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词汇 wavelengths
释义 wavelengths 英weɪvleŋsθ美weɪvleŋsθ COCA¹⁶⁸⁴⁰BNC¹⁶⁹²⁶Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
名词 wavelength:
the distance measured in the direction of propagation between two points in the same phase in consecutive cycles of a wavea shared orientation leading to mutual understandingSo the longerwavelengthscan't make it as easily into tunnels?所以,越长的波长越不能容易地进入隧道吗?
Longerwavelengthsof light, such as red, can travel further through the atmosphere without being scattered.更长的波长的光,例如红,没有被散布通过那些空气更进一步旅行能。as in.insight
同义词 acumen,intuition,judgment,observation,understanding,vision,wisdomclick,common sense,comprehension,discernment,divination,drift,penetration,perception,perceptivity,perspicacity,sagaciousness,sagacity,sapience,shrewdnesssageness
反义词 ignorance,stupidity
insightnoun intuitiveness, awareness
acumen,click,common sense,comprehension,discernment,divination,drift,intuition,judgment,observation,penetration,perception,perceptivity,perspicacity,sagaciousness,sagacity,sageness,sapience,shrewdness,understanding,vision,wavelength,wisdom
insightsnoun intuitiveness, awareness
acumen,clicks,comprehensions,discernment,divinations,drifts,intuitions,judgments,observations,penetrations,perceptions,perceptivities,perspicacity,sagaciousnesses,sagacity,sagenesses,sapience,shrewdness,understandings,visions,wisdoms An aeroplane shrouded in such kit might be invisible to the human eye but it would be picked up readily by radar, which operates at radio wavelengths.
用这种东西罩住的飞机对于人眼来说可能是隐形的,却会轻而易举地被雷达识别,因为雷达是工作在无线电波段的。 ecocn

In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color.
我们还可以利用牛顿的三棱镜将白光分解为各种颜色的光,然后去研究拥有不同波长的每种光。 yeeyan

The body is having all sorts of light bounce off my eyes of various wavelengths.
身体拥有所有类型的光,用各种不同波段的光反射我们的眼睛。 yeeyan

The present day interstellar dust is weighed by measuring the intensity and color of emission at longer infrared wavelengths.
至今星际尘埃是通过测量长于红外线的波长的强度和发光颜色来权衡。 yeeyan

The size of the spheres can be tailored to scatter particular wavelengths of light— a useful property for security applications in which it is important that materials can be identified precisely.
聚苯乙烯球的大小可以被改变以适合散射特定波长的光,一种非常重要的可用于安全领域的特性,它能使材料被准确地识别。 ecocn

The wavelengths of that light are our key to assessing conservation.
它们的波长就是我们评估是否守恒的关键。 yeeyan

These have long wavelengths and therefore bounce only off large things.
无线电波的波长较长,因此只有大物件可以反射它们。 ecocn

Applying that scale to radio astronomy—where wavelengths are measured in centimetres— would require dishes several kilometres across.
应用那个级别于射电天文学---用厘米计算波长---将要求几个公里宽的抛物面。 ecocn

At this distance the optical light from stars is shifted, or stretched, to infrared wavelengths that can only be observed in outer space by Spitzer.
在这个距离,恒星的光源光被折射,或拉伸成红外波长,在外层空间只有斯皮策太空望远镜才能观测到。 yeeyan

By shining laser light onto hydrogen or antihydrogen and observing which wavelengths are absorbed, the energy levels of the two can be compared in detail.
用激光照射氢原子或反氢原子,观察何种波长的光线被吸收了,可以通过这种办法来详细地比较这两种原子的能级。 ecocn

Even if it ultimately proved possible to make an aeroplane completely invisible at all wavelengths, there would be a further problem.
即使有朝一日证明可以制造出在全波段都完全隐形的飞机,还会有一个更深一步的问题。 ecocn

For certain wavelengths of light, routers along that path would accept signals coming in from only one direction and send them off in only one direction.
这条链路上的路由器对某种特定波长的光束,只接受从一个方向进入的信号,也只向一个方向发送这些信号。 yeeyan

I care about you. I wanted to illustrate that this is representing different wavelengths in the visible.

Instead the failed star ultimately cools and emits most of its light at infrared wavelengths.
因此这颗不成熟的恒星最终将会冷却并在红外波段发射出其大部分的光芒。 yeeyan

Light entering this lattice gets bounced around in ways that generate colour by reinforcing the peaks of some wavelengths and cancelling out those of others.
光线在进入这个格子时,一些特定波长的光便被加强,而其它波长的光则被滤掉,以此种方式反射光线以产生色彩。 ecocn

On their journey across the universe, the wavelengths of light have stretched.
这表明,在光线穿越宇宙向地球进发的旅程中,其波长变长了。 yeeyan

So, that's for Matsuzaka, and even if you don't memorize all the wavelengths for all the pitchers.

Specifically, what is going on here is the Earth’s atmosphere scatters light in the blue and violet wavelength range, so the remaining wavelengths of light appear yellow.
更准确一些的说,地球大气层把蓝色和紫色的波长范围进行散射,所以光线中剩下的波长就显现出了黄色。 iciba

Testing light at different wavelengths, the team found that these fish horizontal cells are thousands of times less light sensitive than their partner cone cells.
通过以不同波长的光进行测试,研究小组发现,这些鱼的水平细胞在感光性方面比它们的“搭档”锥状细胞要弱上数千倍。 yeeyan

The first is that the plan described by Sir John and his colleagues works only for a small range of wavelengths.
第一个难题就是约翰爵士及其同事们描述的方案,只适用于较小范围的波长。 ecocn

The discovery was made thanks to a camera aboard the US Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which swept the surface of the Moon, scrutinising it in seven different light wavelengths.
这个发现要归功于美国月球轨道勘测器上的一个摄像头。 该探测器利用七种不同光的波长对月球表面进行勘察。 huanqiu

These cells, called cones, come in different flavors, each of which can detect different wavelengths of light.
这些细胞,我们称之为锥体。他们种类很多,每一种都可以探测不同波长的光。 yeeyan

These high-energy gamma rays, detected by Fermi’s Large Area Telescope LAT, have wavelengths one- thousandth the size of an atomic nucleus.
这些“费米大天区望远镜 LAT”所侦测到的高能伽马射线的波长仅相当于原子核大小的千分之一。 yeeyan

These wonders can be observed only from space, because ozone and water in the Earth’s atmosphere absorb light at those wavelengths.
这些奇观只能从太空中观测到,因为地球大气中的水蒸气和臭氧层会吸收这些波长的光。 ecocn

These wonders can be seen only from space because water in the Earth's atmosphere absorbs light at these wavelengths.
这些奇观只有在太空中才能看得到,因为大气层中的水分能吸收掉这些波长的光。 ecocn

This led us to the conclusion that how we defined our product and how our clients defined our product were on two separate wavelengths.
由此我们得出的结论是,我们如何定义我们的产品和我们的客户如何定义我们的产品是在两个独立的波长上。 yeeyan

This, you might think, is a world away from modern digital cameras, brimming with fancy electronics which capture the wavelengths and intensity of light and translate them into digital bits.
你可能认为,这是一个远离现代数码相机的时代,一个充满花哨的电子来捕捉波长和强度的光并将它们转化为数字位的时代。 ecocn

Various pigments, inks and paper treatments will respond differently to some wavelengths of light.
不同的颜料、油墨和纸张处理对不同波长的光会有不同的反应。 yeeyan

Water, like other substances, can absorb certain wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation and then emit it at a different wavelength, a process known as fluorescence.
利用荧光性测试水质的工作原理是:水能吸收一定波长的电磁辐射并以不同的波长将辐射发射出去。 yeeyan

You have negative wavelengths.




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