

单词 waring
释义 waring 英weəʳ美wer;ˈwerɪŋ 高COCA⁵⁰⁶²²BNC⁴⁰³⁴⁸
P 商品,货物

articles for sale;goods

U 制品

manufactured things

articles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: `silverware', `software'commodities offered for sale;

good business depends on having good merchandise

that store offers a variety of products

spend extravagantly;

waste not, want not

hollow ware凹形器皿granite ware仿花岗器皿iron ware铁器五金店…application ware应用件hard ware硬件flat ware浅皿,盘碟enamel ware搪瓷器biscuit ware淡褐色陶器陶瓷素烧…earthen ware瓦器,陶器glass ware玻璃仪器clay ware粘土器皿pottery ware陶器crackle ware碎纹陶器lacquer ware漆器sanitary ware卫生器具glost ware上釉的制品meat ware肉食品green ware生陶器middle ware中等制品bogus ware电子病毒
近义词 waste废物product产品consume消耗squander浪费merchandise商品
用作名词(n.Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.小贩们沿街叫卖货物。
You must push your wares if you want better sales.如果你要想销路好,你必须强行推销你的商品。
They bought much ceramic ware yesterday.他们昨天买了大量的陶瓷制品。
用作名词Delft is a blue-and-whiteware.代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。
The shop sells a great variety of porcelainwares.这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。
There are many smallwaresin the store.商店里有许多种小百货。
The store displays itswaresin the window.商店把各种物品陈列在橱窗内。“This is already happening in some places, ” Waring said.
“事实上,这种情况在某些地区已经发生了,” Waring说。 yeeyan

Ancient soccer which appears in the end of the waring states in China originates from entertainments.
古代足球运动出现于中国的战国末期,起源于原始的娱乐活动。 cnki

Better be a poor man's darling than a rich man's waring.
与其遭富人厌弃,不如嫁给穷人为妻。 blog.sina.com.cn

Can accept external shunt signal for optional charge control with widely waring loads.
能接受外部的电流分路器以广泛的警觉负荷发信号给可选的电流控制系统。 adlomarket

Do Waring metal construction materials market.
做五金建筑材料的华林市场。 blog.sina.com.cn

I am waring a big map.
我正戴着一个大大的帽子。 blog.sina.com.cn

In health matters, ruby may suggest the need to look after the heart, physically or emotionally, especially if situated near other waring stones.
在健康事态,红宝石也许建议需要照看心脏,完全或情感地,特别是如果位于在其它留神石头附近。 www.8gems.com

It's turn love we are waring a something a little!

Professor Waring is a clinical psychologist with almost40 years experience working in the field of mental health.
提沃·沃林教授,临床心理学家,在心理健康领域有将近40年的从业经验。 jjl

Professor Waring: sympathetically Tell me all about it, Bessie.
韦林教授:同情地都告诉我吧,贝西。 www.zqgx.gov.cn

Professor Waring: I have heard, Bessie.
韦林教授:我听说了,贝西。 www.zqgx.gov.cn

Professor Waring: Oh, yes indeed, what you want, Bessie, is this: to prevent this foolishness on Eve's part, and to know if your husband still loves you.
韦林教授:奥,真的,贝西,你想要是就是:阻止伊娃做这样愚蠢的事,看看你的丈夫是否还爱你。 www.zqgx.gov.cn

Professor Waring has been in private practice for more than25 years and was made a member of the Order of Australia in 2004 for his work in mental health and psychology.
提沃·沃林教授有25年多开私人诊所的经验。2004年,鉴于其在心理健康与心理学上的贡献,被授予AM勋衔。 jjl

She returns, bringing in Professor Waring.
她把韦林教授带进来。 www.zqgx.gov.cn




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