

单词 watered
释义 wa·tered 英'wɔːtəd美'wɔtəd 高COCA²⁶²¹²BNC²⁷⁶¹⁴iWeb⁴⁰²²¹Economist¹²⁸¹⁰
of silk fabric having a wavelike patternwatered silk波纹绸watered-down用水冲淡的water水watered stock虚股,掺水股…watered down冲淡了的打了折扣的…watered asset实值低于帐面的资产…watered capital掺水股本, 超过资产…watered alcohol含水酒精watered poplin波纹府绸watered assets掺水资产
蒋争熟词记忆water(水;洒水-ed…的⇒洒了水的;掺了水的;有水的water水;洒水-ed…的⇒洒了水的;掺了水的;有水的近义词 moire波纹马海呢
This plant needs to bewateredtwice a week.这种花一星期要浇两次。
The milk had beenwatereddown.那牛奶已经搀过水了。
The criticisms had beenwatereddown so as not to offend anybody.这些批评意见已修改得缓和些以免得罪人。
Onions make your eyeswater.洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪。
An underground bed or layer of earth, gravel, or porous stone that yieldswater.地下蓄水层,砂石含水层含有水的泥、砂砾或多孔石的地下河床或地层
You have towaterdown the medicine before drinking it.你得把这种药加水稀释後再服用。
We must ensure the purity of drinkingwater.我们必须确保饮用水的纯净。
The smoke made my eyeswater.烟使我的眼睛流泪。adj.given water
同义词 bathed,doused,drenched,flooded,hosed,irrigated,quenched,showered,sprayed,sprinkled,washed,wet,wetted
反义词 dry,thirstyadj.diluted
同义词 adulterated,cut,lessened,mixed,thinned,weakened
反义词 dry,thirsty Each has indigenous roots in its local society, however well watered these may have been by Washington.
但无论华盛顿如何施与雨露,这些暴政的根源还在于当地的社会。 yeeyan

Because God told Dad that you will be happy if you see the flowers watered by his own blood.
因为上帝告诉爸爸,只要你看到爸爸用血浇灌出来的花,你就一定会快乐起来的。 ebigear

But this too was watered down in2005, largely at the insistence of France and Germany, after they themselves faced possible sanctions for breaching the budget- deficit limit.
但是在2005年,主要在法国和德国的坚持下,这个条约限制也被放宽了,因为它们自己面临可能因超过预算赤字限额而受到制裁。 ecocn

But when the mustard seed is put into the earth and watered, it becomes a great plant.
可是当你把这颗芥子放入泥土中并且适时浇灌,它便会长成一棵巨大的植物。 yeeyan

By comparison, as a New Zealander would say, this well- watered land was “ all good”.
相比之下,就像一个新西兰人所说,这儿灌溉充分的土地“太好了”。 yeeyan

Don't worry, if you really do have a great idea, it will get watered down over time without any effort from you.
不用担心,如果你确实有一个好的主意,它将随着时间的推移而不用浇水你的任何努力。 yeeyan

Furious lobbying seems to have watered down that proposal.
愤怒的游说集团似乎要给建议书掺水。 ecocn

He planted varieties of flowers in the garden. Every day he watered them with his own blood.
他在花园里种植各种各样的花,每天都用自己的血来浇灌它们。 ebigear

He went home and excitedly told his mother the whole story. She helped him get a pot and some planting soil, and he planted the seed and watered it carefully.
他迫不及待地赶回家把这件激动人心的事情告诉了他的母亲,后者为他找来了盆和需要的泥土,凌把种子种了下去,细心照料。 yeeyan

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
我栽种了,亚波罗浇灌了。 惟有神叫他生长。 ebigear

I watered it every day, but I didn't put anything special in the soil or anything daft. And it just carried on growing.
我每天都会给它浇水,但却没有特别的关注土壤什么的,它就自个儿长啊长。 cri

In the morning, the landscape changed into a green, wet lowland watered by the monsoon, and the dry heat of the desert seemed far behind us.
到了早晨,车窗外的景色换成了雨季中潮湿的绿色低地,沙漠的干热气候好像已经被我们远远抛在身后了。 yeeyan

She watered the whole garden.
她把整个园子全浇遍了。 ebigear

Soviet central planners decided that other provinces in Uzbekistan should become a huge centre for cotton production, with fields watered by the rivers that fed the Aral Sea.
前苏联的中央计划者决定,乌兹别克斯坦的其他省份应该变成大型的棉花生产中心,要用流入咸海的河水来灌溉农田。 yeeyan

The lawn is crying out to be watered.

The budget may be watered down when it reaches parliament next month.
当这项预算下个月传到议会时,它可能被打折扣。 ecocn

The hearts of His devotees were dry, He said, like a village tank before the monsoon; they had to be ploughed by the mind, watered by prayer, sown with seeds of Love.
他曾说,他的信徒们的心田是干涸的,就像雨季到来前的乡间池塘,它们必需要用理智耕耘,用祈祷浇灌,用爱的种子播种。 ecocn

The plants are wilting because they haven't been watered for days.

The reforms look like a watered-down version of the new Swiss regulations.
这一改革看上去像是瑞士新监管条例的打折版本。 ecocn

They opened a gate of wrought ivory, and I found myself in a watered garden of seven terraces.
他们打开一扇象牙锻造的门扉,我便发觉自己置身于一个浇灌过的花园中,有七个露台的花园。 yeeyan

We walked in the meadows, along the streams that watered them.
我们在草地上顺着灌溉他们的溪流走着。 yeeyan

Watered with milk, the pulp of these melons is sweeter than the ordinary ones.
所浇养的水中渗混有牛奶,牛奶西瓜肉比普通的西瓜肉甜。 yeeyan




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