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词汇 warming up
释义 warming up短语¹²⁴⁶⁶
加温; 预热; 热身

动词 warm up:
run until the normal working temperature is reachedbecome more friendly or openget warm or warmercause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the musclesmake one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for strenuous physical activityHis ear okayed the sounds as the engine warmed up.他的耳朵听出发动机预热时发出的声音是正常的。
Don't forget to warm the car up for a few minutes before you start.你起动这部汽车之前别忘了要预热几分钟。
The athletes arewarming upbefore the game.运动员正在进行赛前热身。
Christensen does his usual push-ups to warm up.克里斯腾森作着他通常作的上举运动进行热身。as in.microwave
同义词 bake,zapheat,melt,nukewarm upas in.nuke
同义词 bake,brown,heat,microwave,zapwarm upas in.practice
同义词 exercise,hone,prepare,rehearse,study,train,warm up,work,work outdiscipline,dress,drill,habituate,iterate,polish,recite,sharpenbecome seasoned,build up,do again,dress rehearse,dry run,go over,run through,shake down,try out,tune up,walk throughas in.prepare
同义词 arrange,assemble,brace,develop,draw up,equip,form,formulate,gird,make,plan,produce,provide,qualify,ready,strengthen,supply,trainadapt,adjust,anticipate,appoint,coach,concoct,construct,contrive,cook,dispose,endow,fabricate,fashion,fit,fix,fortify,furnish,groom,outfit,perfect,practice,prime,settle,steelbuild up,fill in,fit out,lay the groundwork,make provision,make up,put in order,put together,smooth the way,turn out,warm upas in.ready
同义词 arrange,brace,equip,fit,fix,gird,provide,warm upbrief,fortify,get,make,order,organize,post,prep,set,strengthenclear the decks,fill in,fit out,gear up,get ready,get set,keep posted,let in on,make ready,make up,pave the way,psych up,put on to,wise upas in.rehearse
同义词 go over,go through,hone,recite,reenact,warm up,work outact,depict,describe,drill,experiment,iterate,narrate,practice,ready,recapitulate,recount,reiterate,relate,repeat,review,study,tell,test,traindo over,dry run,hold a reading,learn one's part,run lines,run through,take from the top,try out,tune up,walk throughas in.thaw
同义词 defrost,dissolve,loosen,melt,relax,soften,warm updeliquesce,flow,flux,fuse,liquefy,mollify,relent,run,unbendbecome liquid,become soft,open upas in.train
同义词 care for,develop,discipline,educate,equip,improve,instruct,qualify,study,teach,tutor,work outaccustom,brainwash,coach,cultivate,drill,enlighten,exercise,ground,guide,habituate,harden,hone,inure,mold,prime,rear,rehearse,school,season,shape,sharpen,tame,updatebreak in,drum into,dry run,get a workout,get in shape,grow strong,make ready,run through,show the ropes,warm up,whip into shape,wise upas in.warm
同义词 bake,heat,melt,prepare,thaw,toast,warm upchafe,cook,fix,microwaveput on the fire,warm overas in.condition
同义词 accustom,brainwash,educateequip,habituate,inure,modify,practice,program,ready,sharpen,trainbuild up,loosen up,make ready,shape up,tone up,toughen up,warm up,whip into shape,work out,work overas in.cook
同义词 bake,barbecue,blanch,boil,braise,broil,brown,burn,coddle,doctor,escallop,fix,fricassee,fry,grill,heat,microwave,nuke,panfry,parboil,poach,pressure-cook,roast,sauté,sear,simmer,sizzle,steam,stew,toastbrew,decoct,deep fry,french fry,imbue,melt,percolate,scald,scorch,steep,reduce,warm upas in.exercise
同义词 develop,exert,improve,prepare,train,work outbreak,condition,cultivate,discipline,drill,fix,foster,groom,habituate,hone,inure,labor,maneuver,ply,practice,rehearse,set,strain,teach,workbreak in,dry run,lick into shape,limber up,loosen up,pump iron,put out,put through grind,put through mill,run through,tune up,walk through,warm upas in.heat
同义词 bake,boil,broil,grill,ignite,melt,reheat,roast,sear,steam,thaw,toast,warmbask,blaze,chafe,char,enkindle,fire,flame,flush,frizzle,fry,glow,incandesce,incinerate,inflame,kindle,oxidate,oxidize,perspire,scald,scorch,seethe,singe,smelt,sun,sweltercalorify,enflame,grow hot,grow warm,raise the temperature,set on fire,tepefy,warm up Warming up gradually revs up your cardiovascular system, increases blood flow to your muscles and raises your body temperature.
它能逐渐的提升你的心血管系统,增加血液流入你的肌肉并且升高你的体温。 yeeyan

As busy as the lawyers are, they are only warming up.
根据律师的忙碌度来看,现在他们仅仅在热身。 ecocn

But fear not. A few tweaks to your day-to-day activities can start putting some time back into your life, so you’ll have more time for watching reruns of“ Wings” and warming up your TV dinners.
一些人虽然为每天不断的活动苦恼着,但是他们能够为自己的生活抽出更多的时间,这样就能够观看 Wings的回放,为你的速冻食品加热。 yeeyan

But he was just warming up.
但这只是个热身而已。 yeeyan

But before China's critics start warming up for a fight, they should bear in mind that PPP points to where currencies ought to go in the long run.
但是,在中国的批评家摩拳擦掌行将反驳前,他们应当记住,购买力评价指出的是各国货币应发展的长远方向。 ecocn

I call people I don't know, introducing yourself, warming up the voice!
随便找个不认识的打过去,介绍自己,给嗓子热热身! yeeyan

If you feel any muscle tightness while you're warming up, stop jogging for a moment and stretch out the tight area but don't count this stretching time as part of your10- minute minimum.
如果热身时候感到任何肌肉紧张,停止慢跑,拉伸一下紧张的部位但是不要把拉伸时间算到你的10分钟里面去。 yeeyan

If you simply want to know if your body burns calories warming up the water, the answer is yes.
如果你只想知道加热水是否可以使身体燃烧卡路里,答案当然是肯定的。 yeeyan

Investors are warming up to IPOs again after the market sputtered in2008 and2009.
在市场经历了2008和2009年的诟病之后,投资者重新燃起了对新股上市的热情。 yeeyan

Its leaders, having made up with each other, are warming up for the federal election in 2009 by laying into Ms Merkel.
社民党的领导层也以冰释前嫌,通过对默克尔夫人狂轰乱炸为2009年的大选热身。 ecocn

Mr Bhattarai has been shrewd in other ways too, for instance, in warming up relations with India that had cooled as Nepal grew closer to China.
在其他方面,巴特拉伊也是明智的,如在尼泊尔与中国拉近距离之际“回暖”与印度之间的关系。 yeeyan

Offstage, another actor is warming up.
台下,还有一名演员在热身。 ecocn

Old habits die hard, and one of the oldest— still rigorously enforced by many drivers— is that“ warming up” the car for a few minutes is necessary to avoid some kind of unspecified damage.
老习惯总是很顽固,在那些最老的习惯中,有一个直到现在还被许多司机严格执行的习惯,就是认为有必要将车辆预热几分钟,以避免某些未明的损害。 yeeyan

Our study shows that by warming up properly, patients can improve the oxygenation and performance of their leg muscles, which is beneficial in promoting exercise tolerance.
我们的研究表明通过恰当的热身,患者可以提高他们腿部肌肉的氧化作用和表现,有助于提高锻炼耐力。 yeeyan

School children were warming up for a swimming lesson and I smiled as they exercised with their little faces all screwed up in concentration.
小学生们正在为游泳课做准备活动,看到他们的小脸上满是专注的表情时,我笑了。 worldbank

Several stag and hen parties were roaming the centre of the old town, warming up for the ensuing festivities.
老城中央举办着好几个喧闹的男女派对,为将要到来的节日热身。 yeeyan

There's some controversy about whether warming up and cooling down offer health benefits.
这还有些关于热身和降温是否对身体健康有好处的议论。 yeeyan

Watch a world-class musician practice and you'll find that she spends a good amount of her practice time warming up with scales, chords, and various etudes.
观看一位世界级音乐家的练习,您将发现她花费大量的练习时间来热身她的音域、和音以及不同的练习曲。 ibm

Warming up may help prepare your body for aerobic activity.
热身可能让你身体做好准备进行有氧运动。 yeeyan




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