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wbs 基本英英近义反义例句 n.西偏南
Noun: the compass point that is one point south of due west近义词 west by south西偏南 A good WBS is important in tracking progress. 好的工作分解结构 WBS对于跟踪项目进展是十分重要的。 ibm A work breakdown structure WBS is the best way to understand the detailed work of a project when you have to build a schedule from scratch. 当你需要从草稿中拟定出日程表时,工作分解结构 WBS是理解项目工作细节的最好方式。 yeeyan The basic purpose of the WBS dictionary is to remove any ambiguity regarding the scope of work. WBS字典的基本目的是消除关于工作范围的不确定性。 yeeyan The creation of demand comes from the requirements, statement of work, and by estimating the effort by the work breakdown structure WBS. 需求的创建来自于需要,工作状态,以及对工作分解结构 WBS中的工作的估计。 ibm The number and complexity of the WBS levels is dependent on the size and nature of the project. WBS层级的数量及复杂程度取决于项目的大小及性质。 yeeyan The WBS defines the tasks, work products that are inputs and outputs to these tasks, and the required roles to complete a project. WBS定义任务、输入及从这些任务中输出的工作产品,和完成项目所需的角色。 ibm An RMC Delivery Process provides a complete lifecycle model that has been detailed by sequencing Method Content in work breakdown structures WBS. 一个 RMC发布过程提供了一个完整的生存周期模型,该模型包括了被细化的在方法内容中的工作分解结构 WBS。 ibm But if your WBS has hundreds or thousands of detailed activities, there may just be too much to keep track of by hand. 但是如果你的 WBS有着数百个或者是数千个详细活动,手工去跟踪这些活动就有点勉为其难了。 yeeyan Figure5 shows the WBS of the process in detail. 图5详细地显示了该过程的 WBS。 ibm For example, instead of describing a detailed WBS activity as“ meeting, ” you should state it as“ schedule a weekly meeting.” 比如说,不要把某个详细 WBS活动描述为“会议”,而是写作“安排周例会”。 yeeyan Here are five tips to keep in mind when building your WBS. 以下是你在建立 WBS时需要记住的5个提示。 yeeyan I’ve seen teams that break one activity in the WBS into only one activity at the next level. 我曾经见到过有些团队把 WBS里面的活动往下仅仅分解为一个活动。 yeeyan Ideally, the WBS is created from a published method that gives consistency and validity to the overall estimate of work. 理想地, WBS创建于一个公布的方法,它为整体的估计工作提供了一致性和有效性。 ibm If you place a deliverable on your WBS, you can break this deliverable down into the activities that are required to create it. 如果把可交付成果列入到 WBS中去,你可以把可交付成果分解为创建其所需的活动。 yeeyan If you selected to create the WBS first, your results will be similar to what you see in Figure29. 如果您首先选择创建 WBS,那么您得到的结果将同图29中所显示的相类似。 ibm Instead, we'd have to base our progress tracking on work breakdown structure WBS items and on estimates to completeETCs versus actuals. 相反,我们必须根据工作分解结构 WBS项和我们的进展来估计实际完成的比例。 ibm It provides detailed information about the work to be done, activities, and milestones, cost estimates, resources required, and contract information for each element of the WBS. 它提供了与 WBS各个元素相关的细节信息,包括:应完成的工作,活动,里程碑,成本估算,资源需求和合同信息。 yeeyan One of the main problems that project managers face while creating a WBS is deciding on the correct size for a work package. 项目经理在创建 WBS时面对的一个主要问题是如何正确判定工作包的大小。 yeeyan Re- evaluate the entire WBS after a thorough brainstorming session with the project team and key stakeholders. 重新评估。与项目小组,关键干系人一道进行全面的头脑风暴会议来重新评估整个 WBS。 yeeyan Requirements do not belong on a WBS. 需求不属于 WBS。 yeeyan Tabular view: In this format, the hierarchical structure of the WBS is represented with the help of the columns of a table. 表格视图:在这种格式中,用表格分栏来体现 WBS的层级结构。 yeeyan Tasks and milestones that make up that summary task are the same as the tasks created in Method Composer in the WBS. 组成摘要任务的任务和里程碑与 Method Composer WBS中生成的任务一样。 ibm The diagram below reflects a work breakdown structure WBS depicting phases and project approach for an agile modernization project. 下图展现出了一个工作分解结构 WBS,它描绘了敏捷的现代化项目中的阶段与项目评估方法。 infoq The detailed activities on your WBSthe ones that are not broken down further are ultimately moved to your schedule. WBS上的详细活动无法继续分解的活动最终要放到你的日程表上面去。 yeeyan The elements in the WBS can now have time applied, and they can affect the schedule. WBS中的元素现在能够应用,并且它们能够影响该列表。 ibm The project will display with all elements of the WBS displayed see Figure31. 该项目将显示所有的 WBS元素参见图31。 ibm This, in turn, enables the created WBS to be the basis for a project template. 这又使得所生成的 WBS成为项目模板的基础。 ibm This method enables the project manager and the team to progressively elaborate on the WBS after several meetings and brainstorming sessions. 这种方法使得项目经理及其团队可以通过若干次会议和头脑风暴活动以渐进明细的方式制定 WBS。 yeeyan This requirement is now ready to be included in the project WBS. 该需求现在已经准备好被包括在 WBS项目中了。 ibm To understand the complexity of the requirement, you need to create its work breakdown structure WBS. 要理解需求的复杂性,您需要创建它的工作崩溃结构 WBS。 ibm |