

单词 web
释义 web 英web美wɛbAHDwĕb ★☆☆☆☆高六研I牛6COCA³²⁴⁷BNC⁹³¹⁴iWeb⁶⁷⁹Economist²⁴²⁸

C 蜘蛛等的网

a net of thin threads spun by some insects,especially spiders,to trap other insects

C 周密的布置;网状物;圈套

a detailed arrangement or network

an intricate network suggesting something that was formed by weaving or interweaving;

the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn

an intricate trap that entangles or ensnares its victimthe flattened weblike part of a feather consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaftan interconnected system of things or people;

he owned a network of shops

retirement meant dropping out of a whole network of people who had been part of my life

tangled in a web of cloth

computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound and animation resources through the hypertext transfer protocola fabric especially a fabric in the process of being wovenmembrane connecting the toes of some aquatic birds and mammals
construct or form a web, as if by weaving来自 PIE*webh,转,编织,词源同 weave,weft.引申词义织网,网络。web stiffener梁腹加筋角铁,腹板加…Web browser万维网浏览器…web plate腹板web reinforcement抗剪钢筋web member腹杆web frame肋骨框架web press卷筒纸轮转印刷机…food web食物网cell web细胞蹼,细胞网…Web server万维网服务器…crank web曲柄臂web spinner仿足目Embiop…web grammar编织语法web splice梁腹镶板Web page网页shear web抗剪腹板solid web实体腹板side web侧腹板,腹侧板…web crystal蹼状晶体Web document万维网文件
非常记忆we(我们〖熟词〗+b蜜蜂〖编码bee〗⇒我们用网抓蜜蜂近义词 net网web网mesh网孔trap圈套grid格子lace鞋带snare陷阱cover封面catch赶上tissue纸巾entrap诱捕tangle缠结spider蜘蛛vane风向标network网点enclose圈起envelop包封webbing带子capture捕获ensnare诱捕lattice格子cobweb蜘蛛网surround包围braiding编织物conspiracy阴谋spider web蛛网latticework格子fiber纤维物质gossamer小蜘蛛网WWWWorld Wide …entanglement纠缠skein一束(线或纱…World Wide Web环球网
用作名词n.A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food.蜘蛛结网,用于捕捉各种昆虫。
The spider web brushed my forehead.我的前额碰着了蜘蛛网。
In my loom I have a half-finished web of soft linen.在我的织布机上我已织了半匹细麻布。
Those involved in the fraud created an intricate web of trading companies to hide their activities.参与骗局的人构筑了一个交易公司的复杂网,以隐瞒其行为。Pwebbya.丝网的Pwebfootn.蹼足Pwebsiten.网站Pcrankweb曲柄臂Pspider-web蛛网Pweb-eyen.眼翳病Pweb-wheeln.板轮Pweblikea.似网的Pweb-toed有蹼趾的Pwebbingn.带子边带Pweb-footeda.蹼足的Pweb-eyeda.患眼翳病的Pweb-fingereda.蹼指的Pwebbeda.网状的有网的Pwebtoeda.蹼足的蹼趾的Pbindweb神经胶质结缔组织Pcobwebbya.蛛网似的蛛网密布的Pcobwebbeda.蛛网/蛛网状东西密布的Pcobwebbing蛛网/蛛网状的东西布满于Pcobwebn.蜘蛛网蛛丝混乱vt.使布满蛛网

用作名词A spider weaves awebto catch prey.蜘蛛为捕猎昆虫而织网。
The tiger was enmeshed in theweblaid by hunter.老虎缠在猎人布下的网里。
Do you think art and design are melding on theweb?你认为在网络上艺术和设计是相结合的吗?用作不及物动词He breathlessly watched the spider attempt to spin itswebfor the third time.他凝神屏息地观看那蜘蛛试图第三次结网。用作及物动词Do you think that the spider canwebanything?你觉得这蜘蛛能用网捕住什么吗?noun.netting
同义词 net,network,screencobweb,complexity,entanglement,fabric,fiber,filigree,gossamer,interconnection,interlacing,involvement,labyrinth,lacework,lattice,mat,matting,maze,mesh,meshwork,morass,plait,reticulation,skein,snarl,tangle,texture,tissue,toil,trellis,warp,weave,webbing,weft,wicker,woof
反义词 ease,order,organization,simplicity
World Wide Webnoun major computer network
Internet,WWW,cyberspace,hypertext documents,information server,information superhighway,net,the Net
cobwebnoun entanglement; filament
complicationnoun difficult situation
complicationsnoun difficult situation
contexturenoun structure
cyberspacenoun computer world
Internet,WWW,World Wide Web,communications,computer network,data bank,data network,electronic highway,electronic mail,email,global village,infobahn,information space,information superhighway,information technology,online community,virtual community,virtual library,virtual reality,web So we still get our message out through the Web.
因此,我们还是通过网络传播我们的讯息。 yeeyan

A spider can spin a web.

About a year ago, I embarked on a journey to discover where we are in web education and where we need to go.
大约一年前,我走上了旅程,试图弄明白我们在网络教育中所处的位置以及我们需要走的路。 yeeyan

All of this came about because Newegg identified which of its content made for a strong user experience and built on it, which should be done in every Web project.
所有这些的出现,都是因为新蛋网知道哪些内容有助于提高用户体验,并且加以强化,哪些形式是该推广到每个项目中去的。 yeeyan

At one extreme, we believe people should have the tools to' broadcast' information across the Web and make it available to everyone.
从一个方面来讲,我们相信人们都应该有在网络上传播信息,并让每个人都能看到它的手段。 yeeyan

But the Web browser was only the beginning.
但是网页浏览器仅仅是个开始。 yeeyan

However, once they set their sites on the Web, they owned the browser market after only a year.
然而,一旦他们在网络上建立了站点,仅仅一年之后就拥有了浏览器市场。 infoq

I found this on the web.

I know that I am not your typical web user.
我知道我不属于你们所谓典型的网络用户。 yeeyan

I noticed that there was no web resource dedicated to this park and I figured if I started something it would be a good excuse for me to get out into the park more often.
我注意到那里没有给这个公园设置网络资源,并且我认为要是我开始做点事情的话,这会成为一个让养成常去公园的习惯的一个好的借口。 yeeyan

If you want to get the maximum return on your Web team, present it with problems, not solutions.
如果你想在网络团队那里获得最大的回报率,那么请呈递问题而不是解决办法。 kekenet

It means the Web connects us, as people, to each one of the individuals online; and those connections, ultimately, extend from one of us to all of us.
它意味着网络将我们与我们相连,像人一样连接每一个在线的个人;而这些连接,最终从我们中的一个变成我们中的全部。 yeeyan

LBS is not an application itself, it is become part of the infrastructure of the web.
LBS本身并不是一个应用,它正成为网络基础服务的一部分。 yeeyan

Not that many people have a lot of photos of themselves out there on the open Web.
并不是有很多人会把许多自己的照片放在完全开放的公众网络上。 yeeyan

Right now, if you are a web developer, you have all the tools you need to get into this.
目前,如果你是个网页开发人员,你已经拥有了所有进入这一领域的工具了。 yeeyan

She entrapped herself in the web of her own lies.

These social networking sites are some of the most popular places on the web, so you should be there mixing it up!
这些社交网站有些是网络世界中最流行的站点,所以你应该将你的网站和他们的网站结合起来。 yeeyan

This also has a negative impact on the readers as almost all of them look out for something simple on the web.
这对读者也会产生消极的影响,因为几乎他们所有人都想要在网站上找到简单的东西。 yeeyan

This research tool will help you collect, organize and appropriately cite any sources you find over the Web.
这个研究工具会帮助你收集、组织并适当地引用你在网上发现的任何资源。 yeeyan

We actually are not using files on the web.
我们实际上并没有在网页上使用文件。 yeeyan

You can do all of the above as an individual, but the web is about interconnectedness, so the next step is to get involved in the community.
你可以作为一个人完成上面所说的所有工作,但是,网络是互联的,因此下一步是在社区中建立关系。 cnbeta

You can still have personal information on the web.
你还可以在网站上公布你的私人信息。 hjenglish

You should reorganize the company around this new relationship with your customer, finally putting that customer at the center of everything you do because—thanks to the Web— you can.
你应该围绕这一与客户的新型关系重新组织你的公司,最终的落脚点就是,客户是你所从事的每件事情的中心,网络的应用使之成为可能。 yeeyan

Your web browser has themes for you. “ Express yourself!” is what they tell you.
你的网页浏览器有为你打造的主题。“表现自我”这是他们告诉你的。 yeeyan




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