

单词 warmly
释义 warmly 英'wɔːmlɪ美'wɔrmli 高COCA¹⁶⁵²⁷BNC⁹³³²iWeb¹⁵⁴⁰⁸Economist¹⁵²²⁹

in a hearty manner;

`Yes,' the children chorused heartily

We welcomed her warmly

in a warm manner;

warmly dressed

warm-clad skiers

蒋争熟词记忆warmv.温暖-ly…地⇒温暖地;热情地warmv.温暖-ly…地⇒温暖地;热情地近义词 warm温暖的kindly和蔼的eagerly渴望地heartily衷心地lovingly钟情地tenderly温柔地genially亲切地ardently热心地cordially诚恳地sincerely真诚地favorably赞同地amiably和蔼可亲地passionately激昂地affectionately热情地enthusiastically热情地with eagerness急不可待地

用作副词Then the man looked at Kiah and smiledwarmly.说完,那人注视着凯,脸上带着亲切的笑容。
Instantly the blood creptwarmlyover her body.血液立刻温暖地流遍了她的全身。
All the teachers and students arewarmlywelcome.热烈欢迎全体师生莅临指导。
Shewarmlyextended both hands towards us.她热情地向我们伸出了双手。adv.fervently
同义词 ardently,emotionally,excitedly,intensely,passionatelyadv.amicably
同义词 cordially,kindly,sincerelyfriendly,geniallyadv.heartily
同义词 affectionately,lovingly,passionately
comfortablyadverb luxuriously
adequately,agreeably,amply,cozily,easily,in comfort,pleasantly,restfully,snugly,well
cordiallyadverb genially
generouslyadverb with an open heart
gladlyadverb happily
acquiescently,ardently,beatifically,blissfully,blithely,cheerfully,cheerily,contentedly,cordially,delightedly,delightfully,ecstatically,enchantedly,enthusiastically,felicitously,freely,gaily,genially,gleefully,gratefully,heartily,jocundly,jovially,joyfully,joyously,lovingly,merrily,paradisiacally,passionately,pleasantly,pleasingly,pleasurably,rapturously,readily,sweetly,warmly,willingly,with good grace,with pleasure,with relish,zealously,zestfully
lovinglyadverb tenderly
sweetlyadverb in a sweet manner
agreeably,charmingly,comfortably,gently,gratefully,kindly,lovingly,pleasantly,smoothly,softly,warmly The friends warmly embraced.

And yes, says another senior strategist, it now looks a mistake for Mr Clegg to have endorsed Tory policies so warmly in the coalition’s first months, and to appear to be Mr Cameron’s chum.
另一名高级战略家认为克莱格在参与联合政府最初几个月就对保守党的政策表示过度的热情与支持,表现得像卡梅伦的密友,这种做法是错误的。 ecocn

As the host, we warmly welcome all the delegations to Beijing again.
作为东道主,我们热烈欢迎各方代表团的再次到来。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Australia warmly welcomes visitors from all over the world.
澳大利亚热烈欢迎来自世界各地的游客。 putclub

But Mr Assad's supporters— many of whom are in the capital— greeted the interview warmly.
然而阿萨德的支持者——大多数在首都——却对这次访谈报以热烈掌声。 ecocn

China warmly welcomes more foreign experts to work in China and participate in China's modernization drive.
中国热情欢迎更多的外国专家来华工作创业,参与中国的现代化建设。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Equity markets have responded warmly, perhaps because an announcement with important bits missing is better than no announcement at all.
股市作出了热烈的回应,也许是因为一个摒弃了重要信息的宣告总比没有任何宣告要好。 ecocn

He shook hands warmly with us.

I treat my co-workers politely and warmly at work. But many of them don’t like me.
我在工作中对待同事既友好又热情,但他们中的许多人却不喜欢我。 kekenet

I warmly welcome the initiative of several countries, led by the Governments of Brazil, Chile, France, and Norway, in proposing an International Drug Purchase Facility to help to meet these needs.
我热烈欢迎由巴西、智利、法国和挪威政府牵头、由若干国家为邦助实现这些需求提出的一项国际药品采购机制的倡议。 who

Katherine walked up and embraced him warmly.
凯瑟琳走上前来,热情地拥抱他。 yeeyan

My colleagues and I warmly welcome you to share the festivity with us and thank you for your long-standing support to the development of China-India relations.
我和我的同事们对你们的到来表示热烈欢迎,共同分享节日的喜庆,对你们长期以来支持中印关系发展表示感谢。 hjenglish

She warmly extended both hands towards us.

Tallinn is one of the few places in Europe where critics of the Kremlin are still warmly welcome.
塔林是少数几个仍被克里姆林宫的批评家热烈欢迎的欧洲地区之一。 ecocn

The audience warmly applauded the performers.

The sun began to shine warmly again. The larks were singing and beautiful spring had come.
太阳又开始温暖地照耀着,云雀在歌唱,美丽的春天已经来临了。 ebigear

The message was the main talking point across Iraqi media yesterday, where he was warmly received by civilians and officials who have largely embraced his overtures to the Islamic world.
这条消息是大部分伊拉克媒体昨天的头条,奥巴马对待伊斯兰世界友好姿态,为他在那里他赢得了很多民众和官员的热烈欢迎。 yeeyan

Tim greets her warmly.
蒂姆热情地招呼她。 oobang

To his surprise, Peter left his desk at the gate and came down the long line to where the lawyer was, and greeted him warmly.
让他吃惊的是,圣彼得突然从他门口的座位上起身站起来,走过长长的队伍来到他跟前,跟他热情的打招呼。 yeeyan

Western— British— politicians who warmly embraced him before are now a little more weary.
那些热情拥抱他的西方——英国——政客们现在才有点一丝疲惫。 ecocn

Warmly welcome the fresh graduates to apply for this position.
热烈欢迎应届毕业生申请这个位置. putclub




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