

单词 washing
释义 wash·ing 英ˈwɒʃɪŋ, ˈwɔːʃɪŋ美ˈwɑʃɪŋ, ˈwɔʃɪŋAHDwŏshʹĭng, wôʹshĭng ★☆☆☆☆常高I牛COCA⁹⁷¹⁵BNC⁵⁷⁸⁸iWeb⁶⁰⁵⁸Economist⁷⁵¹⁴
the work of cleansing usually with soap and watergarments or white goods that can be cleaned by launderingwashing machine洗衣机washing powder洗衣粉washing line凉衣绳washing day洗衣日washing liquid清洗液washing soda洗涤碱结晶碳酸钠…wash洗washing-up洗涤sodium carbonate碳酸钠money-washing把来路可疑的钱财弄得…clothes line晾衣绳washing-up liquid洗涤液washing process洗选法,水洗工程…spray washing喷射冲洗,喷淋洗涤…washing test洗涤试验decantation washing倾注洗涤pulp washing洗浆washing agent洗涤剂washing loss洗涤损失washing liquor洗液
washn.灰-ing动名词⇒n.洗涤⁹⁶;待洗|正在洗或洗好的衣物动词wash的现在分词.n.洗;洗刷;洗濯;洗涤剂;洗下的污垢;待洗的衣物;需要洗涤的衣物;冲洗;洗出物;镀金;洗选淘汰法;洗衣;洗脸;洗澡;薄薄的涂料adj.洗涤用的;清洗用的;经洗的;洗衣服用的非常记忆wash洗〖熟词〗+ing鹰〖谐音〗⇒洗衣服是鹰最讨厌的事近义词 wash洗layer层bath洗澡coat外套film电影shower淋浴coating涂层overlay覆盖lavation洗净laundry洗衣店detergent清洁剂dirty linen家丑washables待洗的衣物

用作名词This dress material will withstand repeatedwashing.这种衣料经得住反复洗涤。
Stirring will also speed thewashing.搅拌也可加快洗涤。
She is in the yard, hanging out thewashing.她在院子里晾洗好的衣服。
Thewashingis drying in the sun.洗的东西在太阳下正在变干。
We have to take ourwashingto the laundry, Simon.西蒙,我们该把我们要洗的衣物送去洗衣店了。adj.cleaning
同义词 ablutionarynoun.laundry
同义词 washdirty clothesnoun.cleaning
同义词 bath,bathing,laundry,soakingablution,fomentation,laundering,lavabo,lavage,lavation,laving,maundyrinsingabstersion,detersion,lavement
cleaningnoun cleansing
houseworknoun cleaning, maintaining a home
administration,bed-making,cooking,domestic art,domestic science,dusting,home economics,homemaking,housecraft,housekeeping,ironing,laundering,management,mopping,sewing,stewardship,sweeping,washing
laundrynoun ironing
lustrationnoun purification
purificationnoun freeing, cleansing
scrubbingnoun rubbing
cleaning,cleansing,scrub,wash,washing There is no water to use for washing, because it is stagnant and contaminated.
没有用于洗涤的水,因为水都是不流动的和被污染过的。 yeeyan

A proper washing of the hands should take30 seconds, but to be safe, you should repeat the process a second time for another30 seconds.
一个合适的清洗手应该采取30秒,但是为了安全起见,你应该重复这个过程,第二次为另一个30秒。 yeeyan

After washing their hands thoroughly, visitors walk through a pool of disinfectant and then into the plant itself.
接下来,把手仔细洗过一遍之后,访客要穿过一个消毒池,最后进入厂房。 yeeyan

As there is no vaccine for this virus, control measures during outbreaks are focused on classical hygiene measures including frequent hand- washing and disinfection of soiled clothing and surfaces.
由于对此类病毒没有疫苗,疫情暴发时的控制措施主要是一般性卫生措施,包括勤洗手和对污染的衣物和场所消毒。 who

Do the washing up so that I can take it to the laundry.

Finally, over washing could break down the skin itself.
最终,过度清洗导致皮肤健康垮掉。 putclub.com

Get rid of the smell of cigarettes as much as you can by washing all your clothes and having your coats or sweaters dry-cleaned.
把你的外套和毛衣什么的都干洗了,还有你所有的其他衣物也都洗一遍,尽可能多的去除他们上边的烟味儿。 yeeyan

Guidance covers such aspects as the control of irrigation waters, cooling and storage and correct washing of hands by consumers.
该项指导涵盖了对灌溉用水、冷却和贮存的控制和消费者做到正确洗手等方面。 who

Have you brought in the washing?

I spent most of the day washing and drying clothes and thinking how love had disappeared from my life.
我白天的大部分时间都花在洗涤和烘干衣物上,同时也在思考着爱是怎么从我的生活中消失的。 yeeyan

If you are hand washing dishes, wash, dry and put away ALL of the dishes before you start on the next item.
如果你要手工洗碗碟,在你开始下一项工作前,把所有的碗碟洗好、晾干并收走。 yeeyan

Inside, he hears her washing dishes.
屋里,他听见她正在洗碗盘。 yeeyan

It should have a seat for foot washing.
它还应有一个洗脚的位置。 yeeyan

Just wash your bowl. And in the washing, you’ll find all you need.
把你自己的碗洗好,并且在洗的过程中,你会发现你的一切所需。 yeeyan

Not True! Except for towels, underwear and socks, washing in cold water works well.
不对!除了毛巾、内衣裤和袜子之外,其他衣物用冷水洗效果不错。 yeeyan

Some had already tried Thursday to do their part to clean up, washing down benches and the stone flooring and replanting trampled flower beds.
一些反对游行的部门,周四就已经试着做清理工作,清洗下长椅子和石砖地板,重新栽那些被踩踏的花圃。 yeeyan

The clothes should soak for a quarter before washing.

The pure dread of scrubbing and moving and washing and dusting and purging and organizing the list seems pretty endless.
对大规模移动和洗涤,净化除尘和吹扫的纯粹恐惧和那似乎没完没了工作清单。 yeeyan

The station is one of17 washing and loading centres owned by the company.
负责这些工作的站点是该公司拥有的17个清洗和装运中心之一。 yeeyan

This process can be done with anything, from washing dishes to reading to writing.
这一过程可以和任何事情放在一起做,从洗碗到看书到写作都可以。 yeeyan

This really transforms anything you do, from work tasks to conversations to chores like washing the dishes.
这真的可以改变你做的所有事,从工作任务到对话到像洗衣服那样的日常琐事。 yeeyan

Yes, I can hang the washing out.
是的,我能把洗好的衣服晾出去。 examw

You should get medical attention right away without changing your clothes, showering, douching, or washing.
事后你应该立即请求医疗救助,不要更换衣物、洗浴、冲洗或清洗。 yeeyan

Your shirts have faded from frequent washing.

Washing them in cold water and drying them on a line, however, reduces the use- phase emissions by 90%.
然而,用冷水清洗和挂在一根绳子上晾干可以减少90%的使用阶段的碳排放。 ecocn

Washing dishes can be as great as anything else, if you decide to see it that way.
洗碗可以跟其他任何事情一样有意思,如果你心里这么认定的话。 yeeyan




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