

单词 Warring States
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Many of the control mechanisms perfected by the Qin had developed during the preceding500 years or so of the Eastern Zhou dynasty when a host of small warring states across China began to coalesce.
在其建立前约500年间,正是大量弱小的割据诸侯通过战争合并的东周列国时代,而秦王朝所完善的诸多统治手段正是在此期间发展而来。 ecocn

On the other hand, it elaborated the Great Harmony thought in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States which had been the most active historical period of China in detail.
另一方面对于中国历史上思想最为活跃的历史时期——春秋战国时期的大同思想进行了详细地论述。 cnki

The Dujiangyan Irrigation Project was completed around250 BC during the Warring States Period.
都江堰水利工程修建于公元前250年的战国时期。 yeeyan

The first golden period for the application of Military Science of Sun Tzu in economic field is the Warring States Period, which is directly connected with the well- developed commodity economy.
《孙子兵法》在经济领域中应用的第一个黄金时期是战国时期,这与战国时期商品经济的发达有着直接的关系。 cnki

The themes and texts of philosophical Taoism became established during the Warring States period481-221 BC.
道教哲学的题目和文献在战国时期公元前481—221年变得确立起来。 cnufo

As early as Spring and Autumn Warring States period, great ideological and educator Confucius advocated Kindheartedness and filial piety.

Chinese Sculpture Gallery exhibits127 pieces of ancient Chinese stone, wood, clay, pottery and cast- bronze sculptures from the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty.
中国古代雕塑共展出了源自战国至明朝的127件石刻、木雕、泥塑和铜铸作品。 jukuu

During the Warring States Period5th century BC-221 BC, the states of Qi, Yan and Zhao all constructed extensive fortifications to defend their own borders.
战国期间公元前5世纪-221年,齐、燕、赵修建大量城墙保卫其边境。 yeeyan

He is just one of the Warring States Period Zhao Ping Yuanjun Menke.
他只不过是战国时期赵国平原君的一位门客。 gotofob.cn

In the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu was offering a sacrifice to his ancestors. After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants.

It is also decisive for the thought of great unity in Warring States period and the formation and development of Han nationality later.
这对战国时代的大一统思想和其后汉族的形成及发展也有着决定性意义。 cnki

Swimmers are seen in an amphibious battle vividly portrayed in the designs of an unearthed bronze pot of the Warring States period.
曾出土了一个战国时期的青铜器,上面的设计生动地展示了游泳者出现在水路战场上的场面。 http://www.readywin.com

The fourth stage, Yan culture decline phase, including the Ninth Yan culture, age is equivalent to the late Warring States period.

The discovery will play an important role in studying the eating habits and culture of the Warring States Period475-221BC.
该‘骨头汤’的发现对我们研究战国时期公元前475年-221年的饮食文化习惯有很大的帮助。 putclub

They all face the east because the State of Qin in the Warring States period was situated in the west and fought eastward against other states.
它们都面向东,是因为在战国时期秦国位于西方,向东与其它国家争战。 dec3.jlu.edu.cn

They are wooden figurines of Warring States Period.
那些是战国木俑。 putclub




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