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词汇 acne
释义 ac·ne 英ˈækniː美ˈækniAHDăkʹnē ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁹⁵⁴⁹BNC²⁴⁸⁷⁸iWeb⁵⁹⁵⁴

an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedonesacme书写讹误,转指医学用语,痤疮,粉刺。congestive acne充血性痤疮occupational acne职业性痤疮acne scorbutica坏血病性痤疮…contagious acne传染性痤疮,马痘…acne necrotica坏死性痤疮trade acne职业性痤疮,工业性痤…acne rosacea酒糟鼻cystic acne囊性痤疮adolescent acne青年期痤疮acne cachecticorum恶病质痤疮common acne寻常痤疮,播散性痤疮…acne cornea角化性痤疮acne pustulosa脓疱性痤疮oil acne油脂性粉刺infantile acne婴儿痤疮chlorine acne氯痤疮
ac尖+ne=me=ma,希腊语名词后缀,字母m在中世纪被误写为n→皮肤上的尖点⇒粉刺,痤疮。GRE难词记忆acne→acme n.顶点→每个粉刺都有一个顶子Pchloracne氯痤疮Pstibiacne锑痤疮Pacneform痤疮样的Pacnegenic致痤疮的Pacneiform痤疮样的Pstictacne点状痤疮Pscleracne硬结性痤疮

用作名词Acne is very common among teenagers.粉刺在青少年中间很常见。
Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States.在美国,粉刺是最常见的皮肤病。
Acne is not caused by poor hygiene and it isn't infectious .粉刺并不因为卫生条件差引起,也不具有传染性。
Many adults also have someacneeasily.成年人也很容易得痤疮。noun.blemishes
同义词 blackheads,pimples,pustules,rosacea,whiteheads,zitspizza-face,skin inflammation
blotchnoun smudge
pimplenoun small swelling on the skin
abscess,acne,beauty spot,blackhead,blemish,blister,boil,bump,carbuncle,caruncle,excrescence,furuncle,hickey,inflammation,lump,papula,papule,pustule,spot,whitehead,zit
zitnoun pimple
abscess,acne,blackhead,blemish,bump,carbuncle,excrescence,goober,goophead,papula,papule,pustule,whitehead And according to dermatologists, acne is only the beginning of your problems if you sleep in your makeup.
根据皮肤医生所说,如果你带着妆睡觉,粉刺只是你问题的开始。 hxen

In other words, depression could fuel poor body image, which could cause a teenager to believe that his acne is worse than it is.
换句话说,抑郁会推动糟糕的身体形像产生,这会让一个青少年认为他的痤疮比实际上要严重的多。 yeeyan

The teenagers completed questionnaires about the severity of their acne as well as how much anxiety and depression they were experiencing, what they usually ate and whether they smoked and drank.
孩子们完成的问卷内容包括他们所患青春痘的严重程度、有过多少焦虑和抑郁的经历、一般吃些什么、是否吸烟喝酒等问题。 yeeyan

The acne also ravaged my back, scoring the skin there so that it still looks scorched and lunar.
粉刺还在我的背部留下伤痕,结果那里看上去依然焦黄而没有血色。 yeeyan

Another woman from Texas was about to get a double mastectomy when her insurance company canceled her policy because she forgot to declare a case of acne.
另一位来自德克萨斯州的女子马上要双乳切除术,这时保险公司取消了她的保险单,因为她忘了申报粉刺的情况。 yeeyan

But what you're actually doing is pushing the bacteria inside of a pimple or zit further into your skin, causing the acne to stay longer.
但实际上,你这样做会使得在粉刺或者青春痘中的细菌进入到你皮肤的更深处,如此,痤疮就更难消了。 yeeyan

But it's not clear whether having bad skin makes teens depressed, or whether some other underlying condition links depression with acne.
但是否坏的粗糙的皮肤导致了青少年抑郁,抑或是一些潜在的状况让抑郁与痤疮相关,这一点还不明了。 yeeyan

Damaged tissues and acne scars are diffused into their own amino acid components and released back into the body as the basis of new cellular growth.
受损组织及痤疮疤痕在自身的氨基酸成分中扩散开来,且被作为新细胞生长的基础释放回身体。 yeeyan

Further research still needs to be done to provide actual scientific evidence that will prove a direct connection between your diet and acne.
现仍需要能提供实际的科学证据的更深入研究来证明你的饮食与痤疮之间的直接联系。 yeeyan

He found that the528 participants who reported having“substantial” acne were more likely to be depressed and have suicidal thoughts.
他发现其中的面部有很多痤疮的528名参与者更可能有抑郁现象,并会有自杀的念头。 yeeyan

However, eating healthy foods can reduce the impact of acne. Foods that are high in nutritious value and minerals are great for your body and skin.
不过,健康饮食能减小粉刺的发生.营养价值高,并富含矿物质的食物对身体和皮肤都非常有帮助。 yeeyan

In the meantime, if you have questions about acne treatment, ask an expert.
同时,如果你对痤疮治疗有什么疑问的话,最好咨询专家。 yeeyan

It helps to keep your skin clean, and your doctor will be able to offer some suggestions for clearing up acne.
它有助于保持皮肤的清洁,而且你的医生能够提供一些建议来清除这些青春痘。 yeeyan

No matter what you call them, acne can be distressing and annoyingly persistent.
无论你如何称呼它们,痤疮都代表了持续的痛苦和烦恼。 yeeyan

Some70% of acne is gone three to four years after it first appears.
大约70%的粉刺在首次出现后的三到四年里会全部消失。 iciba

The good news about acne is that it usually gets better or disappears by the end of adolescence.
好消息是,在青春期结束的时候,青春痘都会变得不严重,或者消失。 yeeyan

The idea, created by Acne Advertising, was to persuade travelers to and from the airport to use the airport coach service rather than make the journey by car.
这个由“粉刺广告公司”想出来的主意,目的是说服来往机场的游客们使用机场短驳车服务而不要用轿车旅行。 yeeyan

These ingredients will gently exfoliate skin while removing bacteria and dirt that can clog pores and form acne.
这些成分会轻轻地去除脱落的皮肤,去除堵塞毛孔形成痤疮的细菌和污垢。 yeeyan

Using makeup can cause acne but it can also be easily avoided.
使用化妆品确会导致痤疮,但是它可以轻易地被避免。 yeeyan

We also know that a widely used drug that treats acne, Accutane isotretinoin, has been associated with an increase in depression, although no causal link has been established.
我们也知道,一种广泛使用的治疗青春痘的药物阿克唐丸异维甲酸一直与抑郁加重有关,虽然相关原因还未确定。 yeeyan

You can not only drink this sap, but also rub your skin with it if having acne or wash your hair if having dandruff.
桦树汁不仅可供饮用,如果您有痤疮或头皮屑,也可以用它来涂抹肌肤或者洗头发。 yeeyan

Acne results from the buildup of sebum and dead skin cells in hair follicles.
粉刺是由于皮脂和死皮细胞堆积在毛囊中所形成的。 yeeyan

Acne is a common condition that most people experience at least once throughout their lifetime.
痤疮是一种很寻常的病症,大多数人一生至少会经历一次。 yeeyan




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