

单词 weariness
释义 wea·ri·ness 英'wɪərɪnɪs美'wɪrɪnɪs 高TCOCA²⁵⁴¹⁵BNC²¹⁰⁹¹iWeb²⁷⁶⁴⁶

temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work;

he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue

growing fatigue was apparent from the decline in the execution of their athletic skills

weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep

weariv.疲倦,厌倦=weary-ness名词后缀⇒n.疲倦⁴⁴;厌倦²⁸;疲劳²⁸近义词 gloom黑暗apathy冷漠boredom无聊fatigue疲劳inertia惯性lethargy昏睡tiredness疲倦lassitude无力exhaustion疲惫disillusionment醒悟

Too much change createswearinessand resentment.过多的改变会造成疲倦和愤怒。
Without this we should be in a state ofweariness, and thiswearinesswould spur us to seek a more solid means of escaping from it.没有消遣,我们会处于厌倦的状态中,这种厌倦会驱使我们去寻找更可靠的办法从中解脱。
A little wariness prevents greatweariness.一点点的谨慎避免莫大的疲劳。
His cheerful joke made us forget ourweariness.他讲的令人愉快的笑话使我们忘记了疲劳。noun.fatigue
同义词 tirednessexhaustion,lassitude,listlessnessnoun.exhaustion
同义词 boredom,ennui,fatiguelanguor,lassitude,lethargy,monotony,tediumlanguishment
aching heartnoun broken heart
heavy heart,sorrow
asepticismnoun dullness
dissatisfactionnoun discontent, unhappiness
ennuinoun boredom
apathy,blahs,blues,dejection,depression,dissatisfaction,doldrums,dumps,fatigue,ho hums,lack of interest,languidness,languor,lassitude,listlessness,melancholy,sadness,satiety,spiritlessness,surfeit,tedium,weariness,yawn
exhaustionnoun tiredness
fatiguenoun tiredness
brain fag,burnout,debility,dullness,enervation,ennui,exhaustion,faintness,fatigation,feebleness,heaviness,languor,lassitude,lethargy,listlessness,overtiredness,weakness,weariness Her heart was suddenly dull with pain, with weariness, as she thought of the long road she had come since those days.
思嘉想起从那些日子以来她所走过的漫长的道路,突然感到心里一阵阵的疼痛,感到痒在太疲倦了。 jukuu

Perhaps you need to look carefully at the reasons for your weariness and stress at work.
你得仔细想想你对工作感到厌倦和有压力的理由。 yeeyan

The dispute over the border is so long-running that India's reaction was no stronger than official outrage and unofficial weariness.
中印边界争端由来已久,以至于印度的反应无外乎官方表示强烈愤慨,而民间则对此感到厌烦。 ecocn

The weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism.
细胞的疲倦成就了生物体的活力。 yeeyan

An organic weariness drives the nerves and the flesh to a despair that only an exploration of all forms of pleasure can alleviate.
有机的疲倦驾驭着神经与肉体驶向绝望——一种只有通过对各种形式愉快的探索才能减轻的绝望。 yeeyan

At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical weariness.
在他旅途的终点,他感到一种愉悦的生理疲惫。 kekenet

Disease makes health spree and good, hunger, satiety, weariness, rest.

Election- day enthusiasm has been replaced with weariness and frustration.
选举当天的热情已经被厌倦和挫败所取代。 ecocn

I strolled around for hours, taking in the sites and losing myself in the historic ambience and classic architecture before the day's weariness began taking affect.
在白天的疲劳袭来之前,我花了数个小时到处闲逛,游览各个景点,沉浸在古城的历史氛围和古典建筑之中。 yeeyan

If I were a shareholder faced with so many boring, baffling pages that seek to excuse the inexcusable, I might be inclined to submit out of sheer weariness.
假如我是一名股东,面对这么多页无聊、令人困惑的报告试图为不可原谅的行为辩解时,我很可能会纯粹因厌烦而不去追究。 robertafnani.com

Lately, this weariness has turned to alarm.
最近,这种厌倦的情绪变得让人吃惊。 ecocn

Our faces damp with sweat, but our bodies cool in light clothing, we would flaunt the happy weariness of a day of nuptials with the world.
汗水顺着我们的脸往下滴,但我们穿着轻薄的衣服,身上还算凉爽;我们同世界举行了一天的婚礼,幸福而疲惫,这种感觉值得我们去炫耀。 yeeyan

Perhaps, after all, the weariness to which I refer may be due to the cautious tone of the book.
也许,毕竟我所指的疲劳可能是由于这本书的基调非常谨慎。 yeeyan

Reduced Pakistani support for the militants is one reason for this, but war- weariness among Kashmiris is another.
其中一个原因就是巴基斯坦对武装人员的支持有所减少,另一个原因是克什米尔人开始对战争感到厌倦。 ecocn

Such views also reflect growing weariness with what has been a long season of protests and strikes. A lot of Tunisians are eager to move on.
这些意见也反映出群众已经厌倦了长期的抗议和罢工,许多突尼西亚人渴望往前行。 ecocn

The arrest comes at a useful time for the government, which is facing war- weariness at home.
这次逮捕行动在时机上对于墨西哥政府来说非常有用,是时民众正对反毒斗争感到厌倦。 ecocn

The weariness of ordinary citizens turned to anger after 18 teenagers were gunned down at a party on January31st.
1月31日,18名青少年在聚会时被射杀。这一事件使不少普通民众都感到非常愤怒。 ecocn

This state of things leads, not only in America but in all large states, to something of the weariness and discouragement that we associate with the Roman Empire.
这种情况,不但在美国,在其他大国里面,也同样地使人感到厌倦和失望,象我们联想到罗马帝国一样。 chinafanyi

When life became an aching weariness, death was ready to soothe away to everlasting sleep.
在生命令人痛苦和厌倦时,死亡随时能以永恒的睡眠来解除痛苦。 ebigear

Yet weariness of it, a change of American leadership, the emergence of other pressing problems and a widespread suspicion that the terrorists' capability was exaggerated have made it less prominent.
但对于战争的厌倦、美国领导层的更迭、其他紧迫问题的浮现以及对恐怖分子能力被夸大的广泛怀疑,令这场战争变得不再那么引人瞩目。 stuzhaoxing

Your weariness drives you to him.
是你的疲惫驱使你来到祂的跟前。 yeeyan

Weariness was balanced with delight.




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