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词汇 Waterloo
释义 wa·ter·loo 英ˈwɔːtəˌluː, ˈwɒtə-, ˌwɔːtəˈluː, ˌwɒtə-美ˈwɔtɚˌlu, ˈwɑtɚ-, ˌwɔtɚˈlu, ˌwɑtə-AHDwôʹtər-l›”, wŏtʹər-, wô'tər-l›“, wŏt'ər-

a town in central Belgium where in 1815 Napoleon met his final defeata final crushing defeat;

he met his waterloo

the battle on 18 June 1815 in which Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon滑铁卢Waterloo是比利时的一个小镇,在比利时首都布鲁塞尔以南大约二十公里。单词Waterloo的字面意思是“水中圣林”。1815年,在比利时的滑铁卢,拿破仑率领法军与英国、普鲁士联军展开激战,法军惨败。随后,拿破仑以退位结束了其政治生涯。从此以后,滑铁卢Waterloo的名字响彻世界。即使对它毫不了解的人也常常把它的名字挂在嘴边,说起某人在某场官司或某场比赛中遭到失败时,就必定会说,某某遭遇了滑铁卢。meet one's Waterloo遭到惨败
近义词 Battle of Waterloo滑铁卢战役

用作名词This painting depicts the Battle ofWaterloo.这幅画描绘了滑铁卢战役。用作名词She met her waterloo on that day.在那一天她遭到了惨败。
During discussion with the Trade Union the government meets its waterloo.在与工会的辩论中,政府遭到了惨败。 A member of the team, Geoffrey Fong from the University of Waterloo in Canada, said the heavy metals content was due to contaminated soil.
研究组成员之一,来自加拿大滑铁卢大学的杰弗里·方说,重金属含量超标是由土壤污染引起的。 yeeyan

Mon Dieu! a man is not a monster because he was at Waterloo; a father is not separated from his child for such a reason as that.
一个人决不会因为到过滑铁卢便成了魔鬼。 我们总不该为这一点事便硬把父亲撇开,不让他碰他的孩子。 ebigear

That which must be admired in the battle of Waterloo, is England; the English firmness, the English resolution, the English blood; the superb thing about England there, no offence to her, was herself.
在滑铁卢战争中,我们应当钦佩的是英格兰,是英国式的刚毅,英国式的果敢,英国式的热血;英格兰的优越,它不至见怪吧,在于它本身。 ebigear

The battles they fought in Normandy, France, are fading into history and acquiring the patina of Verdun, Gettysburg and Waterloo.
他们在法国参加的诺曼底之战现在也淹没在历史长河,像凡尔登、盖茨堡和滑铁卢战役一样生起古锈。 ecocn

The painter depicted Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.

The University of Waterloo researchers also provide support that parenthood isn't as dreamy as most make it out to be, citing a lower“emotional well- being” from other research.
滑铁卢大学的研究者也提供了证据证明为人父母并不像有些成功父母做的那样美好,同时他们还引用了出自另一个研究的“较低的幸福感觉理论”。 yeeyan

To us, Waterloo is but the stupefied date of liberty.
我们认为滑铁卢只是自由骇然惊异的日子。 ebigear

What is Waterloo?
滑铁卢是什么? ebigear

“ It seems to me, the same ingredients are being assembled here in Waterloo,” he said.

After he busted out of the scene of his first exile, Elba, it took the Duke of Wellington, Marshal Blucher and a lot of troops at Waterloo to put him out of business once and for all.
他从其第一次被流放的厄尔巴岛逃脱之后,威灵顿公爵、布吕歇尔元帅和大量军队一起上阵才在滑铁卢将他永远地逐出历史舞台。 yeeyan

And even now, the view from Waterloo Bridge at dusk is enough to make me pull over for a few minutes of silent gazing.
即使是现在,黄昏时分从滑铁卢桥上看到的风景还是会让我停下自行车,静静地凝视片刻。 yeeyan

But once it became clear that the Republicans intended to make health reform his“ Waterloo”, he determined that the effort was too big to fail.

Except London's Waterloo was not ambitious enough.

Exhibits include Napoleon's hat from the battle of Waterloo, mementos of the Portuguese empire and a Turkish tent from the1683 siege of Vienna.
滑铁卢的拿破仑军帽,葡萄牙帝国的纪念品,乃至1683围攻维也纳时的土耳其帐篷,都一并被纳入展出。 yeeyan

He hated Wellington with a downright hatred which pleased the multitude; and, for seventeen years, he majestically preserved the sadness of Waterloo, paying hardly any attention to intervening events.
他把威灵顿恨之入骨,因而为群众所喜爱,十七年来他几乎不过问这其间的多次事件,他岿然不动地把滑铁卢的痛史铭刻心中。 ebigear

If we take Waterloo from Wellington and Blucher, do we thereby deprive England and Germany of anything?
我们假设把滑铁卢从威灵顿和布吕歇尔的手中夺回,英国和德国会丧失什么吗? ebigear

In Chengdu, Chen leans back on a sofa in his office, smiles and readily concedes Chengdu will have big problems covering the bills for its version of the Waterloo train station.

It might just be the Aeryon Scout, a new product from Aeryon Labs of Waterloo that is actually a flying camera.
这个东西很可能就是“艾伦侦查器”,滑铁卢艾伦实验室研制出的一款新产品,它其实是一台会飞的照相机。 ebigear

Like the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated, Castresana faces the prospect, in Guatemala, of the first great failure of his international career.
犹如拿破仑铩羽而归的滑铁卢之战,卡斯特雷萨纳在危地马拉很可能会遭遇他国际事业上第一次惨重失败。 yeeyan

Queuing for a railway ticket at Waterloo station in London one quiet Sunday morning some years ago, your correspondent put his laptop blissfully down by his feet to get money out of his pocket.
在几年前的一个宁静周末的早上,记者正在伦敦滑铁卢站地铁的购票处排队,他幸福地把他的便携式电脑放在脚边之后从口袋里拿出钱。 ecocn

Thanks to RIM’s rise, Waterloo is considered one of Canada’s leading technology centers, home to several of the country’s major software and hardware developers.
正是因为 RIM的崛起,滑铁卢被认为是加拿大领先的科技中心,是该国几个主要硬件和软件开发商的发源地。 yeeyan

That which we admire above all, in an encounter of the nature of Waterloo, is the marvellous cleverness of chance.
在滑铁卢那种性质的会战中,我们最佩服的,是造化布置下的那种怪诞的巧合。 ebigear

The building is a commemoration of the battle of Waterloo.

Think what Waterloo would have been if one of the armies had been boys armed with old muskets supposed not to be loaded, and the other army had been composed of their female relations.
再试想一下,倘若有一支旧火枪武装起来的童子军,大概没有装上子弹,而另一支部队是由他们的女亲戚组成的,那么滑铁卢战役会是什么结局。 putclub

When he arrived at the corner of Dundas and Waterloo Streets, a young man pressed a book into his hands.
当他走到登打士街和滑铁卢街的夹角处时,一个年轻人往他手里塞了一本小册子。 yeeyan

Wondering if the same tendencies could apply to making positive self statements, Joanne Wood of the University of Waterloo in Canada and her colleagues designed a series of experiments.
为了搞明白这一心里趋势是否可以用来产生积极的个人评价,加拿大滑铁卢大学的乔安妮.武德和她的同事们设计了一系列实验。 yeeyan

Waterloo is the hinge of the nineteenth century.
滑铁卢是十九世纪的关键。 ebigear




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