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词汇 Watts
释义 Watts. wɔts

English poet and theologian 1674-1748
用作名词Then I have my logical ties toWatts, too.我与瓦茨还有着逻辑上的必然联系。
My permanent Los Angeles home address is inWatts.我在洛杉矶的家庭永久地址是在瓦茨。 As a result Mr Watts, for one, says that he first became aware of the project when asked questions for this column.
因此,瓦特先生说当别人就这一专栏向他提问时,他才第一次知道索恩博士的想法。 ecocn

Black and Decker releases its first cordless drill, but designers can't coax more than20 watts from its NiCd batteries.
百得集团公司发布了第一款无绳电钻,但却无法用其镍镉电池制造出20瓦特电压。 yeeyan

That large, white knee: the way this narration allows us to see through Haze's eyes Haze the whole body apart, so what he sees is not Mrs. Watts; he sees a large, white knee.
我们可以从描写:,又白又大的膝盖的,这种叙述方式中看到,的眼睛将整个身体, begins, to,take,分解成了部分,所以他看见的并不是 Watts太太;,而是她的膝盖。163

To some people, I am not from Watts.
在一些人心目中我不是瓦茨人。 ebigear

According to the designers, a“ leisurely cruise” produces30 watts of juice, via the small dynamo in the rack, captured in a soap- size removable battery pack.
据设计者说,一次“悠闲的巡航”,通过行李架上这个小发电机,能产生30瓦特能量,并储存在肥皂大小可移动的电池组内。 yeeyan

And when we talk about intensity in terms of units, we usually talk about watts, so if you change your lightbulb, usually you see the intensity in terms of watts.

As a next step toward a more accurate measurement, let's assume you know the average power usage of your computer systemsin watts.
为了能得到一个更精确评估,我们假设您电脑系统的平均电量使用量是已知的单位是瓦特。 ibm

At an electric plant in southern Spain, mirrors as big as houses catch some of the120 quadrillion watts of sunlight that constantly fall on Earth.
在西班牙南部的一个电厂,镜子大如房屋,不过也只是捕获到落在地球上的120万亿瓦的阳光一小部分。 yeeyan

But“ Billions of watts served” would be a cool new tagline.
但“提供数十亿瓦特的电能”将会是一个新的、诱人的口号。 yeeyan

Climate forcings are, for the sake of comparison, expressed in terms of watts per square metre: more watts, more warming.
为了好比较,气候作用物用瓦特每平方米单位来表示:瓦特值越大,升高的气温越高。 ecocn

Dr Watts thinks that simple search- volume forecasts will help spot consumer trends of this sort with increased precision. But the improvements they bring will be incremental.
Watts博士认为,简易搜索量预测有助于更精确地辨别消费者的行为倾向,而且其带来的进步也在不断扩大。 yeeyan

However, Watts may be inflating the impact of a man whose enduring legacy is a magazine often found stashed under teenage mattresses.
然而, Watts也许夸大了 Hefner的影响,他的不衰传奇不过是一本在青少年床垫下常能找到的杂志。 yeeyan

I did not want my being from Watts to arouse curiosity.
我不想让自己来自瓦茨的事实引起别人的好奇。 ebigear

I have met academic specialists who insist that Alan Watts, who did so much to popularize Zen, did not grasp the authentic meaning of satori.
我曾经见过一些学术专家,坚称尽管 Alan Watts为推广禅宗贡献良多,却并没有真正理解禅悟的本意。 yeeyan

In Europe, the maximum is2 watts per kilogram.
欧洲的标准是最高每公斤2瓦特的吸收率。 yeeyan

In fact, weather stations across India measured a decrease in sunlight reaching the ground of about0.5 watts per square meter per year between1964 to1990.
印度各地气象站监测到的情况是,1964年到1990年间,阳光带给地面的热量,每平方米每年下降了0.5瓦特。 yeeyan

It makes contact with the piezoelectric material under it and generates anywhere from two to20 watts of electricity, depending on the impact of the patrons’ feet.
地板与在它下面的电压材料接触,并产生2到20瓦特的电力不等。 yeeyan

Measured in watts per kilogram of tissue, it reveals how much radiation parts of the body are exposed to during use of a mobile device.
测量每公斤组织的瓦特数,可以得知在使用手机时靠近该设备的人体会吸收多少放射物。 yeeyan

Metrics for individual performance are described well in the Personal Software Process PSP developed by Watts Humphrey.
个体性能规格在 Watts Humphrey开发的个人软件过程 PSP中被很好地描述。 ibm

Mr Watts has problems with that analysis, and promises a thorough study of the project's findings later.
而瓦特先生对此文章存在异议,他许诺之后要对这个项目的结果做一次彻底的研究。 yeeyan

Mr Watts has problems with that analysis, and promises a thorough study of the project’s findings later.
瓦特先生认为该分析有问题,并承诺随后要对该报告进行调查。 ecocn

My father, a brother and sister still live in Watts.
我的父亲和一个弟弟、一个妹妹仍住在瓦茨。 ebigear

Reducing the power consumption of a microprocessor by one watt reduces the consumption of a data centre by three watts, since it means less energy is required for cooling.
减少一个微处理器1瓦特的能耗将减少一个数据中心3瓦特的能耗,这意味着冷却用的能源更少了。 ecocn

The sun is only four times ten to the26th watts.

To Watts the essence of all true religion is the mystical experience, or what is sometimes called God consciousness or cosmic consciousness.
对瓦茨而言,所有真正宗教的本质是神秘的体验,或者是有时称作“上帝的意识”或“宇宙意识”的东西。 yeeyan

While reporters watch Palmer talks to the kids at the Watts School.
在记者们的注视下,帕默与瓦特兹学校的孩子们交谈着。 yeeyan




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