

单词 water bath
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The closed system of bomb plus water bath has a constant volume and is thermally insulated.
放射性物质容器弹和水槽组成的封闭体系具有恒定体积,而且是绝热的。 kuenglish

The reference blackbody cavity was employed to calibrate the system and the vacuum cooling water bath system was used to decrease the influence of surroundings.
参考黑体用于对系统的标定,水浴环境腔体和真空系统用来消除环境和大气的影响。 cnki

Advance formulation allows for conversion to water bath from solvent bath for many applications.
先进的配方可以从许多应用的溶剂浴转为水浴。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

At the preparation period adopted a method combined evaporation to dryness by water bath and microwave ashing which mostly reduced the losing of metals.
在预处理过程中采用水浴蒸干和微波灰化相结合的方法,大大减少了金属元素的损失。 chemyq

Design orthogonal tests and study the extracting conditions of flavonoids in Ligustrum Lucidum Ait by using water bath.
设计正交试验,采用水浴的方法对女真子中黄酮类物质的提取方法进行研究。 chemyq

If crystallization occurs, use water bath heating to dissolve it, which will not affect the performance of product.
发生结晶时只需用水浴加热溶解,不影响使用效果。 yeeyan

It consists of a water bath with magnetic stirring, balance flask, six-port valve and an on-line gas chromatography.
它包括恒温水浴、磁力搅拌器、油气平衡瓶、六通阀以及在线气相色谱仪。 cnki

Method The rabbit knee joint models of OA were made and treated with hot water bath and chinese medicine bath.
方法制作兔膝关节退行性变模型,用水浴和药浴方法对其进行治疗,观察疗效。 cnki

Methods The f lecture strength, hardness and shrinkage were compared in using microwave-cured and water bath- cured denture base resins.
方法采用微波能和水浴两种方法加热固化义齿基托树脂,进行挠曲强度、硬度和收缩率的对比分析。 cnki

Methods:The f lecture strength, hardness and shrinkage were compared in using steam cured and water bath cured base resins.
方法:采用蒸汽压力机和水浴两种方法加热固化义齿基托塑料,进行挠曲强度、硬度和收缩率的对比分析。 cnki

Stainless steel water bath heating, reliable work.

The Chinese water bath culture development almost grows on the situation of cutting off its own history.
中国现代沐浴文化几乎是在割断了其历史发展文脉的情况下发展起来的。 cnki

The results indicate that the influences of heating methods and rice varieties are different. The effect of water bath heating is greater than that of microwave treatment.
结果表明,加热方法和品种对大米品质的影响有差异,水浴加热对大米品质的影响大于微波处理。 cnki

The Thermostatic Water Bath is for the medical schools, hospitals and laboratories to examine the pathological serum etc.




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