

单词 waste materials
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名词 waste material:
any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwantedThe chemical waste endangers people's health.化工废料危害人们的健康。
The factories would put their waste into the Lakes.工厂总是把废料排入湖内。 The elderly Spanish farmer, Justo Martinez, has built an extraordinary cathedral almost entirely from the waste materials of the local factories over the past50 years.
西班牙老农胡斯托马丁内斯花了50年的时间,用当地周围工厂所扔的废弃物,建造了一座宏伟的教堂。 cri

Do not throw debris or waste materials from height.
不要从高处抛掷瓦砾碎片或废物。 www.jxcad.com.cn

However, the chemicals are hazardous to health and the waste materials generated can poison groundwater if not disposed of carefully.
然而,这些化学品有害健康,产生的废料若不谨慎处理,则会污染地下水。 ecocn

The fish in this river are dying because local industries have been reckless in discarding their waste materials.
由于当地工业企业恣意乱排废物,这条河中的鱼不断死亡。 hxen

These landfills are also sometimes used for the management of organic waste materials such as agricultural wastes.
这些填埋场,有时也用于处理农业废弃物等有机废弃物。 blog.sina.com.cn

They have produced a reactor which transforms unwanted waste materials into high quality fuel.
它们制造了一台可将没用的排泄物转化成高能燃料的反应器。 kekenet

Water helps keep your body operating at its best because it flushes toxins and waste materials from your system.
水冲走毒素和废物,它帮助你身体机能正常运行。 yeeyan

Waste materials such as glass, paper, and metal can be recycled.
像玻璃,纸,金属等废弃物可以再回收。 dictall




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