

单词 weathering
释义 weath·er·ing 英ˈweðərɪŋ美ˈwɛðərɪŋAHDwĕY“ər-ĭng 高TCOCA⁴²³⁸⁹BNC¹³³⁸³iWeb¹⁸⁰⁹⁶Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

动词 weather:
face and withstand with couragecause to slopesail to the windward ofchange under the action or influence of the weather来自 weather,天气,风化,经受。weather天气fretwork weathering蜂窝式风化selective weathering选择风化作用,选择性…weathering residue风化残余物weathering residues风化残留物,风化残积…mechanical weathering机械风化accelerated weathering加速风化,加快风化,…differential weathering差异风化rock weathering岩石风化weathering index风化指数chemical weathering化学风化,化学气候…weathering intensity风化强度weathering quality耐风蚀性insolation weathering日晒风化weathering test耐气候性试验,风化试…concentric weathering同心风化frost weathering冰冻风化physical weathering物理风化,物理风化作…atmospheric weathering大气风化
用作名词The rock is resistant toweatheringand erosion.这种岩石不易风化和侵蚀。as in.wear and tear
同义词 depletion,depreciation,erosionablation,attrition,consumption,decrement,dissipation,hard wear,overuse,ravages of time,wearing away
wear and tearnoun devaluation due to use
ablation,attrition,consumption,decrement,depletion,depreciation,dissipation,erosion,hard wear,overuse,ravages of time,wearing away The weathering could split the rock off.

Yet they seem to be weathering the crisis better than most.
他们看起来比绝大多数公司都能更好安度这次危机。 ecocn

Aircraft industry. Synthetic cloths for the fabric of airplane structures. Determination of the mechanical characteristics after weathering.
航空工业。飞机结构纤维用合成纤维。风化后机械特性的测定。 chinafanyi.com

All in all, civic leaders feel justified in boasting that Edinburgh is weathering the recession well.
总的说来,市政领导认为完全可以自豪地说爱丁堡正平稳度过经济衰退期。 ecocn

All these abilities are fundamental to taking advantage of the good times and weathering the bad, and you can bring that experience to a discussion of software ROI.
所有的这些能力都是充分利用时间和弱化不利因素的基本原则,并且您能够将这一经验带入到软件 ROI的讨论之中。 ibm

But when Sprigg first showed the imprints to leading authorities, they dismissed them as artifacts made by the weathering of the rocks.
然而他第一次拿给权威专家看的时候,专家认为这只是岩石风化留下的痕迹,不值一提。 yeeyan

His team suggests that at least the smaller Buddha might be partially rebuilt with existing fragments injected with a synthetic material designed to halt weathering.
他的小组建议至少较小的那尊佛像可以进行重建,用现存有的碎片再加上一种人工合成的材料阻止其风化。 yeeyan

History tells us this was because the purple dye harvested from the sea snail did not fade due to sunlight, but instead became brighter and more intense from weathering.
历史告诉我们,这是因为紫色染料得自海螺,它在阳光下不会褪色,相反,它会变得更明亮,在日晒雨淋之下尤为鲜艳。 yeeyan

In America women at first seemed to be weathering the recession rather well.
美国妇女一开始的时候看起来能很好地度过经济危机。 ecocn

Many other factories, however, say they are weathering the storm.
不过,还有许多玩具厂表示他们能挺过难关。 ebigear

Most trace elements, including manganese and arsenic, get into the water through the natural process of rock weathering.
大部分微量元素,包括锰和砷,通过自然过程中的岩石风化作用进入水体。 yeeyan

Reading industry publications can help you determine the skills employers seek, which technologies you may need to learn and how your field is weathering the current downturn.
阅读行业刊物能让你知道雇主寻求的技能中那些是你应该掌握的技术,还能知道你工作的领域里在经济下滑中行情怎么样。 eol

That is to short-circuit the natural geological process of weathering and use the CO2 to convert volcanic rocks into limestone.
比如可以缩短地质的自然风化过程,我们可以将二氧化碳用于火山岩向石灰岩转变的工序中。 ecocn

Which is why we're weathering the late afternoon heat in his Volvo, motoring to Coney Island.
这就是为什么我们坐在他的沃尔沃上驶往康尼岛以体验傍晚的交通热潮。 yeeyan




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