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词汇 wardak
释义 wardak
n.瓦尔达克在阿富汗;东经 68º15' 北纬 34º15'
In Wardak, for instance, a rocket landed in the general area of every polling centre.比如在瓦尔达克,可以看见有火箭着陆在每个投票中心附近。
Abdul Rahim Wardak spoke to reporters on the grounds of the Defense Ministry about his recent visit to the Pentagon, where he met his U.瓦尔达克在阿富汗国防部对记者介绍了他最近访问美国五角大楼的情况。
Two US soldiers give each other haircuts under the stars at Combat Outpost Tangi in Wardak province, central Afghanistan.位于阿富汗中部的沃尔达克省一处哨站前;两名美军士兵在星光下相互理发.
Wardak is calling for less emphasis on heavy weaponry, better shared intelligence and greater use of Afghan forces to search for insurgents.瓦尔达克呼吁不要过分依赖重型武器,而要更好地分享情报和更多地利用阿富汗安全部队搜寻反叛分子。
Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak says the rise in attacks by insurgents has made 2008 the bloodiest year since the ouster of the Taliban seven years ago.阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克说,暴乱分子更为频繁地进行袭击,使得2008年成为塔利班下台七年来死亡人数最多的一年。




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