

单词 Washingtonians
释义 Washingtonians ˌwɑːʃɪŋˈtoʊniənz Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a.华盛顿市的原型washingtonian的复数 After they had at last come so close, this week’s defeat was a bitter disappointment to Washingtonians.
距离成功只有一步之遥,本周的失败对于华盛顿着实令人沮丧。 ecocn

An amendment ratified in 1961 gave Washingtonians the right to vote in presidential elections.
1961年通过的宪法修正案赋予华盛顿居民选举总统的权利。 ecocn

And Washingtonians could again avoid declaring an affiliation.
然而华盛顿州人可能再次避免宣布结果。 ecocn

It even helped Washingtonians cope with the “ snowmaggedon” that brought their city to a halt this year.
这甚至帮助了华盛顿人在今年应对毁灭他们城市的“暴风雪”。 ecocn

The veterans had the support of many Washingtonians.
老兵们得到很多华盛顿人支持。 yeeyan

Washingtonians are allowed to keep and bear arms
华盛顿人获准拥有和携带枪支 ecocn

Washingtonians have spent much of December assessing the performance of US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
在12月的很多时间里,华盛顿人都在评价美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德的表现。 edu.sina.com.cn




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