

单词 wastefully
释义 waste·ful·ly 英'weɪstfəli美'weɪstfəli 高COCA⁹⁹⁶⁹³BNC⁶⁸⁴⁰⁸iWeb⁵²²¹⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

to a wasteful manner or to a wasteful degree;

we are still prodigally rich compared to others

近义词 lavishly浪费地prodigally浪费地profligately放荡地carelessly粗心大意地inefficiently无效率地extravagantly挥霍无度地
同义词 prodigallyextravagantly,foolishly,immoderately,improvidently,lavishly,profligately,recklessly,thriftlessly,wildly
inefficientlyadverb ineffectively
lavishlyadverb profusely
extravagantly,foolishly,generously,greatly,plentifully,richly,wastefully And the richer they are, the more wastefully people eat.
而人们越富有,饮食就越浪费。 yeeyan

But it's not a short-term counter- cyclical strategy. It will stretch out over five to10 years and should be done well and not wastefully.
但是它不是一种短期的反周期策略,它将会延伸5至10年,而且应该很好地实施,而不是挥霍性实施。 yeeyan

Cutting the growth of its carbon emissions happens to fit well with China’s longstanding campaign to use energy less wastefully and reduce its dependence on imported oil see chart4.
削减其碳排放量的增长情况,以适应中国的长期活动,以减少浪费使用能源和对进口石油的依赖见图表4。 yeeyan

Even in this elementary effort millions of human beings each year die unnecessarily and wastefully from hunger, disease, or flood.
每年甚至还有数以百万计的人在这种初级的努力中不必要地和过多地死于饥饿、疾病或洪水。 ebigear

How much time do you think the average person wastefully spends searching for items they’ve misplaced?
你知道平均人们要费多少时间找他们错放的东西? yeeyan

India's uneasy relations with China, which prompt it to invest wastefully in nuclear weapons and long- range missiles, do not help either.
印度与中国之间不稳定的关系,促使其大量投资核武器和远程导弹,但没有起到任何促进作用。 ecocn

Most sharks are caught just for their fins and their carcass is then wastefully dumped back into the ocean to die.
大多数被捕的鲨被拿掉鱼翅后就被抛回海里至死。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sun shines day after day almost wastefully providing us with energy far beyond all our needs.

The factory kept months' worth of raw materials in its warehouse, wastefully tying up capital.
它的仓库里存放着几个月用量的原材料,既浪费又阻碍了资金的自由流通; blog.sina.com.cn

The main effect will be to ditch the continental style of first degree, which typically takes five or six years: expensive for the taxpayer and wastefully languid for the student.
其主要影响将是取消大陆形式的第一级学位,该学位通常需要五到六年,既耗钱对纳税者而言,又费力对学生而言。 ecocn

They discovered that though some of the animals were killed wastefully, others were not.
他们发现虽然有些动物是被滥杀,但其他不是。 yeeyan

Traditional open fires are too often inefficient and draughty, wastefully directing most of their heat into the surrounding masonry up the chimney.
传统的明火经常过于通风效率低下,大部分的热量都散发到周围的水泥砖石建筑之中白白浪费。 dict




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