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词汇 water towers
释义 water towers
Morewater towers, more brick houses.又是一些水塔,又是一些砖屋。
The authors monitored some indices of organic and bacterial contamination of drinking water from somewater towers.本文对某二次供水系统进行了有机污染指标及细菌学指标的测定。
It is suitable for inspection of all kinds of wells,water towers, civil defenses, slope, undergrounds, tunnels, civilian construction, industrial building ect, as the fixed climbing-up and down ladder.适用于各类检查进、塔、防工程,边坡地铁隧道,民用建筑,工业建筑等作固定上下梯。
The project includes the construction of 6 nos. ground reservoirs, 7 nos.water towers, pipe laying of 380 km water transmission and distribution lines, and civil construction of pumping stations etc.该项目工程主要包括建造地面储水池6座、水塔7座、380公里输水和配水管线,及泵站等土建设施的建设。
Automatic water supply and overfall; also applicable for various pressures, like the tap water, water pipes of self-built wells in the countryside and the self-supplywater towersof families.自动补水、溢流,同时适用于市政自来水、农村自建井水管道、家庭自补水塔等各种压力;
Keywords Water towers;Cone;Simulation lofting;Welding;水塔;锥体;模拟放样;焊接;




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