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词汇 waxy
释义 wax·y 英ˈwæksiː美ˈwæksiAHDwăkʹsē ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA³²⁴⁷³BNC³³¹¹¹iWeb¹⁹⁵⁵¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
made of or covered with wax;

waxen candles

careful, the floor is waxy

easily impressed or influenced;

an impressionable youngster

an impressionable age

a waxy mind

capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking;

a flexible wire

a pliant young tree

having the paleness of wax;

the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor

the soldier turned his waxlike features toward him

a thin face with a waxy paleness

waxy cast蜡样管型,蜡状圆柱…waxy coal蜡煤waxy liver淀粉样肝waxy luster蜡光waxy degeneration蜡状变性,蜡样变性…waxy crude含蜡原油waxy corn蜡质种玉米waxy necrosis蜡样坏死waxy spleen医 蜡样脾waxy bitumen蜡质沥青waxy infiltration淀粉样浸润,蜡样浸润…waxy ripe蜡熟waxy oil含蜡石油,含蜡油…waxy flexibility蜡样屈曲
wax-y的⇒adj.像蜡的¹⁸;蜡色的¹⁸;苍白的⁴²;光滑的¹³;顺从的来自wax蜡+y→打了蜡的→光滑的近义词 waxen腊制的slippery滑的waxlike似蜡的pliable易曲折的pliant易受影响的bendable可弯曲的impressible易感动的impressionable易受影响的

用作形容词Andwaxyoil keeps ears from getting too dry.蜡状的油脂可以防止耳朵变干。
Maybe I will lose thiswaxyBritish pallor once and for all.也许我就要彻底摆脱像英国人那样蜡一般苍白的脸色了。adj.slippery
同义词 glistening,lustrousglassy,slick,smoothadj.pliable
同义词 impressionable,waxensoft,weak,yieldingadj.pale
同义词 waxenashen,blanched,ghostly,pallid,pasty,white,whitishadj.containing wax
同义词 lustrousimpressible,impressionable,waxenceraceous,ceral,facile,fictile,pale,plastic,pliable,slick,slippery,smooth,yielding
adhesiveadjective sticking
lustrousadjective glossy, shining
oilyadjective fatty, greasy
sallowadjective pale, unhealthy
slipperieradjective smooth, slick
glacé,glassy,glazed,glistening,greasy,icy,like a skating rink,lubricious,lustrous,perilous,polished,satiny,silky,sleek,slimy,soapy,unctuous,unsafe,unstable,unsteady,waxy,wet
slipperyadjective smooth, slick
glacé,glassy,glazed,glistening,greasy,icy,like a skating rink,lubricious,lustrous,perilous,polished,satiny,silky,sleek,slimy,soapy,unctuous,unsafe,unstable,unsteady,waxy,wet On examination the tumor may have the following characteristics: painless nodule, shiny and waxy, indurated, firm and immobile, pearly, rolled border, and small telangiectatic vessels.
检查时可发现该肿瘤有如下特征:无痛性结节,表面光亮呈蜡样,质硬不活动,有珍珠般光泽,边缘卷曲且有小的扩张血管。 yeeyan

The all-terrain vehicle ploughs through roads of red dust and the hot summer air is thick with dragonflies as we pass eucalyptus, waxy-leaved fragrant frangipani and mango trees.
越野车在红色的土路上跋涉,经过了按树林,叶片像蜡制的芳香的鸡蛋花和芒果林,夏日炎热的空气中有蜻蜓在纷飞。 yeeyan

The bills feel smooth and slightly waxy.
新型塑料钞票的触感光滑,有些许蜡质感。 hjenglish

The fruit is rich in Vitamin C, and Antioxidants. The fruit turns a bright yellow when ripe, has a waxy skin and the entire fruit is edible, juicy and crunchy.
果实富含维生素 C和抗氧化成分,成熟后变为亮黄色,果皮含有蜡质,整个果实都可以食用,多汁生脆。 yeeyan

The Houston Ship Channel is clogged with beef fat. Unlike petroleum, which has a colorful sheen on the water's surface, beef fat turns into a solid cake, looking like a waxy ice flow.
休斯敦航道被牛肉脂肪堵塞了,不像在水面带有多彩光泽的石油,牛肉脂肪变成一块实心饼,看起来像条蜡状冰流。 yeeyan

The immune system“ walls off” the TB bacilli which, protected by a thick waxy coat, can lie dormant for years.
免疫系统会把结核杆菌“屏蔽”起来,结核杆菌在厚厚的腊质胞壁的保护下可潜伏多年。 who

Well, it's not a waxy thingy that melts in your butt, but in its way it is a radioactive suppository.
虽然这不是那种蜡状的东西融化在你的屁股里,但形式上也算是放射性栓剂。 yeeyan

Well, it's not a waxy thingy that melts in your butt, but in its way it is a radioactive suppository. So I give him that round.
虽然这不是那种蜡状的东西融化在你的屁股里,但形式上也算是放射性栓剂。所以算他赢了这轮。 yeeyan

When dead leaves break away, they leave behind waxy cells that form a small bud called a bundle scar.
树叶掉下之后,留下一些细胞,形成一种被称作维管束痕的小牙。 putclub

Almost all of tea’s thick waxy leaves, apart from the topmost shoots, are bitter and leathery and difficult to bite through.
除了茶树枝顶的嫩芽之外的几乎所有蜡质树叶啃咬起来全都苦涩并跟皮革一样难以下嘴。 yeeyan

And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry.
同时耳蜡也可以避免耳朵过于干燥。 hjenglish

Applying a waxy lip balm to your eyebrows or upper eyelids will create a waterproof barrier that keeps your sweat and sunscreen from dripping into your eyes.
在眉毛或眼睑上面涂一层蜡质唇彩,这样可以形成防水层,防止汗液和防晒霜滴入眼睛。 yeeyan

Bigger says the exhaust has a light waxy smell, like paraffin.
比格尔说,排放的废气有一种轻微的石蜡气味。 yeeyan

But it's OK, because your belly produces something called ambergris, a waxy oil that protects your insides from sharp beaks and whatnot.
但是没关系,因为您肚子里能分泌一种叫龙涎香的蜡状油脂物,能够保护您的内脏不被内壳诸如此类尖锐的东西所伤。 yeeyan

But me, I stood calm and reached into the maelstrom, plucking black feathers one by one for the waxy headdress I dreamed I’d make.
而我呢,我平静地站着,把手伸进乱群之中,为自己梦想制作的那个光滑的头饰,一根一根地拔下这些黑色的羽毛。 yeeyan

Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like, waxy substance found in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells.
胆固醇是一种存在于血液中和所有人体细胞中的柔软、类脂肪、蜡样的物质。 存在胆固醇是正常的。 yeeyan

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that, among other things, provides structure to the body’s cell membranes.
胆固醇是一种蜡状物质,除了其它方面功能,它还是机体细胞细胞膜的构成成分。 yeeyan

Cuticle is a waxy substance laid down on the leaf surface as it develops, so looking at leaf cuticle is essentially the same as looking at a leaf’s outermost cells— the epidermis.
表皮是叶子表面一种蜡一样的物质,随着叶子生长,因此观察叶子表皮和观察叶子最外层细胞——上皮——基本是一样的。 yeeyan

Improvement and utilization of waxy wheat were also discussed.
还讨论了糯小麦的改良和利用问题。 iciba

Mr Pearmain points out that Ugandan oil is waxy, and so likely to solidify in a pipeline unless heated.
皮尔曼指出,乌干达的石油呈蜡状。除非石油管道不停地被加热,石油很可能会变成固体。 ecocn

Plants reflect slightly different amounts of light depending on factors like how waxy the leaves are.
植物光反射率的轻微差别取决于很多要素,例如叶子的光滑程度。 ecocn

Quick thinking and rapid reaction times depend on cholesterol, too, because the waxy molecules are the building blocks of the sheaths that insulate neurons and speed up electrical transmissions.
快速思考和反应也依赖胆固醇,因为这些蜡状分子构成的鞘使神经元绝缘和加速电传递。 yeeyan

She knew that as it cooled, it would turn into a waxy solid.
她知道当这罐油脂凉下来时,它会形成蜡状固体。 yeeyan

Soon after they died, the waxy coating began to decompose, releasing carbon- rich substances called fatty acids.
当它们死亡后,这个蜡质外层开始降解,释放出富含碳元素的脂肪酸。 yeeyan

They believe that the best honey is crunchy, and proudly offer their guests honey filled with fragments of waxy honeycomb and bits of dead baby bees.

To do this, the glider would contain a waxy gel that changes density under different temperature conditions, thus changing its buoyancy.

Using broad, flat white cardboard boxes for pizzas and small waxy paper cartons for chow mein and chop suey, these ethnic restaurants standardized distinctive take-out packaging.
这些外国餐馆都使用标准化的特殊外卖包装:又宽又平的白纸板盒子用来装比萨,涂蜡的小硬纸盒用来装炒面和炒杂烩菜。 kekenet

What you're supposed to know: A waxy, fatty material, cholesterol is produced by the liver and carried in the bloodstream.
必备知识:胆固醇是一种油腻的膏状物,由肝脏产生并携带于血管中。 yeeyan

Yes, we are talking about that naturally occurring waxy substance responsible for clogging up your arteries.
是的,我们说的就是能堵塞您的动脉血管的天然蜡状物体。 yeeyan

You are getting frostbite if your skin goes a waxy, red color, then black.
如果你的皮肤变得苍白,红色,然后变成黑色,你就被冻伤了。 yeeyan




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