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词汇 watt
释义 watt 英wɒt美wɑtAHDwŏt

C 电力计量单位瓦,瓦特

a measure of electrical power

a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second; the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing across a resistance of 1 ohmScottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry 1736-1819来自 18 世纪苏格兰工程师 James Watt,以表达对其的敬意。watt-hour电瓦特时Watt's governor飞球调速器watt loss功率损耗,电阻损耗…watt density功率密度watt relay瓦特继电器watt current有效电流,有功电流…watt hour瓦时,瓦特小时…effective watt有效瓦特watt consumption功率消耗synchronous watt同步功率true watt有效瓦特watt governor飞球式调速器,瓦特调…watt second瓦特秒watt component有功分量apparent watt视在瓦特watt meter瓦特计,功率表…
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用作名词n.My lamp uses 100 watts.我用100瓦的电灯。Pwattagen.瓦数Pkilowattn.千瓦Ppicowatt微微瓦Pwattminute瓦分Pwatt-hourn.瓦时Pwatt-second瓦秒Pgigawatt十万万瓦Pmegawattn.兆瓦特Pkiowatt-hour瓦时Phectowattn.百瓦特Pkiowatt瓦电力单位Pmicrowatt微瓦特Pwattmetern.瓦特计Pnanowatt纳瓦毫微瓦Pterawatt太瓦特太瓦Pmicromicrowatt微微瓦Pmegawatt-hour百万瓦时Pmilliwattn.毫瓦毫瓦特Pkilowatt-hourn.千瓦小时Ptelewattmeter遥测功率计



用作名词The lamp needs a 100-wattbulb.那盏灯需要100瓦的灯泡。
By last year the price had fallen to about $2.70 perwatt.到去年为止,这个价格已经下跌到了2. James Watt invented the modern steam engine, doubling the efficiency of the engines that had come before.
詹姆斯·瓦特发明了现代蒸汽机,它的效率是之前的发动机的两倍。 yeeyan

The finished product is then illuminated with a30 watt bulb, instead of the traditional candle, to reveal the sculpture in all its glory.
一只30瓦的电灯泡取代了传统蜡烛用来对完成的作品进行照明,以便让他的雕刻作品显得光彩夺目。 yeeyan

The key is to subsidize renewable sources, for a limited time, in a way that brings down their per- watt cost and hastens the day when they will be competitive on their own.
解决问题的关键是,要在一定时间内为可再生能源提供资金支持使其降低每瓦特成本,并能使得其早日脱离资金支持独立竞争。 yeeyan

The last factory in the US making the inefficient100 watt bulbs closed last year.
美国最后一家制造效率低下的100瓦灯泡的工厂也在去年关闭了。 yeeyan

The number of lumens a bulb produces for each watt it consumes.
一个灯管消耗每单位瓦特所产生的流明数。 yeeyan

“A vote for the Watt amendment is a vote for more secret bailouts,” the letter says.
“投票给瓦特修正案就是投票给更多的秘密救助,”信中说到。 yeeyan

A vote for the Watt amendment is a vote for more secret bailouts.
投票给瓦特修正案就是投票给更多的秘密救助。 yeeyan

After51 miles of mostly highway driving, he averaged 124 miles per gallonmpg and123 Watt-hours per mile of electricity.
在高速公路上形式了51英里以后,他得出了每加仑汽油行驶124英里、每英里123瓦特时的结论。 yeeyan

But by1926 this paper had been converted, suggesting that the nameless inventor of the concept might earn“ a place of honour with Watt, Stephenson and other pioneers of the industrial revolution”.
但到了1926年,文章的观点发生了逆转,认为提出有限责任概念的那位不知名的发明家应该拥有“像瓦特、史蒂文森和其他一些工业革命先驱者一样的地位”。 yeeyan

By last year the price had fallen to about $2.70 per watt.
到去年为止,这个价格已经下跌到了2.70美元每瓦特。 ecocn

CFL brightness decreases over time, but if you buy higher- watt CFLs they should maintain a higher lumen output for a longer period of time.
在使用过程中,节能灯的亮度会逐渐降低。但是如果你购买了高瓦的节能灯,那它能在更长的时间内提供更高的流明输出。 yeeyan

Dawa, now25, has a Belgian mother, a degree in business management from Heriot- Watt university in Scotland and he speaks five languages.
达瓦现年25岁,母亲是比利时人。他在苏格兰赫瑞瓦特大学获得商务管理学位,会说五种语言。 yeeyan

Digital watt-hour meter is the necessary equipment with increasingly wide application while it is necessary realization of quantity traceability.
数字式电能表是必备设备,应用越来越广 泛,实现量值溯源是非常有必要的。 yeeyan

During his second trip in1617, he sent his son, Watt Raleigh, with an expedition up the Orinoco River.
在1617年的第二次征途中,他派他的儿子瓦特·雷利随着一支探险队向奥利诺科河的上游进发。 yeeyan

First Solar, based in Tempe, AZ, makes thin- film solar cells made of cadmium and tellurium for even less per watt than the Chinese companies making silicon cells.
在坦佩的第一太阳能公司AZ使用镉和碲制造薄膜太阳能电池,比中国公司制造的硅电池每瓦的成本更低。 yeeyan

For Watt did not actually invent the steam engine.
因为瓦特并非真正发明蒸汽机的人。 yeeyan

In fact, a gas jet of the time gave off about as much light as a25 watt incandescent bulb does today.
事实上,一盏燃气灯所释放的光亮就相当于现在一个25瓦的白炽灯泡所发出的光亮。 yeeyan

Instead of opening up the Fed's secretive activities to public inspection, the Watt amendment cloaks it in further secrecy.
不但没有向公众公开美联储的秘密行动,瓦特修正案还将美联储遮得更严密了。 yeeyan

Not much, admittedly, when compared to the128 watt-hours per kilogram of a lithium- ion battery, like that found in many electric cars.
必须承认是不太多,尤其是和许多电动汽车上常见的一块锂离子电池的128瓦特时相比。 ecocn

Previous research by SRI estimated that this arrangement could generate around one watt of power from normal walking.
斯坦福研究院此前曾有研究估计这种小型设备可在正常步行时产生一瓦特的电量。 ecocn

The Bank will evoke the memory of the inventor James Watt and his Birmingham business partner, Matthew Boulton on the new note.
英格兰银行将在新版钞票上唤起对发明家詹姆斯·瓦特和他的伯明翰商业伙伴马修·博尔顿的回忆。 yeeyan

The committee will take up the Watt amendment on Thursday.
委员会将在周四讨论瓦特的修正案。 yeeyan

The expedition was a disaster, and Watt Raleigh was killed in a battle with Spaniards.
这次探险最后变成一场灾难,瓦特·雷利在与西班牙人的交战中不幸阵亡。 yeeyan

The first cells, in satellites, cost about$200 per watt of generating power.
第一块太阳能电池,在卫星上,生产每瓦特电能的费用是200美元。 ecocn

The technology is cheap and could lower the cost per watt of solar power.
这种技术成本低廉,可以降低每瓦特太阳能电力输出成本。 yeeyan

Watt’s first insight was to have a separate condenser for the steam.
瓦特的第一个突破是为蒸汽设置了一个独立的凝结器。 yeeyan




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