☆☆☆短语²⁴⁰²

a document connected to the World Wide Web and viewable by anyone connected to the internet who has a web browser近义词 webpage网页
The newweb pagecan be either blue or red.新的网页可以是蓝色的或者红色的。 The server then sends the client some headers that describe the payload such as a Web page or image, and finally sends the file along to the client.
然后,服务器向客户机发送一些描述有效负载比如网页或图像的响应头,最后向客户机发送文件。 ibm

Additionally, the web page is not an event. The web page describes an event.
另外,网页本身并不是一个事实,它只是被人们用来描述事件而已。 infoq

After the user has opened the Web page, he can add or remove entries, or mark entries as completed, which keeps them displayed in the list, but crossed out.
在用户打开该网页之后,可以添加或删除条目;或者将条目标记为已完成,这样相关条目虽然仍然显示在列表中,但是已经被删除。 ibm

Although I do not assume that you already know how to program, I realize that many people today know how to write HTML, so our first program will make a web page.
尽管,我没有假定你知道如何编程,但是我意识到在今天,大部分人是知道如何编写 HTML文档的,所以,我们的第一个程序将会生成一个网页。 yeeyan

Each Web page or application that IBM deployed for IBM customers and partners had to collect its own authentication information.
IBM为 IBM客户和合作伙伴部署的每个网页或应用程序都必须收集自己的身份验证信息。 ibm

Every visible component on a Web page is created as a content component to allow us to display components in the appropriate language.
网页中的每个可视化组件都是作为内容组件创建的,以便能够用适当的语言显示这些组件。 ibm

Furthermore, the application must ensure that anyone can see a Web page, but only its owner or an administrator can execute a restricted operation, such as updating the page's content.
此外,应用程序必须确保任何人都能看到某个网页,但是只有其所有者或管理员才能执行受限制的操作,例如更新页面的内容。 ibm

If you have enough money, your Web page can be ranked higher than many others that are more credible or higher quality.
如果你的钱足够多,你的网页排名就可以比好多其他更可信或更高质量的网页靠前。 yeeyan

If you provide a stream to it, it parses the associated Web page.
如果您向它提供一个流,它会解析相关的网页。 ibm

Many of us have tried to save a purchase receipt page or product key, only to find that the web page looks scrambled when you later open it.
我们中的很多人尝试保存购买接受页面或者产品密钥,去发现当你再一次打开它的时候网页变得杂乱无章。 yeeyan

Often, you will want to preview your web page at different resolutions to ensure that your customers are getting a great experience at every screen resolution.
你可能会经常想要在不同的分辨率下来预览你的网页,保证你的客户在每一种屏幕显示率下都得到同样好的用户体验。 joycode

TCPDF lets you add support for creating PDFs to your existing PHP web pages without requiring changes to the web page itself or any of the underlying data.
在无需变更网页本身或任何基础数据的情况下, TCPDF让您将创建 PDF的支持添加到您现存的 PHP网页上。 ibm

Therefore, each inline image on the Web page means that there must be a separate TCP connection and a repetition of that same process.
因此,网页中的每个内嵌图片都意味着必须有一个单独的 TCP连接,并且重复着同样的过程。 ibm

These techniques are designed for situations where the structure or content of a Web page is highly predictable and unlikely to change.
这些技术是专门为网页的结构或内容具有高度可预测性、不太可能出现变化的情况而设计的。 ibm

This what tells the browser that this Web page can function offline.
正是这个属性告知浏览器这个页面可以离线工作。 ibm

When the client's DNS cache is empty for both the browser and the operating system, the number of DNS lookups is equal to the number of unique hostnames in the web page.
空用于浏览器和操作系统客户端的 DNS缓存时 DNS查找的数目是等于在网页上的唯一的主机名的数目。 cnblogs

When displaying a Web page to an owner or an administrator, all operations should be selectable by a menu or links; others should not see those operations or they should not be selectable.
在向所有者或管理员显示网页时,所有操作都应该可以通过菜单或链接来选择;其他用户不应该看到这些操作,或者这些操作对他们应该是不可选择的。 ibm

Without this protection, a malicious web page could compromise the integrity of another web page.




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