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词汇 Warren Harding
释义 Warren Harding

29th President of the United States; two of his appointees were involved in the Teapot Dome scandal 1865-1823近义词 Harding哈丁(①姓氏 ②Warr…Warren Gamaliel Harding沃伦·甘梅利尔…
Then in 1921, PresidentWarren Hardingappointed him as Chief Justice of the United States.之后,于1921年,沃伦·哈丁总统任命他为联邦首席法官。
His first Muscle Shoals bill was pocket-vetoed by PresidentWarren Hardingin 1928.他的马斯尔肖尔斯法案1928年被总统沃伦哈丁搁置了。
Warren Harding, the 29th President, and his family had a birthday party for their dog Laddie Boy.29任总统WarrenHarding和他的家庭给他们的狗LaddieBoy开举办了个生日聚会。
Then, in nineteen twenty, Republicans nominatedWarren Hardingfor president. They nominated Calvin Coolidge for vice president.他们用大量的选票重新推选他出任地方长官。
In 1928, when he triumphantly defeated Al Smith, Hoover seemed profoundly different from his two Republican predecessors,Warren Hardingand Calvin Coolidge.1928年,当胡佛在大选中击败阿尔·史密斯之时,似乎与两位共和党前任沃伦·哈定和卡文·柯立芝迥然不同。
First he took a job teaching law at Yale University. Then in 1921, PresidentWarren Hardingappointed him as Chief Justice of the United States. That was a job which Taft enjoyed.最初,他接受了一份工作,在耶鲁大学教法律。之后,于1921年,沃伦·哈丁总统任命他为联邦首席法官。塔夫特特别喜欢这份职务。




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