

单词 waste streams
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Except for the inconvenience of the mixed waste streams the instrument will function as usual and can safely be operated in a normal fashion.
除了混合废液的不便之外,仪器将如常工作,可在正常方式下安全操作。 wntrans.com

Mobile recycling of handsets and equipment in Australia has increased due to the increased awareness of consumers, industry and the need to reduce our waste streams.
随着消费者和移动行业意识的增强,以及出于减少废弃物的需要,澳大利亚的手机和移动设备回收市场出现了增长。 www.okokok.com.cn

More research is needed to develop effective methods of removing volatile chemicals from waste streams without contributing to the problem of air pollution.
要注意多研究从废水中除去挥发性化学物质而又不引起空气污染的有效方法。 jukuu

Recovery of sodium compounds is important in the economy of the process. In modern kraft mills, operations are completely contained; waste streams are recycled and reused, eliminating water pollution.
钠化合物的回收在这种方法的经济效益中起重要作用。在近代的硫酸盐制浆厂中,操作过程是全封闭的;废液经回收处理后重复使用,消除了对水的污染。 tdict

This, Lohan hopes, will allow the system to deal with more concentrated waste streams from big buildings and even operations like pig and dairy farms, which produce huge volumes of concentrated waste.
罗汉希望,这些特点可以使系统处理深度更高的生活废水甚至是来自养猪或者奶牛场的大量的高浓度废水。 yeeyan

Today's world consumes much more energy and water, therefore producing more waste streams than nature can handle.
当今世界对能源及水资源需求越来越多,同时排出更多的废物,远远超过了自然界自我净化能力。 zhubajie

Waste streams from different processing operations will have to be isolated.
各个工艺操作过程的废水需要进行分离。 jukuu




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