

单词 warranting
释义 war·rant·ing 英'wɒrənt美'wɔːrənt COCA⁷⁵²⁹³BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
vt. 保证; 确定

guarantee; assure

vt. 使有正当理由

cause to appear right or reasonable

a writ from a court commanding police to perform specified actsa type of security issued by a corporation usually together with a bond or preferred stock that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price;

as a sweetener they offered warrants along with the fixed-income securities

formal and explicit approval;

a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement

a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications
show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for;

The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns

The end justifies the means

stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of;

The dealer warrants all the cars he sells

I warrant this information

warrant, justify


justify指如果不加辩护就要受到非难,强调为其行为提供根据或理由; warrant指提供先例、经验或合乎逻辑的理由、根据来证明某事是有道理的。





用作动词 v.
~+名词warrant one's arrest批准逮捕某人warrant effort作出努力warrant goods quality保证商品的质量warrant payment保证支付
近义词 vow誓约paper纸writ令状oath誓言word单词merit优点proof证明demand要求affirm证实reason原因pledge发誓insure保险assert断言certify证明licence执照deserve应受right正确的promise诺言mandate命令testify作证empower授权permit许可证call for需要secure安全的assure使确信sanction批准passport护照security安全occasion场合warranty保单authority权力guarantee保证voucher代金券license许可证insurance保险concession让步credential国书certificate执照countenance面容endorsement支持justify替 … 辩护certification证明justification辩护warrantee被保证人assurance保证,担保authorization授权书stock warrant流通票据necessitate 使 … 成为必需…indorsement票据等后面的署名…imprimatur官方颁发的出版许可…stock-purchase warrant经 准购股份证…
S+~+ n./pron.The law warrants his arrest.法律批准逮捕他。
This tiny crowd doesn't warrant such a large police presence.没有理由出动这么多的警察来对付这一小群人。
His wealth doesn't warrant his rude behaviour.他的富有并不能证明他的无礼行为是正当的。S+~+ v -ingJust because you like it, that doesn't warrant spending so much money on it.只是因为你喜欢它并不证明你有理由为它花这么多钱。S+~+that-clauseI warrant that he will behave himself.我保证他一定会规规矩矩的。
The manufacturer warrants that all parts are new.该厂家保证零件全是新的。
I can't warrant that the coins are genuine.我不能断言这些钱币是真的。
I'll warrant that he's gone riding instead of doing his work.我敢肯定他去开车了,没去上班。
S+~+ n./pron. +that-clauseI'll warrant you that we won't see him back here again.我敢对你说,我们不会再看到他回到这里。
This pill will cure your headache,I warrant you.我保证这药片一定能治好你的头痛。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be n./adj.I'll warrant him an honest and reliable fellow.我可以保证他是个诚实可靠的人。
The grower warrants these plants to be free from disease.种植主保证这些植物无病。
This material is warranted to be pure silk.可以保证这料子是纯丝的。


warrant是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语由that从句充当。warrant还可接to be+ n./adj. 充当补足语的复合宾语。

用作名词The police obtained a searchwarrantfor his house.警察拿到了搜查他家的搜查证。
Have you got awarrantof fitness for your car?你有没有一张汽车合格证书?
You shouldn't arrest him withoutwarrant.你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。
He had nowarrantfor his suspicion.他没有理由那么怀疑。用作及物动词I willwarranthim an honest and reliable man .我担保他是个诚实可靠的人。
The lawwarrantsthis procedure.这一程序是法律批准的。
Iwarrantthat this cloth is pure wool.我保证这个布料是纯毛的。
Nothing canwarrantsuch insolence .这种无理是无可辩解的。
Nothing canwarrantsuch severe punishment.这样严厉的惩罚毫无根据。verb.guarantee, justify, authorize
同义词 affirm,approve,call for,ensure,explain,necessitate,permit,require,stipulate,undertake,upholdargue,assert,assure,attest,avouch,back,certify,claim,commission,contend,declare,defend,delegate,demand,empower,endorse,entitle,excuse,guaranty,insure,license,maintain,pledge,privilege,promise,sanction,secure,sponsor,state,swear,underwrite,vindicate,vowanswer for,bear out,give grounds for,stand behind,take an oath,vouch for
反义词 deny,disallow,refuse,reject,abandon,break,desert,disapprove,disavow,disclaim,discourage,give up,hurt,ignore,invalidate,leave,question,retract,surrender,unauthorize The cause of this association is not known warranting further investigation.
该相关性的原因仍未知,因此需要进行进一步研究。 www.365sqys.com

The system's design is rational, it operates stably and may be serviceable for warranting the set's operational safety.
系统设计合理,运行稳定,可保证发电机组的安全运行。 cnki

Chevrolet and Nissan are warranting the batteries in the Volt and Leaf, respectively, for eight years and up to 100,000 miles of use.
雪佛兰和日产分别对 Volt和 Leaf承担了电池保修,Volt电池保8年,Leaf电池保10万英里。 yeeyan

Cyclone separators are the key equipment for warranting that circulating fluidized bed boilers have a certain particle circulation rate, with good combustion and desulfurization efficiency.
旋风分离器是保证循环流化床锅炉具有一定颗粒循环倍率、燃烧效率、脱硫效率的关键设备。 cnki

I am happy to talk about theorizing, adopting a theoretical stance, or employing a theoretical framework, but I do not see extant theoretical constructions as warranting the label of theory.
我愿意讨论创建理论、采用一种理论化的立场、或者运用一种理论化的框架,但我没有看到现成的理论结构配得上理论的标签。 blog.sina.com.cn

If there is excessive daytime sleepiness and desire to nap, in spite of adequate sleep time, this might suggest a sleep disorder warranting further evaluation.
如果白天有很强的睡意,想小睡一会,虽然有充足的睡眠时间,这也许意味着睡眠障碍需要进一步评估。 yeeyan

More than80 percent of patients did not have sufficiently elevated TG and low HDL-C warranting treatment according to current clinical practice.
根据目前的医疗实践,百分之八十多的病人没完全接受高三酸酯和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的担保治疗。 yeeyan

Over the last decade, rates of obesity have risen dramatically in adults, teens, and kids, warranting plenty of concern and attention from public health experts.
在过去的十年里,小孩,青少年,年轻人肥胖率大大的增高了,从公共卫生专家的许多担忧和关注都证实了这一点。 yeeyan

Test harnesses are becoming larger, warranting more maintenance and closer monitoring, so that fast, reliable, and accurate testing can occur.
测试装备也要变得更大,能够进行更多的维护工作和更密切的监视工作,以便能够进行快速、可靠和更精确的测试。 ibm

The contribution of wealth- related inequality to the child and maternal health service coverage gap differs by country and type of health service, warranting case- specific interventions.
与财富相关的不平等现象对妇幼保健服务覆盖缺口的作用还受国家和医疗服务类型的影响,因而有必要根据具体情况采取特定干预措施。 who

This essay elucidates the legal features of lease- manage contract of an enterprise and puts forth several issues warranting attention as viewed from the current practice in this respect.
本文分析了企业租赁经营合同的法律特征,结合当前企业租赁经营的实践,提出了应注意的几个问题。 cnki

Warranting the required separation efficiency, trough and angular type separators are featured by low flow- resistance.
在保证分离效率的前提下,槽形和角形分离件具有流动阻力小的特点。 cnki




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