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web crawlers 基本例句 网络爬虫 Search engines typically disperseWeb crawlersto scour the network and compile an index of existing documents.一般而言,搜索引擎将Web牵引程序分散开以为网络畅通铺平道路,以及对现有文件的索引进行编译。 Programs called spiders orWeb crawlersstart by reading pages from a starting list of Web sites.那些叫做蜘蛛程序或爬行程序的程序开始从网站的起始表读取网页。 A software robot which trawls the WWW, generating all-encompassing Web indexes. Also known asWeb crawlersor Web spiders.来搜索Web网页的软件,可以产生对页面的索引。 The degree to whichWeb crawlerssearch a document,and how the information is catalogued in the search-engine index,makes the difference in the intranet search marketplace.Web牵引程序搜索文档到什么程度和信息在搜索引擎索引中如何编排的,造成内部网搜索引擎市场上的差别。 |