

单词 wavelike
释义 wavelike 英'weivlaik美'weivlaik COCA⁹⁴³⁹²BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺

uneven by virtue of having wrinkles or waveswave-like像…一样⇒adj.波状的adv.波状地³⁶近义词 wavy波浪形的crinkly起绉的rippled动词ripple的过去式…crinkled动词crinkle的过去…

Marked by or moving in awavelikeform or motion; sinuous.波状的或以波浪式运动的; 起伏不平的 A segment therefore first attracts and then releases the next, creating a wavelike movement that propels the robot forward.
因此,一个关节先是吸引下一个关节,然后再释放,由此产生波纹似式的运动推动机器人前进。 ecocn

And these rings are indicative of the crystal structure of nickel and can be explained only by invoking wavelike properties of light.
这些光圈,表明了了镍的晶体结构,而且只能通过,光线中波的特征来解释。 v.163.com

In the mantle tentacle, many round cells and wavelike nerve fibers presented strongly NOS-positivity.
外套触手内有较多近圆形细胞和大量波浪形神经纤维呈 NOS强阳性; cnki

Tea relationships between wavelike phenomena in the earth's interior, tectonic structure and earthquakes are discussed.
讨论了地球内部的波动现象与构造及地震间的关系。 cnki

The algebraic stress model has been used in this paper to calculate the turbulent flow with wavelike free surface.
本文将代数应力模型推广应用于具有起伏表面的紊流数值计算。 cnki

The development of tie intermediate scale wavelike rain area, could produce a new intermediate scale shear line rain belt and the first heavy rainfall area.
中尺度波状雨区的持续旺盛发展可能产生新的中到中间尺度雨成冷性切变线雨带,形成强降水和第一个暴雨区。 cnki

All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics.
所有的辐射能都具有波的特征。 www.51lunwen.org

At first he could still hear the ticking of the alarm clock on the desk, but gradually this became assimilated into the wavelike sound of the wind.
开始他还听见桌上闹钟在嘀嗒地响,后来那嘀嗒声溶进了一片潮水般的风声中。 jukuu

De Broglie,1924, in his PhD thesis says if an electron has wavelike properties this would be its wavelength.
德布罗意,1924年在他的博士毕业论文中说到,如果一个电子有类似波的性质,这就是它的波长。 v.163.com

Either way, the signal ends up looking like an erratic wavelike squiggle.
无论哪种方法,信号最终看到的都是看起来像不规则波浪形的波形曲线。 dxy

Electromagnetic radiation exhibits wavelike properties such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference, But also exhibits particle like properties.
电磁辐射具有和其它波动相同的性质,如反射、折射、衍射和干涉。电磁辐射还会显示出粒子性。 jukuu

It has to do with the wavelike nature of neutrinos.
它与中微子的类波本性有关。 yeeyan

It is found that the magnetization effect varies wavelike with variations of field strength and solution composition, and the correlation of the vapor-liquid equilibrium under magnetization is given.
研究表明,磁化对这二个体系的汽液平衡均有影响,磁化效果随磁场强度和溶液组成呈波动状变化。拟合出了磁场作用下的汽液平衡方程。 chemyq

Moreover, at the mid and low latitude areas there was an evident wavelike process.
此外,此磁暴过程期间在中低纬区存在明显的波动过程。 cnki

Result Intra ocular pressure and near vision showed a wavelike decrease change during bed rest, and there exists a certain coherence between them.
结果眼内压及近视力在卧床期间呈波动下降趋势,两者间存在一定相关性; cnki

Wavelike slug- flow is a representative flow type in horizontal pneumatic conveying.
波状栓塞流是气力输送中的一种典型流型。 dictall




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