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warring factions短语³⁴⁹⁸⁴ 基本例句 🌏交战各方;交战各派 A “ dialogue” that started in nearby Djibouti between most of the warring factions has been going on intermittently for more than a year; 交战各方在吉布提进行的“对话”断断续续了一年多的时间; ecocn.org “ Nixonland” is also a study of how those resentments split the once triumphant Democratic Party into two warring factions. 它也考察了那些怨恨如何将曾经欢欣鼓舞的民主党拆卸成彼此分庭抗礼的两个派系。 ecocn Any attempt at a compromise between Thailand’s warring factions, which go beyond a simple red- yellow divide, is that much harder with Mr Thaksin on centre court. 泰国的激烈派别之间的任何一个折衷的尝试都超越了一个简单的红黄阵营,这对处于舞台中央的他信来说,更为艰难。 ecocn Despite all the diplomatic efforts to achieve peace, Yugoslavia is still a powder keg waiting for a match to set off another round of fighting between the warring factions. 尽管人们在南斯拉夫作了种种外交努力希望实现和平,但是那里的危局仍会一触即发;星星之火就能使交战各方间再次爆发战斗。 hicoo In ancient China, before the reign of the first emperor, warring factions throughout the Six Kingdoms plot to assassinate the most powerful ruler, Qin. 在古代中国,在第一个皇帝在位期间,六国交战整个阴谋暗杀的最强大的统治者,秦派系。 movieartchina Perhaps in this unanticipated and unusual union in dissent of normally warring factions, the freethinker Graves has done the world his greatest act of service. 也许自由思想者格拉夫对这个世界做了最伟大的贡献,在充满摩擦的各个派系中,产生了意料之外和超乎寻常的整合。 cnufo She says she hopes and believes the warring factions will abide by the U. N.'s call for a so-called “ Days of Tranquility” and allow the vaccinators to do their job in safety. 她表示,她希望并且相信,交战各方将遵守联合国关于“平静日”的要求,允许防疫人员安全地完成他们的工作。 kekenet So getting the grapes to the winery every year, across what was often the frontline of warring factions, was a dangerous undertaking. 所以,每年将葡萄运往酿酒厂——经常是穿过交战双方的前线——是一项危险的事业。 yeeyan Something had to give. In the end it was not a political deal between the warring factions but instead overwhelming force that won the day. 尽管双方过去不得不做出些让步,但最终,对峙双方仍未达成一项政治协议,相反,力量优势一方赢得了当天的战斗。 ecocn That having been achieved, it is hardly surprising that the party has again split into warring factions. 这个目的已经达到,因此党内重新分裂成互相斗争的小团体也就不足为奇。 ecocn The Galactic Empire inherited the technological achievements of both warring factions of the Clone Wars. 银河帝国兼并了克隆人战争交战双方的技术成果。 starwarsfans.cn The International Red Cross has urged the warring factions in Somalia to respect International humanitarian law and spare its medical facilities. 国际红十字会敦促索马里交战各方尊重国际人道主义法律,赦免医疗设施。 koolearn The party is divided into warring factions. 共和党内派别对立。 ecocn The U.S. in effect allowed Syria to become master of Lebanon, but the Syrians were not much more effective than anyone else in bringing peace to Lebanon's warring factions. 这项决定导致叙利亚成了黎巴嫩的统治者,但是跟其他人一样,叙利亚在解决小派系冲突,为黎巴嫩带来和平方面也没什么作为。 yeeyan The warring factions in Afghanistan say they will heed a call by the United Nations to stop fighting so aid workers can begin a three- day polio vaccination campaign. 阿富汗的交战各方表示,他们会响应联合国的停战呼吁,使援助人员能够进行为期3天的小儿麻痹疫苗接种行动。 ebigear They do not say who is responsible but are urging the warring factions to let civilians leave the combat zone. 他们没有指出该由谁负责,但呼吁交战双方让平民撤离战区。 ecocn |