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Big·foot 英ˈbɪgˌfʊt美ˈbɪgˌfʊtAHDbĭgʹf‹t' 高 基本例句 n.大脚怪⁵⁰据称生活在北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸森林中的野人;亦称Sasquatch⁵⁰ A creature like that would tower over any Bigfoot. 像这样的生物远远高过大脚怪。 putclub.com And they are performing increasingly complex tasks from home, from reading MRIs to helping clients search for Bigfoot, the mythic wilderness creature. 此外,他们可以在家里从事越来越复杂的工作,从解读磁共振影像到帮助客户寻找传说中的野生动物“大脚怪”。 hjenglish America's interest in Sasquatch — later to become known as Bigfoot— grew after stories of its existence were serialized in newspapers at the turn of the20th century. 自从在20世纪初美国报纸上连载有关大脚怪的文章时,美国人对北美野人——也就是后来的大脚怪——兴趣大涨。 yeeyan As soon as people enter the forest, Bigfoot hides from view. 一旦人们进入树林,大脚印就从人们的视线消失。 examw But the evidence makes it look like the real Bigfoot had more to fear from us than we do from him. 但种种迹象表明大脚怪更惧怕我们人类,而不是人类惧怕大脚怪。 putclub Experts who have closely studied the film suggest it is a female Bigfoot, as two mammary glands are just discernible on its front. 仔细研究过影片的专家认为这是一只雌性大脚怪,因为它胸前发达的乳腺清晰可辨。 yeeyan For decades, large, hairy, manlike beasts called Bigfoot have occasionally been reported by eyewitnesses across America. 几十年当中,美国各地都不时有目击者声称自己看到了人称“大脚”的巨型多毛人形野兽。 kekenet For example people often report seeing things for which there is little or no hard evidence, such as Bigfoot, UFOs, and ghosts. 例如人们经常报告看到一些并不能作为确凿的证据的证据,比如大脚怪、 UFO和鬼怪等。 yeeyan For one hunter, the search began one day when he was out in the woods and, he swears, he saw Bigfoot cross his path. 例如一个猎人,在一天的森林狩猎时,他发誓,他看到了大脚怪穿过那条小路。 yeeyan However, there once was a creature that actually resembled what Bigfoot is supposed to look like. 然而,实际上曾经有一种生物跟大脚怪长得很像。 putclub It’s just that every few years there’s a Bigfoot sighting on this mountain, and people’s imaginations start running wild. 现在每几年,就有人声称在这座山上看到了大脚怪,大家想象力开始变得越来越丰富了。 yeeyan Many people who believe in the existence of Bigfoot or extraterrestrials, for example, do so based on the faulty premise that sincere, honest eyewitnesses couldn't be mistaken. 许多相信大脚怪或者地外生命存在的人应当以诚信、诚实作为前提,不能误报。 yeeyan More recent sightings of the ape-man have taken on a new and bizarre twist. People have reported seeing UFOs in the regions of Bigfoot appearances. 近来关于大脚怪的一些目击报告有越来越离奇的倾向,有人声称在看到大脚怪的地区发现了不明飞行物,还有人称这种生物有鲜红色的双眼,还随身携带着发光的圆球。 yeeyan People who claim to have seen Bigfoot do not agree about what he or she looks like, but they do agree that Bigfoot stays away from human beings. 声称看到过大脚印的人对他或她的长相意见不一,不过一致同意大脚印躲着人类。 examw Scientists do not know whether Bigfoot really exists. 科学家们不确定大脚印是否真的存在。 examw The sight of a man holding a plaster cast record of the tracks of a mysterious beast started the modern Bigfoot legend. 这张一个男人手拿神秘怪兽脚印模型的照片,掀起了现代大脚怪传说的热潮。 yeeyan This is a shame, because to really accept Bigfoot's presence, the world needs to see some hard, physical evidence. 发生这样的事情令人甚感遗憾,因为要证明大脚怪的存在,我们需要更确凿的物证。 yeeyan This spawned decades of mostly fruitless Bigfoot hunts, as well a series of hoaxes, and led to the establishment of various societies devoted to the search. 这引发了了几十年来人们对大脚怪的捕猎和一些列的恶作剧,全社会都热衷于寻找大脚怪。 yeeyan You could turn up a something special, like the elusive Bigfoot Ant, North America's rarest ant species. 你可以找到一些特殊的蚂蚁种类,像很少见的大脚蚂蚁是北美最稀有的蚂蚁种类。 hjenglish You could turn up a something special, like the elusive Bigfoot Ant, North America’s rarest ant species. 也许你能找到特别的蚂蚁,像大脚蚁,它可是北美最稀罕的一种蚂蚁。 yeeyan Bigfoot hunters were perhaps the most surprising group, Bader said. They defied all stereotypes of paranormal pursuers who wear flowing clothes and commune with spirits. 大脚猎人可能是最令人惊奇的组织,贝德说,他们违背了所有关于超自然探索者的陈词滥调,如穿着光滑的衣服,并用心灵感应沟通。 yeeyan |