

单词 watan
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One Saudi daily, Al Watan, praised King Abdullah for being reformist while blaming his government for stifling reform.
沙特日报《祖国报》一边称颂阿卜杜拉国王是位改革家,一边又指责其政府扼杀改革。 ecocn

The Iraqi army has started patrolling Watan Street and has already dismantled several other bombs.
伊拉克的军队已经开始对 Watan街进行巡逻及拆除其他几处炸弹。 ecocn

The reason is simple: Watan/span> has a deal with the local warlord who controls the road.
原因很简单: Watan公司与控制该路段的当地军阀有交易。 yeeyan

Licensed shops along puddle-filled Watan Street in the city centre have reopened for the first time since they were looted in the wake of the American-led invasion.
沿着市中心的专营酒水的 Watan街的有营业执照的店铺在遭受由美国人起头的一系列抢劫事件后,首次重新开业。 ecocn

Watan is known to control one key stretch of road that all the truckers use: the strategic route to Kandahar called Highway1.
Watan公司之所以有名,是因为其控制了所有卡车司机都会通过的重要路段:去往坎大哈的战略要道---一号高速公路。 yeeyan

Watan Risk, according to seven different security and trucking company officials, is the sole provider of security along this route.
我们从另外七家安保货运公司的管理人员口中了解到, Watan Risk公司是一号高速公路沿线安保工作的唯一提供商。 yeeyan

Watan's secret weapon to protect American supplies heading through Kandahar is a man named Commander Ruhullah.
人称“Ruhullah中校”的男人是 Watan公司能保护美军给养安全通过坎大哈的秘密武器。 yeeyan




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