

单词 water curtain
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Japanese Monk Ennin once studies Buddhism here. The Jile Pusajie Water Curtain symbolizes the friendship between China, Japan and Korea engendered by the magnanimous Goddess of Mercy.
极乐菩萨界水幕环绕象征了观音菩萨慈悲济世、普渡众生,就在这个法华院结下了中日韩三国的友谊。 chinese

The modeling and optimizing control for the water supply system, a key subsystem of controlled water curtain cooling system in Steel Plate Plant, Shougang Group, are investigated in this thesis.
本论文研究了首钢中板厂水幕控制冷却系统中一个关键子系统——供水系统的建模与优化控制问题。 cnki

The significance of control cooling on the steel plate is expounded and the characteristics of the water curtain cooling mode and its system analyzed.
阐述了钢板控制冷却的意义,对钢板水幕冷却方式的特点、水幕冷却系统进行了分析。 chemyq

Water recovery condenser water curtain spraying of water control valve outlet valve.
凝汽器水幕喷水控制阀出口阀。 kuenglish

Also after a while, along with the music once again sounded, the water curtain movie started.
又过了一会儿,伴随着音乐的再次响起,水幕电影开始了。 tradeask

At the mouth of the Water Curtain Cave, the Monkey King ordered his monkey troops to prepare to battle the gods of heaven.
花果山水帘洞前,猴王威风凛凛调出猴兵猴将,在洞口列阵迎战天神。 zftrans

Colored beams of laser light controlled by a computer can display bright and colorful pictures on a water curtain.
彩色激光束在计算机的控制下,在水幕上打出一幅幅绚丽多彩的图形和文字。 cnki

Li Xiang also said, the water curtain movie fountain performance was with Yancheng characteristics.
李想还介绍说,水幕电影喷泉表演也很有盐城特色。 com

Major facilities include: sculpture fountains, sink-style theater, water curtain film, plastic stadium.
主要设施包括:雕塑水池、下沉式剧场、水幕电影、塑胶体育场。 english.hebei.com.cn

Numerical simulation results give a good proof that using water curtain to storage LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas in underground is safe.
通过数值模拟方法对地下水封储气洞库从理论上进行了分析探讨。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

RCL pump-free water curtain spray chamber has no particular requirement on installation place and needs no pit requiring civil engineering construction.
RCL型无泵水幕喷漆室对安装场地无特殊要求,无须土建地坑。 ustro

The water curtain was actually released the film“ Tom and Jerry”!
放的竟是水幕电影《猫和老鼠》! tradeask

Through improving the effects of the figuration and internal structure of box, the flow velocity of nozzle of water curtain system of box type is better even.
对箱体设计进行外形及内部结构的改进后,箱体喷嘴出口的速度达到均匀。 cnki




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