

单词 water-base
释义 water-base 英'wɔːtərb'eɪs美'wɔːtərb'eɪs COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
It is pointed out that the research of green coating should be directed to the development of high solid coating, non- solvent coating, powder coating, radiation curable coating and water-base coating.
介绍了世界涂料发展的趋势,指出绿色涂料的研究方向应该向高固体份涂料、溶液无溶剂涂料、粉末涂料及辐射固化涂料和水性涂料发展。 dictall

Suitable for low or medium viscosity paint, such as emulsion and water-base coatings.
中低粘度涂料,如:乳胶漆、水溶性涂料等。 iciba

The comprehensive strength property of EPC water-base coating has an important influence on casting quality in practice production.
消失模铸造用水基涂料的综合强度性能对实际生产有重要影响。 cnki

The method for the determination of formaldehyde in water-base coating and adhesive by acetylacetone spectrophotometry was set up.
建立测定水性涂料和胶粘剂中甲醛含量的乙酰丙酮分光光度法。 cnki

Early emulsion muds used diesel or crude oil dispersed into alkaline water-base muds.
早些的乳化泥浆是将柴油或原油分散到碱性水基泥浆中。 www.infopetro.com.cn

Frac fluid is commonly water-base fluid, acid-base fluid, diesel oil, or nitrogen.
压裂液一般为水基液、酸基液、柴油或氮气。 www.infopetro.com.cn

It can be used in water-base cutting fluid and water- soluble painting.
此添加剂可用于水基切削液,水溶性涂料中。 cnki

The results show that the impact fatigue life- time of the specimen will increase by means of high- temperature temper and shot- peening after EDM with the water-base working fluid.
结果表明,采用水基工作液电火花加工,电火花加工后高温回火处理及喷丸强化等措施,都可提高试样的冲击疲劳寿命。 cnki

The thickeners are the main additives of water-base fracturing liquids.
增稠剂是用于水基压裂液的最主要添加剂。 cnki




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