

单词 warder
释义 warder 英ˈwɔːdə美ˈwɔrdɚAHDwôrʹdər ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴⁹²⁹⁵BNC³⁶⁹³¹iWeb³³⁷⁸⁵

a person who works in a prison and is in charge of prisoners来自 ward,看管,看护,用于指看守,狱吏。钱博士ward监护+er者→监护的人⇒看守,守卫,狱吏
ward监护+er者→监护的人⇒看守,守卫,狱吏。近义词 guard看守sentry卫兵monitor监视warden看守人keeper看守人sentinel哨兵custodian管理人turnkey监狱的看守jailer看守监狱的人…

用作名词Awarderappeared at the cell door.一个看守出现在牢门口。
Thewarderwas always accommodating in allowing visitors in.牢房看守总是很通融,允许探访者进去。
He has beenwarderin the small town's prison for 20 years.他已经在这座小城的监狱里当了20年的狱吏了。
If the prisoner is sick, thewarderwill call in the prison doctor to treat him.犯人生病了,狱吏都会找狱医来为他们治疗。
There is awarderliving at the crossing of the town.小镇的路口,住着一个看门人。noun.jailer
同义词 guard,turnkey,wardencorrectional officer,corrections officer,prison guard The other members of his gang bribed a warder to spring him from jail.
他那伙里的其他成员收卖了狱吏,以解除对他的监禁。 jukuu

A few minutes later, the head- warder assembled the guards and warders in his office.
几分钟后,看守长把警卫和看守叫到他的办公室。 iciba

A warder appeared at the cell door.
一个看守出现在牢门口。 iciba

All visitors please report to the gate warder.

But for Mr Steinberg’s tough prison- warder colleagues it is a distraction, or worse, from the job of keeping their charges under control.
但是,斯坦伯格的监狱看守同事们颇感棘手,在他们来说这是一种对监管犯人的干扰,或者更糟。 ecocn

Death's darts are under the Lord's lock, and the grave's prisons have divine power as their warder.
死的毒钩乃在神的管制之下,坟墓的权势乃在神的执掌之中。 blog.sina.com.cn

It also proved that the official historian was the direct subordinate of Lingshi which is of the same rank as warder but of different title and can be called as assistant.
还证明了令史与史有直接隶属关系,并可称为佐,而且与狱史是同官异称。 cnki

Neltharion, called the Earth- Warder upon his creation, was more loyal and protective of Azeroth than any of the other Aspects.
奈萨里安被称为大地的守护者,他比其它的守护巨龙更加兢兢业业地守卫着艾泽拉斯世界。 iciba

The warder was always accommodating in allowing visitors in.
牢房看守总是很通融,允许探访者进去。 editor.www.iciba.com

Vanity had barred up the window, and the name of the warder was hate.
虚荣是铁条封住的窗口,看是的名字叫仇恨。 douban

Visitors to the Tower of London talk to a Yeoman Warder, left, on Tuesday.
一群参观伦敦塔的游客周二和伦敦塔守卫左交谈。 wwenglish

Warder has attempted to trace them in different Mahayana texts and their relationship with the original teaching as found in the Pali canon.
看守试图以不同的大乘佛教版本来描写它并且在巴利文佛经之中发现了它和早期佛教教义。 blog.sina.com.cn




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