

单词 wb
释义 wbBNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
宽频带wide band;伯磁通单位weber;缓冲器write buffer;球wet bulb
And which Chinese officials will attend the IMF/ WB Annual Meeting in Istanbul in October?
中方哪些官员将参加10月在伊斯坦布尔召开的国际货币基金组织和世界银行年会? www.fmprc.gov.cn

In focusing solely on Felicity and her friends Felicity fits into the WB group- of- young- beautiful-people mold.
只单单关注费莉希蒂和她的朋友的故事切合华纳公司喜欢俊男美女的模式。 yeeyan

Northrop Grumman will integrate the MR-TCDL system on a NASA WB-57 High Altitude Research Program aircraft and a Gulfstream II aircraft.
系统将集成在北约的 WB-57高空飞机和“海湾 II”上。 www.etiri.com.cn

On this spring meeting, WB Development Committee voted and approved the 3.13% transfer of voting weight from developed to developing countries, resulting in the latter’s total weight to47.19%.
本次春季会议上,世行发展委员会表决同意发达国家向发展中国家转移3.13个百分点的投票权重,使发展中国家整体投票权重提高到47.19%。 ecocn

Set your camera’s WB to tungsten, if you like, and fine tune the WB in post as necessary.
把相机白平衡设在钨丝灯,如果你愿意,还可以在后期微调白平衡。 yeeyan

The recently closed Spring Meeting of International Monetary Fund and World Bank hereinafter abbreviated to IMF and WB will leave an important stroke on the history of international economic order.
刚刚闭幕的国际货币基金组织和世界银行以下简称基金组织和世行春季会议将在国际经济秩序演进的历史中留下重要一笔。 ecocn

The RPSc1 typed porcelain pressing sensor is used to measure the flow press, and the measurement of voltage and current adopts WB series electric quantity isolation sensor.
油压测量采用 RPSc1型陶瓷压轴式压力传感器;电压和电流的测量选用 WB系列电量隔离传感器; cnki

The subjective quality and performance of VMR- WB is superior to that of existing narrowband and wideband coding standards operating at the same bit rates.
在相同的速率下, VMR- WB语音声码器的主观质量和性能较现有的窄带和宽带编码标准都有明显的提高。 iciba

The work principle of the WB-type DC voltage transmitter, the functions of each conversion module and the characteristic of the whole circuit of the transmitter are elaborated in this paper.
论述 WB型直流电压变送器的工作原理、完成转换的各个模块电路的作用及变送器总电路的特点。 dictall

Wang Bing WB and Carl areshavingslunch in a cafe in Los Angeles.
王兵 WB和卡尔正在洛杉矶一家饭店吃午餐。 edu.sina.com.cn

A new way for wide band WB signal high accuracy A/D conversion is introduced.
提出了一种对宽带信号进行高精度采样的方法。 cnki

As two large international financial institutions, IMF and WB originated from the Bretton Woods Conference held in1944, USA.
作为当今两大国际金融机构的基金组织和世行,源于1944年在美国召开的布雷顿森林会议。 ecocn

Fifth, improve the governance structures of the IMF and the World Bank WB and increase the representation and voice of developing countries.
五是改进国际货币基金组织和世界银行治理结构,提高发展中国家代表性和发言权。 hjenglish

Furthermore, WB- DWI revealed more metastases to the lymph lodes and extraskeletal organs.
此外, WB- DWI可以发现更多的骨外器官及淋巴结的病变。 actacams

I have my dream job! As a young person training as an actor, walking on the WB studio lot is a dream in itself.
我已经得到了我梦想中的工作。作为一个正在接受演技训练的年轻人,进入华纳电影公司这就是我的梦想。 mtime

In that sense, the change from serious drama to light comedy may be a wise move, given that Felicity currently follows Dawson's Creek, Hour of Teenage Angst, on the WB's schedule.
在这种意义上看,走从严肃的戏剧到轻喜剧的转变可能是个明智的一步。考虑到本剧跟随的是《恋爱时代》 ,《焦虑青春时刻》,现在按照华纳的日程表上的路线。 yeeyan

Methods:The233 drug users were surveyed using the same questionnaire, HIV antibodies were screened and confirmed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA and Western Blot WBrespectively.
方法:采用同一问卷对强制戒毒所233名吸毒者进行调查,并用酶联免疫吸附试验 ELISA和确认试验 WB对吸毒者进行 HIV初筛和确认。 cnki

No matter how much I jack around WB, flash modes, self timers, and everything for each shot, the next time I turn it on for the next shot, it's right back at my standard settings.
不管我怎么调白平衡、闪光模式、快门定时器和为每次拍摄做的其他设置,下次我开机拍摄的时候,它总会回到我的标准设置。 yeeyan

Nucleic acid amplification tests NAAT can identify the HIV RNA in acutely infected people who may still test negative or indeterminate by WB, IFA or other antibody tests.
核酸扩增检测 NAAT能够检测出,在 WB, IFA和其他抗体检测中,呈现阴性或不确定的人,身体内 HIV中 RNA的。 ausbio

On this meeting, the voting weight of developing countries in WB was increased, and the representation of the main newly emerging economies like China was further embodied.
在这次会议上,发展中国家在世行的整体投票权重增加,中国等主要新兴经济体的代表性得到进一步体现。 ecocn

Signal switch circuit board is composed of JZX-18F relay and WB series sensors.
信号切换和变换板由 JZX-18F继电器和 WB系列电量传感器组成。 cnki

The G20 leaders consented to the share transfer of 5% and3% from developed to developing countries respectively in IMF and WB.
二十国领导人同意将基金组织和世行两大机构的份额向发展中国家分别转移5%和3%。 ecocn

The firms were involved in a road project in the Philippines financed by the WB.
这些公司将失去参与世行资助项目的投标资格。 chinadaily

This results in a detailed process specification within WB Modeler that takes account of the definition of reusable software artifacts and the constraints of existing systems.
这导致了在 WB Modeler 中的详细的过程规范,同时考虑了可复用软件工件的定义和现有系统的约束条件。 ibm




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