

单词 watch on
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A French military base in Libreville allowed Paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring Francophone states and offered Bongo security.
法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。 yeeyan

The top U.S. commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno told the Fox News Sunday television program that Iraqis are keeping a close watch on events across the border.
美国驻伊拉克最高指挥官雷.奥迪尔诺将军星期天在福克斯电视节目上说,伊拉克人正在密切注视边界另一侧事态的进展。 ebigear

At the same time, the teenage Kate was keeping a close watch on her own changing body.
在那个时候,年轻的凯特也密切的注视着自己身体的发育。 yeeyan

Don't watch on an empty stomach.
所以,记得别空着肚子去看这部影片哦。 yeeyan

GE donates medical equipment to rural health- care centres and keeps a careful watch on how they are used.
比如通用公司就曾向医疗保健中心捐赠医疗设备,并密切注视人们的使用方法。 ecocn

He said India is keeping a close watch on the next steps taken by the Pakistani leadership.
他回答说,印度正在密切注视巴基斯坦领导人下一步采取的行动。 www.voanews.com.cn




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