

单词 washes
释义 wash·es 英wɒʃ美wɑːʃ COCA²⁰⁵⁸⁷BNC²⁵⁶³²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. & vi. 洗; 洗涤

make clean with water or some other liquid

vi. 耐洗,经洗

be able to be washed without spoiling; bear cleaning with liquid without damage

vi. & vt. 冲走; 冲击,拍打

carry with water; beat or strike with water

S 洗; 洗涤

act of cleaning or being cleaned with water

S 洗的衣物的数量

quantity of clothes, sheets, etc. to be washed

a thin coat of water-base paintthe work of cleansing usually with soap and waterthe dry bed of an intermittent stream as at the bottom of a canyonthe erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water as from a roadway;

from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water

the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propellera watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the othergarments or white goods that can be cleaned by launderingany enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out;

at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash

clean with some chemical processcleanse one's body with soap and watercleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water;

Wash the towels, please!

move by or as if by water;

The swollen river washed away the footbridge

be capable of being washed;

Does this material wash?

admit to testing or proof;

This silly excuse won't wash in traffic court

separate dirt or gravel from precious mineralsapply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., toremove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent;

he washed the dirt from his coat

The nurse washed away the blood

Can you wash away the spots on the windows?

he managed to wash out the stains

form by erosion;

The river washed a ravine into the mountainside

make moist;

The dew moistened the meadows

wash or flow against;

the waves laved the shore

to cleanse itself or another animal by licking;

The cat washes several times a day


❌ He is washing the dishes.

✔️ He is washing the dishes later.


下面三句的意思不同:She had a wash.她洗了一个澡。
She did a wash.她用洗衣机洗了衣服。
She did some washing.她洗了洗衣服。直接源自古英语的wascan,意为洗涤
用作动词 v.
~+名词wash bottle洗瓶子wash car洗车wash clothes洗衣服wash dish洗盘子wash face洗脸wash hands洗手wash oneself洗澡wash out one's hope使希望告吹wash out that idea打消那个念头wash out the mouth漱口wash walls with white把墙刷白wash wound洗伤口~+副词wash well耐洗wash admirably大量地洗涤wash adroitly熟练地洗涤wash advantageously有效地洗涤wash aptly恰当地洗涤wash assiduously持之以恒地洗涤wash automatically自动洗涤wash briefly简洁地洗涤wash carelessly粗心地洗涤wash casually漫不经心地洗涤wash cautiously小心地洗涤wash completely彻底洗涤wash conditionally有条件地洗涤wash deliberately从容地洗涤wash delightfully愉快地洗涤wash fastidiously讲究地洗涤wash freely随意地洗涤wash frequently经常洗涤wash futilely徒劳地洗涤wash habitually习惯地洗涤wash immediately立即洗涤wash incessantly不停地洗涤wash laboriously吃力地洗涤wash listlessly无精打采地洗涤wash personally亲自洗涤wash reluctantly不情愿地洗涤wash scrupulously认真地洗涤wash slightly轻微地洗涤wash slowly慢慢地洗涤wash surreptitiously偷偷地洗涤wash thoroughly彻底地洗涤wash unconditionally无条件地洗涤wash unnecessarily不必要地洗涤wash unwillingly勉强洗涤wash usually经常洗涤wash utterly完全洗涤wash willingly欣然洗涤wash away冲垮wash away the river banks冲垮河堤wash off使清洗掉wash off stains洗掉污点wash out使清洗掉,冲掉或冲垮桥梁、道路wash out the ink洗掉墨水wash up用水洗碟子、锅等,洗脸和手等wash up dishes洗盘子~+介词wash…for替…洗涤wash the dishes for sb替某人洗这些盘子wash in cold water用冷水洗澡wash into冲进wash off洗掉wash…with用…洗wash…with soap用肥皂洗用作名词 n.动词+~come out in the wash某物洗掉了,某问题圆满解决了do a/the wash洗衣服get a wash须洗一洗give sb/sth a wash给…洗一洗have a wash洗衣服need a wash需要洗一洗stand wash耐洗,经洗形容词+~good wash彻底洗,好好洗a large wash一大堆要洗的衣服dirty wash家丑,隐私dry wash洗好晾干而未加熨烫的衣服huge wash很多要洗的衣服mere wash淡得像水一样的茶,汤wet wash洗好但尚未干燥和熨烫的衣服名词+~car wash洗汽车distilled water wash蒸馏水洗涤eye wash洗眼用药水hair wash洗发剂mouth wash漱口药水ore wash洗矿石~+名词wash ball香皂wash basin脸盆wash board洗衣板wash bottle洗涤瓶wash bowl脸盆wash cloth浴巾wash drawing淡水画wash house洗衣房wash mill洗涤装置wash pipe冲洗管wash room厕所wash stand脸盆架wash tub洗衣盆介词+~at the wash在洗衣房in the wash正在洗in the wash of the ship在船翻起的波浪中~+介词wash of a river河流的冲积wash of the waves波涛的拍击声
wash away v.+adv.

消除 remove the effect of guilt〔说明〕 wash away作此解时通常不用于进行体。

wash awayTheir social and cultural identity washed away after some centuries.几个世纪以后,他们原来的社会和文化特征消逝了。wash sth ⇔ awayShe washed away the stains.她洗去了污迹。
In the next ten years, the stream will wash away the base of this huge rock, which will roll down the slope.在未来的十年里,这条小溪将冲走这块巨石的根基,巨石会顺坡滚下去。
The empty boat was washed away by the tide.空船被潮水冲走。
Last year's flood was the worst I had ever seen; every house in the village was washed away.去年的洪水是我所经历过最大的一次,村里的房子全被冲走了。
The base of the cliff is being gradually washed away by the sea.悬崖的底部正在逐渐被海水冲蚀。
The river banks have been washed away by the flood; the villagers must be warned of the danger!河堤已被洪水冲垮,必须向村民报告险情!wash awayThat machine washes away without you having to do anything.那台机器不需要人去照管就能不停地自动进行洗涤。wash sth ⇔ awayNothing can ever wash away my feeling of responsibility for his death.什么都消除不了我对他的死的负疚感。
wash down v.+adv.

使流下 bring or come down in streams

wash sth ⇔ downHe washed the car down with a hose.他用水管洗车。
I need some help to wash the walls down before painting.绘画前,我需要有人帮忙把墙壁洗刷干净。wash sth ⇔ downPut the pill on your tongue, and drink a big mouthful of water to wash it down.把药片放在舌头上,喝一大口水把它冲下去。
She washed the cake down with a cup of coffee.她就着一杯咖啡把饼吃下去了。
We didn't have much money for lunch, so we ate bread and washed it down with cold water.我们没多少钱吃午饭,只好喝着凉水吃些面包。wash downMost of the soil in the river bed has washed down over the years from the mountains.河床的大部分泥土都是多年来从山上冲刷下来的。wash sth ⇔ downThe floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks.洪水已把河堤的大部分泥土冲刷掉了。
The soil has been washed down into the valley.泥土被冲入了山谷。
wash off v.+adv.

使清除掉,清洗掉 (cause to be removed by cleaning, as with water)

wash offNo, thick black ink like that won't wash off easily.不行,那样的黑墨水不容易洗掉。wash sth ⇔ offI let some lemonade fall on my clothes, and I'm not sure if I can wash it off.我把柠檬水洒在衣服上了,不知道能否把它洗掉。
wash out v.+adv.

使褪色 drain off colour in laundering; fade

wash sth ⇔ outI could not wash out the grease spots in the pan until I tried this detergent.我用这种洗涤剂才洗掉了锅里的油渍。
Don't just rinse the bottles.Wash them out carefully.别只涮涮瓶子,要仔细地洗洗里面。
All the glasses should be washed out and sterilized.所有的杯子都应该洗干净并且消毒。wash outThe colour has washed out and looks faded.颜色已被洗得褪了。
Don't worry about the stain on your coat; it will easily wash out.别为你衣服上的污迹发愁,那很容易洗掉。wash sth ⇔ outI can't seem to wash out that ink that got onto the tablecloth.看起来,我洗不掉洒在台布上的墨水。
Don't trouble about those coffee stains; we can soon wash them out.别为那些咖啡渍不安,我们可以很快将它们洗掉的。
If you get some greasy dirt on your clothes, you can wash it out with this washing powder.如果你的衣服沾上油污,可以用这种洗衣粉洗掉。
At last the dirty mark was washed out of my shirt.我衬衫上的污迹终于给洗掉了。wash outThe bridge has washed out.桥已被冲垮。wash sth ⇔ outHeavy rain washed out three important roads overnight.大雨在一夜之间冲毁了三条要道。
The embankment was washed out by the storm.堤岸被暴风雨摧毁了。
Seeds and seedlings were all washed out of the fields.种子和秧苗都从地里冲走了。
The bridge was washed out by a sudden flood.那座桥被一场突如其来的洪水冲坍了。
You can't use the bridge any more; it's been washed out in the floods.你们再不能使用那座桥了,它已被洪水冲垮。wash sb ⇔ outShe is washed out after her recent illness.经过最近这场病,她身体虚弱极了。
You seem all washed out, what's the matter?你看上去疲惫不堪,你怎么啦?
Those children need more sleep; they look washed out.那些小孩需要更多的睡眠,他们显得非常疲乏。
I feel completely washed out after an ordinary day at the office.在办公室工作一天后,我总是感到筋疲力尽。wash sth ⇔ outI'm afraid this rain will wash out our garden party again.恐怕这场雨又要使我们的游园会告吹了。
Heavy rain that afternoon washed out our basketball match.那天下午一场大雨把我们的篮球比赛泡汤了。
Two cricket matches were washed out this afternoon.今天下午两场板球赛取消了。
Today's football match has been washed out by a sudden downpour.今天的足球赛因一场突然降临的大雨而取消了。wash sth ⇔ outThis fabric is washed out.这块织物洗得褪色了。
wash over v.+prep.

进入…的思想 pass into the mind of sb

wash over sthThe waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise.波涛拍打着海堤发出巨大的撞击声。wash over sbHe was so buried in his work that the noise outside the window just washed over him.他埋头工作,丝毫不为窗外的嘈杂声所动。
He is so used to receiving complaints that they just wash over him nowadays.他对别人的抱怨已经习以为常,所以现在只把它们当作耳边风。wash over sbThe thought washed over me that I might never see them again.我脑中掠过可能永远不会再见到他们的想法。
wash up v.+adv.

耗尽; 结束,毁掉 exhaust; finish; ruin

wash upWe all washed up after dinner.饭后我们大家一起洗碗。
My little daughter often helps me wash up.我的小女儿经常帮我洗餐具。
You can listen to some music while you are washing up.你可以一面听音乐一面洗餐具。wash sth ⇔ upI have washed up the dinner things.我已把餐具洗好了。
Have the dishes been washed up yet?碗碟还没有洗好吗?wash upIt's a good habit to wash up before a meal.饭前洗手洗脸是好习惯。wash sth ⇔ upThe waves washed the oil up onto the sand.海浪把油冲上沙滩。
Last night's tide washed up some quite beautiful shells.昨晚的潮水冲上来一些相当漂亮的贝壳。
A lot of rubbish was washed up by the high tide.上涨的潮水把许多垃圾冲上了岸。
Big logs are washed up every day on the west coast.每天波涛将许多大原木冲到西岸上。wash sb/sth ⇔ upTheir marriage was washed up long ago.他们的婚姻关系早已结束了。
They were engaged to be married, but I hear they're washed up.他们原本订了婚,不过,我听说他们的婚事已吹了。wash sb ⇔ upI feel all washed up.我感到精疲力竭了。
After an ordinary day at the office I feel completely washed up.在办公室工作一天后,我总是感到精疲力竭。
After that performance,John is all washed up as a singer.在那场演出后,约翰作为歌唱家是彻底完蛋了。用作名词n.come out in the wash

洗掉; 结果令人满意 wash off; solve (a problem completely)

in the wash

正在洗 being washed

近义词 flowbatheclean
cleaningshowern. bath
S+~+AYou must wash before dinner.饭前要洗洗手。
I washed,combed my hair and went to the workshop.我洗了脸,梳了头,就去车间了。
You were very dusty and went up to my room to wash.你身上土很多,上楼到我房间里去洗一洗。
He never washes in cold water.他从不洗冷水澡。
We can wash in the stream near the campsite.我们可以在营地附近的小溪里洗澡。
Some washed and sewed, others mopped the floor and cleaned the windows.有的人在洗洗缝缝,有的人拖地板、擦窗子。
She has been washing the whole day.她洗了一整天的衣服。
Does this cloth wash well?这种布经洗吗?
This sweater doesn't wash very well.这件毛衣不大经洗。
These sheets are still dirty—they haven't washed very well.这些床单还是脏的,没有洗干净。
If the suit won't wash, it must be dry-cleaned.如果这套西服经不住水洗,就得干洗了。
A breeze washed against her face.微风拂过她的脸。
The waves washed against the ship with a gentle rhythm.波浪轻而有节律地拍打着船舷。
That excuse will not wash.那个借口站不住脚。
The story won't wash.这个故事经不起推敲。
Your statement just won't wash, because what you say is obviously untrue.你的陈述难以令人相信,因为你说的话明显不真实。
S+~+ n./pron.I washed my car我冲洗了汽车。
I washed my dog我给我的狗洗了澡。
He brushed his teeth, washed his face and went to have breakfast.他刷了牙,洗好脸,然后去吃早饭。
She washed her face and hands,then went downstairs.她洗了脸,洗了手,就下楼了。
She was washing the clothes.她在洗衣服。
When she is off duty, she often carries water and washes clothes for that old man.在她不上班的日子里,她常常替那位老人提水、洗衣服。
Would you wash this pair of trousers for me?请替我洗一下这条裤子好吗?
You wash the dishes and I'll dry.你洗餐具,我来把它们擦干。
He often helps her wash the dishes.他常帮着她刷锅洗碗。
Has he washed the cup?他把杯子洗了没有?
Tears washed her cheeks.泪水打湿了她的双颊。
The sea washed the seashore.海浪拍打海岸。
The sea washes the base of the cliffs.海水冲击悬崖的底部。
These clothes will have to be washed.这些衣服该洗了。
He was washed into the sea by a huge wave.他被一个大浪卷入海中。
After the tide, pretty shells were washed ashore.退潮后,各种美丽的贝壳被冲到岸上来。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.Please wash the bottle clean.请把这个瓶子洗净。
He washed the blouse clean and folded it neatly.他把褂子洗得干干净净,叠得整整齐齐。
You must wash your hands clean before dinner.饭前,你一定要把手洗干净。
The house was washed white.房子刷成了白色。其他v -ed as o-Compl.We must get the curtains washed.我们得找人把这些窗帘洗一洗了。用作名词n.You dirty boy! Go and have a wash.你这个脏孩子!去洗个澡吧。
I'll give my car a good wash.我要把汽车好好洗一下。
The floor needs a good wash.地板要好好冲洗一下。
I have a large wash this Sunday.这星期天我有一大堆衣服要洗。
I must do a wash today as I have no clean clothes left.今天我得洗衣服,因为我已没有干净衣服了。
She was hanging out the wash.她在晾洗好的衣服。
She hung the wash on the line.她把洗好的衣服挂在绳上。
All my shirts are at the wash.我的衬衣都在洗衣店。
Send these things to the wash.把这些东西送到洗衣房去。
This soup is a mere wash.这汤只是稀水而已。
The background of the picture was pale blue wash.这幅画的背景是一层淡蓝色。~+of n.Some swimmers followed the steamer to enjoy the wash of waves.几个游泳的人跟在轮船后面乘浪取乐。
In the dark they could hear the wash of waves against the piers.在黑暗中他们听得见波浪拍击桥墩的声音。
Her novel comes as a great wash of fresh air in literary circles.她的小说一问世,就好像一股强大、清新的空气吹进了文学界。
He remained calm in face of the wash of a wave of opinions.面对舆论的轩然大波他镇定自若。


wash可用作不及物动词,当主语是人时,指洗手、脸等; 当主语是织物或布料时,指耐洗、经洗、不易掉色等,这时主动形式含有被动意义。


wash也可作“冲走; 冲击,拍打”解,指水冲击着某物。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。








用作名词This dress material shrinks in thewash.这种衣料一洗要缩水。
We'll toss a coin to see who does thewash.我们将掷币决定谁来洗衣服。
She has a largewashthis week.这星期她有大量衣服要洗。
Silk clothing should not usewashingmachineswash.丝绸衣物不宜用洗衣机洗涤。
Cheap clothes tend to fall apart when youwashthem.便宜衣物洗涤时容易破碎。用作动词I mustwashmy hands before dinner.吃饭前,我必须洗手。
Cotton clothes will shrink if youwashthem in hot water.如果你用热水洗涤,纯棉衣服会缩小。
I am afraid you mustwashout this stain.恐怕你必须洗掉这个污渍。 Everybody washes his own clothes.

The protesters were told to clear out while Brookfield Office Properties Inc. , the owner of Zuccotti Park, power- washes the area Friday morning.
解放广场的东家,布鲁克菲尔德办公用品公司,要求抗议人群离开广场,与此同时,周五早上还强制清洗了该区域。 yeeyan

The typical American only washes their sheets once every week or two, but every night your face is rubbing against that pillow case.
典型的,一个美国人每一周或两周清洗他的枕套,但是你的脸每晚都与枕套摩擦。 yeeyan

The writers in the class do exercises on hair salons and car washes.
培训班上的学生以美发室和洗车房做练习写作。 yeeyan

When rain falls, as it has most evenings this month, it turns ground to mud, buckles tarpaulins and bed sheets, washes possessions down slopes and creates toxic cesspools.
同这个月大部分的夜晚一样,雨水使街道变得泥泞,压弯了防水油布和床单,冲洗着斜坡下的财产,留下了有毒的污水坑。 ecocn

A woman washes the dishes in the same teahouse.
茶馆中的一个妇女在洗盘子。 yeeyan

After he retired, he set up a consulting company teaching his methods to other car washes.
在他退休以后他创办了一个咨询公司,将他的方法传授给其他洗车同行。 yeeyan

As we age, we produce less saliva, which washes away bacteria, so teeth and gums are more vulnerable to decay.
随着我们年老,我们分泌更少能冲洗掉细菌的唾液,因此牙齿和牙龈更容易退化。 yeeyan

But, if liquid washes are included, Europeans today only just trail Americans in spending per person.
但是如果算上液体洗浴用品的话,今天的欧洲人平均花费仅次于美国人。 ecocn

For a denim on denim look, choose two very different washes to avoid the “ Texas tuxedo” look.
关于牛仔布,选择两种截然不同的清洗方式可以避免象“德州燕尾服”一样。 yeeyan

God washes clean those who, no matter their past sins, return to him with a contrite heart.
无论过去的罪多大,只要带着忧伤痛悔的心回到祂那里,祂就洗净他们。 yeeyan

He lifts us up and washes the dirt from our skin.
上帝把我们举起并洗掉我们身上的污秽。 yeeyan

It is He who washes me clean; it is He who gives me a spirit of strength and perseverance; it is He who makes me pure; it is He who frees me from sin; and it is He who gives me hope.
是上帝洗刷我的罪恶让我一清二白;是上帝给了我无穷的力量和坚持不懈的精神;是上帝让我的内心纯洁如水;是上帝让我摆脱原罪;也是上帝给我希望。 yeeyan

It washes, it dries, and it polishes. It won't scratch surfaces.
既可以用它水洗,又可以擦干,还可以擦亮,也不会划伤物体表面。 yeeyan

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。 putclub

My mother often washes the clothes on weekends.
我妈妈经常周末洗衣服。 hjenglish

Once at the processing plant, the oil goes through a series of screeners, high- speed shakers, hot tanks and washes to remove food residue and water.
这些油被运到处理工厂后就会经过一个加工程序,其中包括过滤,快速搅拌、高温和去除食物残渣和水分清洗过程。 ebigear

Second, it’s got to be army-laundry tough, withstanding at least20 washes.
其次,它必须像军装一样禁穿耐磨,要能禁得起至少20次以上的洗涤。 yeeyan

She always washes in cold water.

She never wastes a drop of her bottled water, but she usually keeps the tap running when she showers or washes her face.
她从来不会浪费一滴瓶装水,但是,在她洗澡或洗脸的时候,总会让水龙头一直开着。 ebigear

They think about coming home, and nobody is making supper for them, and then they throw their clothes on the floor, and nobody washes them, and so they start arguing over little things.
他们回到家来,没人给他们做晚饭,他们把脏衣服丢在地上,也没有人给他们洗,于是他们就开始为这些小事争执。 yeeyan

This process, which washes out the lower GI tract with water or herbal mixtures, might sound unpleasant, but it has been gaining popularity.
这项利用水或是药草制剂清洗下消化道的治疗,听起来并不令人感到舒适,但它十分流行。 yeeyan

When paired with the classic washes mentioned earlier, you'll be set.
当你选择了上面提到的经典水洗布牛仔裤,你就选对了。 yeeyan

You should replace bras after about72 washes, when the elasticity is lost, or if your weight changes significantly.
你应该在洗过72次以后换掉它,这是胸罩的弹性消失,或者,如果你的体重显著增加。 yeeyan




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