

单词 wearing off
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Rather than flaunting their purchases before recession- pinched passers-by, however, they asked for plain white shopping bags. As the global economy mends, such restraint is wearing off.
他们并不想在受危机影响而拉近裤腰带的路人面前炫耀自己的奢侈品,反而要求用普通的白色购物袋包装这些东西。 ecocn

The effects of the stimulus are wearing off, so fiscal policy now veers towards contraction.
经济刺激的影响渐渐退去,所以财政政策转向经济紧缩。 yeeyan

As the global economy mends, such restraint is wearing off.
当全球经济复苏的时候,这种克制又开始逐渐消失。 ecocn

He began to try to sit up, which showed us that the effects of the drug were wearing off.
他开始试图坐起身来,这向我们表明药力正在消退。 sprew.net

Note the blue ring after effect in the image. That is the radius of the after effect EMP, which can sometimes occur when the EMP effect from the Raider Buggies is wearing off.
注意图中后效应的蓝圈,这是 EMP后效果的半径范围,有时候会在四驱车释放的 EMP消失后出现。 mypcera




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