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Webber ˈwebər 高 基本例句 n.韦伯¹⁰⁰ So, Webber and his colleagues calculated how much energy was needed to produce the trashed food. 韦伯和他的同事计算了生产被丢弃的食品所需要的能源。 www.voanews.com.cn The most talented musician of Broadway is Andrew Webber, who created many very famous musicals and operas, including Cats, Chicago, and the Phantom of the Opera House. 百老汇最有才华的音乐家是安德鲁?韦伯,他创作了很多非常著名的歌舞剧,包括《猫》、《芝加哥》和《歌剧媚影》。 ebigear To top things off, Sarah married Andrew Lloyd Webber during this period; however, the marriage eventually ended six years later, in1990. 最轰动的事件是,她在此期间嫁给了韦伯,然而两人于1990年结束了为期6年的婚姻。 edu.sina.com.cn While Sarah was married to Lloyd Webber, she created the role of Christine in his theatrical phenomenon, The Phantom1 of the Opera. 与韦伯结婚后,萨拉塑造了他的戏剧名作《歌剧幽灵》中克里斯廷的角色。 edu.sina.com.cn “ If you find the absolute number goes down, it's either because they changed their names or they emigrated, ” Webber, author of the study, told Reuters on Wednesday. 负责此项研究的韦伯周三对路透社表示,如果你发现姓氏的数量减少了,那可能是人们改姓或者移民了。 eol “Focus on building anticipation rather than going straight for direct stimulation.” Feeling that time is short prevents a woman from reaching orgasm, adds Webber. “让她对将要发生的充满期待,而不是直截了当地刺激她”如果感觉时间短的话会组织女性达到高潮, Webber补充到。 yeeyan “The energy and utilities industry has one of the greatest data challenges out there,” says Alan Webber, information technology analyst and partner at the Altimeter Group. Altimeter Group的信息技术分析师和合伙人 Alan Webber说,“能源和公共事业行业正面对着最困难的数据难题之一。” ibm Australian ace Mark Webber has officially announced that he will be joining the Williams team next season, leaving Jaguar Racing after two years. 澳大利亚人马克·韦伯在效力于美洲虎车队两年后,正式宣布他将于下赛委加盟威廉姆斯车队。 iciba Briatore does not believe the injury cost Webber the title, as he thinks the Australian would still have prevailed had he not crashed out in Korea. 布里亚拖利不认为是伤病葬送了韦伯的冠军,他认为澳大利亚人如果不在韩国撞车退赛的话还是有可能赢得总冠军的。 hellof1 Donald Marron, who once ran Paine Webber and is now chairman of private equity firm Lightyear Capital, also had the younger Qaddafi for lunch. 唐纳德.马龙,曾经掌舵佩恩韦伯公司现任私募公司 Lightyear Capital主席,同样邀请过小卡扎菲进餐。 yeeyan Jim Webber: I think the shift to the Web is inevitable. Jim Webber:我认为转向网络是不可避免的。 infoq Jim Webber helps us in the theoretical and real life issues. Jim Webber在理论和现实问题上给予了我们帮助。 infoq Judge Susan Webber Wright found her in contempt of court and sent her to jail for an indefinite period until she agreed to cooperate with the special prosecutor. 苏珊·韦伯·赖特法官裁定她藐视法庭,把她送到监狱,让她无限期地待在那里直到同意与特别公诉人合作为止。 yeeyan MARK WEBBER has a lot to thank tiny strands of carbon for. 马克韦伯得好好谢谢那些微小的碳纤维。 yeeyan Non- abstract composers, to be sure, can become quite wealthy, for example Baron Andrew Lloyd Webber and a number of film composers. 然而,非抽象派的作曲家是有可能发财的。比如安德鲁洛依德韦伯男爵和几个电影作曲家。 yeeyan Philadelphia based artist Stacey Lee Webber creates these unique metal sculptures, creative jewelry and everyday objects from coins. 费城艺术家 Stacey Lee Webber创造了这些独特的金属雕刻,极具创意的首饰和由硬币组成的日常工具。 yeeyan Psychologist Christine Webber said: “ Women spend in a bid to cheer themselves up or boost self-esteem.” 心理学家克里斯汀·韦伯尔说:“女人花钱通常是为了让自己快乐,或者提升自信。” cri Susan Webber Wright was plenty smart, and maybe I should have just given her an A. At any rate, for the general election, I took leave without pay from the law school. 苏珊.韦伯.赖特非常聪明,也许当初我应该给她打个 A。但不管怎么说,到了普选的时候,我向法学院请了无薪假期。 yeeyan The photos were taken by keen photographer Torben Webber, who scrambled for his camera after hearing the unusual creatures had been born. 这些照片由摄影师托伯恩·韦伯 Torben Webber拍摄。在听到这些不同寻常的生物诞生后,他为他的相机争取到了这个表现机会。 yeeyan The Italian expects both Webber and Alonso to be in the thick of the title fight again this year. 这个意大利人期待今年韦伯和阿隆索再次能够为总冠军斗个你死我活。 hellof1 Webber also discovered that the most popular names in Britain have not changed over the past127 years. 韦伯也发现,英国127年以来排名靠前的姓氏始终未变。 ebigear Webber also found that between 1996 and2008, the names Zhang, Wang, and Yang experienced the fastest growth. 韦伯同时发现,在1996至2008年期间,张姓、王姓和杨姓成为增幅最大的几个姓氏。 edu.sina.com.cn Webber says that the study is based on old data badly that needs to be revised. 韦伯说,他们的研究是根据旧的、需要修改的数据进行的。 kekenet |