

单词 waster
释义 wast·er 英ˈweɪstə美ˈwestɚAHDwāʹstər 高COCA⁹⁴⁰⁸⁷BNC⁶¹³⁹⁹iWeb²⁸¹⁰⁷
someone who dissipates resources self-indulgentlya person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to;

a destroyer of the environment

jealousy was his undoer

uprooters of gravestones

wast-er名人|物⇒n.废物²⁰;挥霍者⁶⁰;造成浪费的人或东西²⁰近义词 undoer破坏者uprooter挖根机destroyer驱逐舰wastrel挥霍无度的人…ruinerruin的名词形式…

用作名词A breakthrough was made recently in comprehensive utilization ofwastermaterials.近日,废物综合利用技术取得新突破。noun.spendthrift
同义词 prodigal,profligate,wastrel
good-for-nothingnoun person who is idle, worthless
bad lot,black sheep,bum,loafer,ne'er-do-well,no-good,profligate,rapscallion,scalawag,scamp,tramp,vagabond,wastrel
layaboutnoun bum
lazybonesnoun idle person
beachcomber,couch potato,deadbeat,do-nothing,fainéant,good-for-nothing,goof-off,idler,layabout,lazy person,loafer,lounger,malingerer,ne'er-do-well,no-good,shirker,slacker,slouch,slugabed,sluggard,sponger,wanderer,waster,wastrel
loafernoun person who is idle, lazy
prodigalnoun person who spends a lot
big spender,compulsive shopper,deep pockets,dissipator,high roller,profligate,spender,spendthrift,sport,squanderer,waster,wastrel
profligatenoun person who is immoral
debauchee,degenerate,dissipater,good-for-nothing,lecher,libertine,nighthawk,no-good,old goat,operator,prodigal,rake,reprobate,roué,swinger,waster,wastrel Again, this is advantageous, because the greatest single time waster in real estate is trying to deal with a non- motivated seller.
尽速决定对你非常有利,因为从事房地产交易最浪费时间的事,就是跟卖房子意愿不高的卖家打交道。 jukuu

To analyze corresponding relation between waster appearing in the course of producing of tapping screw and quality of steel.
分析自攻螺钉生产过程出现的废品与钢质量的对应关系。 dictall

A pair of1, R and M,1 EOQ economic order quantity models are proposed for a remanufacturing setting with waster disposal.
研究了一种新型的再制造条件下带有废弃处理的1, R和 M,1 EOQ模型。 iciba

Analyse the reason for the crack of CC billet according to the equipment and technical character; take some measure to reduce the rate of waster.
针对唐钢二炼钢厂一期连铸的设备和工艺特点, 系统分析了引起铸坯裂纹的原因,通过采取相应的措施,使裂纹废品率降到较低水平。 chemyq

But I think the real answer lies in our workaholic culture's contempt for a time- waster like sleep.
但是我觉得真正的原因来还是自于美国工作狂文化背景下对于诸如睡觉此类浪费时间的行为的一种蔑视。 ebigear

Buying books you’ll likely only read once is a money- waster.
买那种你只会读一遍的书就是浪费钱财。 yeeyan

Carry out experiment with low-pressure injection molding, analyse the factors which affect the ratio of the waster, and validate the simulation.
对低压反应型注射成型进行实验,分析各种因素对废品率的影响,验证计算机仿真的正确性。 cnki

Eating while just staring at the wall is a great time waster.
吃饭时仅仅盯着墙面,对时间是巨大的浪费。 yeeyan

Eliminate at least one time- waster from your life each week.
每周从你的生活中剔除出至少一个导致时间浪费的因素; bbs.imelite.com.cn

For example: instead of saying you gave up your TV because it’s a soul- sucking time- waster, explain how you’ve found more time to read, write, and pursue your hobbies without it.
例如:你不要讲你放弃电视是因为它是一个吸食灵魂的时间浪费器,而要解释说没有电视你可以节约更多的时间来阅读、写作和追求自己的爱好。 yeeyan

For the sustainable development, utilization of resources and environmental protection, the main reclamation way for waster rubber was to produce waster rubber powder.
为了可持续发展、充分利用资源和保护环境,废橡胶的回收利用应以生产废胶粉为主。 iciba

HUGE time waster.
太浪费时间啦。 yeeyan

In combination with the global crisis and waster of water resources, the necessity and the feasibility of water conservation are stated.
结合当前全球水资源危机和水资源浪费,概述了节水的必要性和可行性。 cnki

In machining, false waster will arise as the technology data and design data don't coincide with each other.
机加工中,工艺基准和设计基准不重合时,会出现“假废品”问题。 cnki

Material management deals with all material that is wanted by production, for examples work blanks, tools, semi-manufactured goods, finished product and waster.
物料管理就是对生产中所需要的各种物料,如毛坯、工具、半成品、废品和成品等进行管理。 cnki

Quality control chart is a useful tool for monitoring produce process in statistics state and reducing waster.
质量控制图是保障生产过程处于统计控制状态,减少废品出现的有效工具。 cnki

The article gives the quantitative analysis to previous problem and advances the calculating method of the false waster area and also gives an applicable example.
本文就此作了定量分析,提出了假废品区的计算方法并给出了应用实例。 cnki

The idea of obtaining potable water from waster-water is a psychologically difficult one for many people to accept.
从污水获得饮用水,对许多人来说,是一种在心理上难以接受的观念。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn

The model is tested with an example, in which the government's influence on waster recycling is discussed.
最后通过运算实例证明了模型的有效性,并分析说明了相应政府行为对废品回收工作的影响。 cnki

Washing clothes by hand is a real time- waster; you should get a washing machine.
用手洗衣服真的是浪费时间的人,你应该去买一台洗衣机。 jukuu

When Twitter first hit my radar screen sometime back in2007, I like many others immediately dismissed it as a gimmicky little time- waster with no real value.
早在2007年,当 Twitter第一次走进我的视野时,它当即便被包括我在内的很多人否定了。我觉得这只不过是个用来打发时间的小玩意儿,没什么价值。 yeeyan




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