

单词 washable
释义 wash·a·ble 英ˈwɒʃəbəl, ˈwɔːʃ-美ˈwɑʃəbəl, ˈwɔʃ-AHDwŏshʹə-bəl, wôshʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁵²⁰¹BNC²⁷³²¹iWeb¹³²⁹²

capable of being washed without injury;

washable woolens

acrylic blankets are both warm and washable

washable wool fabric有疖疤的肠衣…washable water paint耐擦洗水性漆…washable wallpaper耐洗壁纸
用作形容词The cushion cover is notwashable.软垫外套不可洗。
These blankets are warm andwashable.这些毯子既暖和又耐洗。adj.able to be washed without being damaged
同义词 launderable
反义词 nonwashable Covering cells in washable plastic covers could also cut down on unintended transmission.
同样将手机置于耐洗塑料中也可以减少病菌的传播。 yeeyan

Stick to machine- washable materials, and pick dry-clean- only garments carefully.
最好买可以机洗的衣料,并在选择只能干洗的衣物时一定要小心谨慎。 ebigear

The ideal neck pillow should be soft and not too high, should provide neck support, and should be allergy tested and washable, researchers found.
研究指出,理想的颈枕应该柔软舒适,不能太高,能支撑颈部,经过过敏原测试,而且可以清洗。 tingvoa

A disposable non- woolen filter, and a panel type washable coarse aluminum filter are installed in the front panel of return air duct of each room, to trap powder generated, if any.
在每个房间回风管的前面板上安装有一台一次性的非毛织品过滤器,以及一台板式可洗粗铝过滤器,以捕捉收集可能产生的任何粉尘。 edctrans.com

Acrylic blankets and shawls are both warm and washable.

Acrylic fabrics are both warm and washable.
丙烯酸纤维织物既暖和又耐洗。 wap

All farrow& ball papers are stain resistant and washable.
所有的法罗和球试卷防污渍和清洗。 wsxz

Avoid uncovered wood if possible. Above all, the latrine must be easy to clean, and the surfaces around the hole must be washable.
尽可能的避免没有覆盖的木材,总之,厕所必须好打扫,坑周围的表面必须能够冲洗。 yeeyan

Bread does a good job cleaning non washable wallpaper as well.
面包用来清洁不可洗的墙纸同样有奇效。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn

Delighted to learn that his new wallpaper was washable, the moron was furious when the very first time he washed it, it was snatched from the clothesline.
知道他新买的壁纸是可洗的,低能儿太高兴了。但在第一次洗的时候他就狂怒了,因为壁纸从晾衣绳上碎成了碎片。 blog.sina.com.cn

Detachable washable filter for easy cleaning.
过滤器可拆可洗,便于清洗。 sgrmc

Hand washable with warm water and mild soap.
可用温水和软性肥皂手洗。 yeeyan

Here are some suggestions to remove the ink from washable clothing, preferably sooner rather than later.
下面有种方案来除去可水洗衣物上的墨迹,宜早不宜迟。 yeeyan

I toweled myself and dressed in faded washable slacks, sneakers, and a short-sleeved white shirt.

In addition, cotton fabric with51% degree of wearing them comfortable, breathable and washable and wearable.
此外,面料含棉度达到51%,穿着起来舒适、透气而且耐洗、耐磨。 usmcclub

In buildings where cleanliness and hygiene are particularly important, the floor should be cement or at least washable.
对于那些特别需要保持干净卫生的建筑物,地板应采用水泥,或至少其它可以清洗的材料。 yeeyan

Keep them out by using recyclable and washable shopping bags.
把它们拒之门外,改用可回收利用的袋子和耐洗的袋子吧。 yeeyan

Machine washable and proudly made in the USA.
机器耐洗,都是在美国本土制造。 letsebuy

Made of specially- treated material, the coat is light in weight and machine washable.
该大衣由经过特殊处理的面料做成,重量轻,可机洗。 gszsb

Men can invest in a couple of sport coats and use them again and again with different shirts and slacks, preferably all machine — or hand — washable, Ms. Pinsker Gladstone said.
对于男性,可以备好几件运动外套,搭配不同的衬衫和休闲裤来穿。这些衣服最好都是可以机洗和手洗的那种。 hjenglish

Perhaps most popular among cops is the rear compartment, which is sealed off from the front and made entirely of seamless, washable plastic, with drain plugs in the floor.
也许对警察来说最受到欢迎的就是车后舱。它与前舱隔离、完全由无缝、可洗塑料制作,并在车地板上有排水塞。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Safe on most colorfast, machine washable and dry cleanable fabrics. Some fabrics may be susceptible to color change. Test on a hidden area prior to use.
可以使用在容易褪色的,洗衣机可洗,干燥的衣物。有一些纤维可能会受到颜色改变。使用之前先在隐蔽处试用一下。 xinxinpay

This paper describes significance of low fog and washable fatliquor agent research, and new progress of research work.
本文叙述了研制低雾耐洗加脂剂的意义和有关研究工作的新进展。 cnki

Three hotels in Honolulu, Miami, and NYC have employed a new kind of washable RFID tag to keep you from stealing their towels, linens, and plush terrycloth bathrobes.
位于火奴鲁鲁,迈阿密,纽约的三家酒店购买了一种新型的耐洗的射频识别标签,用以防止人们拿走他们的毛巾、亚麻织品和高级绒毛浴袍。 yeeyan

Use recyclable shopping bags. Plastic and paper shopping bags are great at causing clutter in the kitchen. Keep them out by using recyclable and washable shopping bags.
使用环保袋。塑料袋或者纸袋是都很容易使厨房变得一团糟。把它们拒之门外,改用可回收利用的袋子和耐洗的袋子吧。 yeeyan

Washable with water for repeated use.
可水洗,反复使用。 iciba




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