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词汇 warding
释义 ward·ing 英wɔːd美wɔːrd COCA⁵²⁵⁷⁷BNC⁴⁶⁰²⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
C 病房,病区

separate room in a hospital

C 区,行政区

division of a city or town

C 受监护的未成年者

person,especially a child,under the protection of another person or of a law court

a person who is under the protection or in the custody of anothera district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and electionsblock forming a division of a hospital or a suite of rooms shared by patients who need a similar kind of care;

they put her in a 4-bed ward

English economist and conservationist 1914-1981English writer of novels who was an active opponent of the women's suffrage movement 1851-1920United States businessman who in 1872 established a successful mail-order business 1843-1913a division of a prison usually consisting of several cells
watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect;

guard my possessions while I'm away

ward off防止ward heeler依附政客的人…maternity ward产科病房casual ward临时收容所ward maid病室女公务员…probationary ward观察病室isolation ward医隔离病房…ward bed病床general ward普通病房observation ward观察病房medical ward内科病房ward nurse病室护士ward attendant病室公务员ward round病室巡诊casualty ward医 临时病室, …ward trolley病室车ward visit病室巡诊,查房…surgical ward外科病房ward carriage病室车-ward 表示向…的…
ward off v.+adv.

防止;避免protect or defend yourself against danger, illness, attack, etc.

ward sb/sth ⇔ offShe put up her hands to ward him off.她举起双手把他挡开。
He always carries a stick to ward off wild dogs.他常常拿着一根棍子防野狗。
She raised her hand to ward off a blow.她抬起手来,以挡开揍来的拳头。近义词 run跑beat打push推unit单元back后面thrust刺ward病房away离开turn翻转hold拿着fend照料place地方repel排斥avert转开avoid避免cross穿过chase追捕drive开车force武力aside旁白guard看守stave桶板oppose反对foil钝头剑resist抵制reject拒绝scotch伤口parish教区scatter散播repulse击退defense防卫run off逃跑disperse分散slight轻微的security安全fend off挡开ward off防止withstand对抗frustrate挫败deflect使偏斜rout 彻底溃败contravene违反rebuff断然拒绝department部门protection保护drive back击退spurn轻蔑地拒绝hold off不使挨近parry挡开武器或打击…chase away赶走, 驱逐ICU重症监护室=inten…hospital ward医院病房off表示状态的关闭或离开…turn aside转变方向(闪开…push back把 … 向后推把 …cellblock监狱中一组囚犯室…intensive care unit加护病房checkmate(国际象棋中把…将死…stave off阻挡,延缓,赶走,击退…intensive care对重病患者的特别护理…反义词 guardian保护人
用作名词n.She dialed the number and asked for the ward.她拨电话号码要病房。
The policemen phoned to every ward and suburb.警察给各城区和郊区打电话。
After the girl's parents died,she was made a ward of her uncle and aunt.这女孩的父母双亡后,舅父和舅母成了她的监护人。


用作名词The hospital has a medicalwardand a surgicalward.这医院有内科病房和外科病房。
The patient lay quietly on his bed in the medicalward.病人安静地躺在内科病房的床上。
There are two nurses in theward.病房里有两个护士。
They phoned to everywardand suburb.他们给各城区和郊区打电话。
Whichwarddoes he represent on the council?在理事会中他代表哪个区?
The child was made awardof court.那个孩子由法院监护。
After his parents died, the boy was made his uncle'sward.双亲去世后, 小男孩由其叔叔监护。
The soldiers kept watch andwardover the castle.士兵们守卫这个城堡。
She invested the money on behalf of herward.她代表受她监护的人投资。用作及物动词The soldierswardedover the city.士兵们守护着这座城市。
He managed towardoff the blow.他设法避过了那一击。
You should learn how towardoff blows.你应该学会如何避开打击。verb.defend, guard
同义词 avert,avoid,beat off,block,check,deflect,deter,divert,fend,foil,forestall,frustrate,halt,hold off,interrupt,keep at arm's length,keep at bay,keep off,obviate,parry,preclude,prevent,rebuff,rebut,repel,repulse,rule out,stave off,stop,stymie,thwart,turn,turn aside,turn away
反义词 lay bare,make vulnerable,open The human body is so devoted to warding off potential starvation that in a society of plenty, innate weight- control mechanisms may harm more than they help.
人的身体十分注重规避可能遭遇的饥饿,但在一个供给充分的社会,这种先天的体重控制机制可能害处比益处更多。 yeeyan

These powerful chemicals may even increase blood flow to the brain, warding off dementia.
最近的研究则表明,巧克力有助于提高大脑的供血,从而能预防痴呆症。 yeeyan

“ However, warding off psychosis even in the short term would still be a worthwhile achievement, ” they wrote.
“但是,即使只能在短期内对抗精神病,这也是个可喜的进展。”他们在报告中写道。 yeeyan

Benediction and Warding based powers now have focus skill pre- reqs.
祝福和结界类技能现在有基础技能学习要求了。 dictall

But what wasn't known was that there seems to be an added benefit to getting a flu shot in terms of warding off heart problems.
但以前我们并不知道,接种流感疫苗在避开心脏问题方面似乎还有另外一个好处。 dict

Development of rural methane in poor regions shows: its special efficiency by high re- warding rate, large covering area and excellent environmental effect.
贫困地区发展农村沼气以其回报率高,覆盖面广、生态环境效益好,显示了特殊效应。 cnki

Elemental Shields: This talent has been removed. It has now been merged with Elemental Warding.

Finally, Clinic experiments and evaluation of the accuracy of the blood pressure measurement is processed for further research and application of dynamic blood pressure warding.
最后对本系统的血压测量准确性进行了临床实验与评估,为进一步的研究与应用奠定良好的基础。 cnki

For example, while vitamin C may provide benefits in warding off colds, taking megadoses of the vitamin don't appear to offer a larger benefit and may be harmful in some cases.
比如,维生素 C可能起了抵挡感冒的左右。服用大量维生素并不会增强效果,有时反而有害。 yeeyan

For one thing, aspirin’s usefulness in warding off heart attacks and strokes in healthy people is in doubt.
首先,对于健康人来说阿司匹林防治心脏病发作和中风的作用还不确定。 yeeyan

I think L Lysine is a god send for healing and warding off any viruses by helping your immune system.
我认为 L Lysine是天赐之物来治疗和抵挡任何病毒,来帮助免疫系统。 freemerce

In addition, the arrangement of stock controlling right and equity structure as well as the risk- warding issues in the reform are also explored.
论文还对控股权与股权结构的安排、改革中的风险防范等问题进行了深入的探讨。 cnki

Many of the bacteria in question are genuinely mutualistic with their hosts, helping the process of digestion or warding off pathogenic bugs.
很多相关的细菌确实和它们的寄主有着互惠的关系,帮助寄主消化或抵抗致病菌。 ecocn

Previously the 1960s paintings had been perceived as the childish scribbles or doddering fantasies of an old man warding off impotence.
以前,这些画于20世纪60年代的作品在人们心目中只是一个老人为驱散失意而做的孩子气的涂鸦或者糊涂的幻想。 ecocn

Shimazaki and his co-workers propose that catechins may interfere with the body’s inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria, thereby promoting periodontal health, and warding off further disease.
岛崎及其同事提出,儿茶素会干扰身体中引起牙周炎症的细菌,从而促进牙周健康并进一步预防和避免疾病。 yeeyan

Sobriety is one of the Ghost Festival, demons, nature is capable of warding off evil into willow.

Sweden’s Riksbank did it from1931 to1937 as a way of warding off both inflation and deflation after leaving the gold standard.
瑞典里斯克银行在1931年至1937年采用这一目标制来防止其脱离黄金标准后所产生的通货膨胀和通货紧缩。 ecocn

The light creates the illusion that the snail is bigger than it really is, giving it a glowing presence for warding off predators.
它的光芒能产生使海蜗牛看起来比实际大的假象,这种光芒使其呈现鲜艳的外表来吓退掠食者。 yeeyan

The storyline of what happens after an inevitable disaster permeates nearly all the new projects, in contrast to movies like' Armageddon, ' which showed humanity warding off an impending threat.
有关一场无法避免的灾难过后的故事情节几乎渗透到所有的新片当中,一反与讲述人性最终阻挡迫在眉睫的威胁降临的影片,如《绝世天劫》的套路。 iciba

There is also aery wide body of evidence which shows that mental stimulation and interaction is absolutely key in warding off dementia.
“这同样有广泛的证据显示精神刺激和互动是击退痴呆症的关键”。 cadjy

This is the“ political price” that Europe feels it has to pay for warding off the Chinese.
欧洲认为这是他们需要付出的“政治代价”,以避免中国政府的不满。 ecocn

Whether envisioned as a tranquil ocean surrounding a tropical island or a protective stone warding off evil spirits, Turquoise is a color that most people respond to positively.

Warding off deflation, for instance, will demand more unconventional steps from more central banks for longer than many now seem to foresee.
若要避免通货紧缩就需要采取更多的中央银行在比很多人现在预计的更长期间内采取更非常规的措施。 ecocn




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