

单词 waste solution
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The chemical composition of the waste solution from which rhenium is I'ecovel'ed, procedures of recovering and some important points for applying the procedures are described.
叙述了从废液中川收贵重金属铼的废液成分、提取步骤及应用技术要点。 dictall

The mechanism of recovering cyanide in cyanide bearing waste solution with polytetrafluoroethylene membrane was studied.
采用聚四氟乙烯膜回收含氰废液中的氰化物,并对回收机理进行了探讨。 dictall

In the CRT production, There is a great deal of waste solution of organic chemistry matter will be produced. It can harm human being and pollute environment seriously.
在 CRT 阴极射线管生产过程中会产生大量有机膜废液,对人体的危害和环境污染都非常严重。 chemyq

Technological methods and processes for the preparation of commercial copper sulfate and sponge copper with the high concentration copper waste solution are introduced.
介绍应用高质量浓度含铜废液制取工业硫酸铜与海绵铜的工艺方法和流程。 cnki

The industrial experiment on the remover and the regeneration method for waste solution are concerned.
介绍了该锈剂的工业性试验及其废液再生方法。 cnki

Trace nickel in waste solution from process of diamond cleaning by acid is determined by second order differential simple oscillographic voltammetry.
用二次微分简易示波伏安法测定了金刚石酸洗废液中的痕量镍。 cnki

Using membrane separation technology to reclaim acid and alkali from the waste solution, which can reuse in chitin's produce.
以膜分离技术回收甲壳素废液中的酸、碱,用于甲壳素的再处理。 chemyq




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