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词汇 Wardak
释义 WardakCOCA⁹⁸²¹⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
n.瓦尔达克在阿富汗;东经 68º15' 北纬 34º15'
A total of38 people died when the CH-47 was shot down in the eastern province of Wardak, including seven Afghan troops and an interpreter.
当 CH-47战机在东部城市 Wardak被击落时共死了38人,其中包括7名阿富汗军人及一名翻译人员。 putclub

Abdul Rahim Wardak spoke to reporters on the grounds of the Defense Ministry about his recent visit to the Pentagon, where he met his U.
瓦尔达克在阿富汗国防部对记者介绍了他最近访问美国五角大楼的情况。 tingroom

Abdul Rahim Wardak spoke to reporters on the grounds of the Defense Ministry about his recent visit to the Pentagon, where he met his U.S. counterpart and other American officials.
瓦尔达克在阿富汗国防部对记者介绍了他最近访问美国五角大楼的情况。他在美国会见了美国国防部长以及其他美国官员。 ebigear

One elder in Jalrez district in Wardak offered his own sons for the neighbourhood watch after the district police chief was killed in a Taliban bomb attack in July.
Wardak 省 Jalrez区的警察局长在6月死于塔利班的炸弹袭击事件之后,该区的一位老者就把他的儿子都送到了四邻安全监控点。 ecocn

Roshanak Wardak, the MP, thinks foreign troops should guard the Pakistani border and leave domestic security in Afghan hands.
国会议员Roshanak Wardak认为西方部队应该驻扎在巴基斯坦边境,把安全自治交还给阿富汗人民。 ecocn

Salar district in Wardak province is 80km 50 miles south of Kabul.
Wardak省的撒拉尔地区在喀布尔以南80公里50英里。 yeeyan

“ There has been an understanding to strategically review the conduct of war and other efforts in Afghanistan and also in the region, ” Wardak said.
他说:“我们都认为要从战略上评估有关战争行动以及在阿富汗和这个地区的其它活动。” ebigear

A Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province.
一名北约官员称在瓦尔达克省前哨基地,这名译员在其他士兵开枪之前就击倒了这两名美国士兵。 ebigear

Abdul Rahim Wardak, Afghanistan’s defence minister, says his army needs to be much bigger than the planned134,000. Almost everybody would agree with him.
阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克认为,他的军队数量须远远大于规划中的134000人,几乎每个人都赞同他的观点。 ecocn

Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak says the rise in attacks by insurgents has made2008 the bloodiest year since the ouster of the Taliban seven years ago.
阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克说,暴乱分子更为频繁地进行袭击,使得2008年成为塔利班下台七年来死亡人数最多的一年。 ebigear

Afghan forces are increasingly active in Wardak. But most Pushtuns want nothing to do with them, especially the police.
阿富汗武装力量也日渐活跃,但是阿富汗人对他们,特别是警察,根本不抱任何希望。 ecocn

Another one outside actually an American combat outpost in the eastern province of Wardak.
另外一起抗议就在东部 Wardak省美军作战基地外。 koolearn

But that timeline was drawn up before the tragic incident this weekend over Wardak.
但是时间表在本周末此次悲剧事件前就停滞了。 yeeyan

But Mr Wardak says that is the wrong way to look at the problem.
但是沃达克先生觉得问题不能这么看。 ecocn

Defense Minister Wardak told reporters that the current war against them cannot be won only by military means.
阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克对记者说,仅仅通过军事手段不可能取得战争的胜利。 ebigear

French army soldier of the8th Artillery Regimenttakes part in a joint patrol with US and Afghan troops in a village inKharuti, in the mountains of Wardak Province in Afghanistan July16,2009.
一名法国士兵的第八届炮兵团参加联合巡逻的美军和阿富汗军队的一个村庄 Kharuti,在山里的瓦尔达克省在阿富汗的2009年7月16日。 shangdu

General Wardak explained that, on election day, the domestic and international forces are preparing“for the worst possible scenario” and will have four-tiers of security in place.
瓦尔达克将军解释说,在选举日当天,阿富汗和国际部队做好了“最坏”的准备,并且会配备四层安全保障系统。 ebigear

General Wardak partly blames foreign insurgents driven out of Iraq and other countries by coalition forces.
瓦尔达克认为,部分根源在于被联军从伊拉克等地赶出来的外国暴乱分子。 kekenet

In Wardak, for instance, a rocket landed in the general area of every polling centre.
比如在瓦尔达克,可以看见有火箭着陆在每个投票中心附近。 ecocn

Nato official said the translator gunned down the US soldiers before other soldiers shot him dead at an outpost in Wardak province.
一名北约官员称,事情发生在瓦尔达克省,这名翻译枪杀了美国士兵,然后被其他士兵在一个哨所附近射杀。 ebigear

Prime Minister Gilani’s trip to Kabul included meetings with Hamid Karzai and Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak.
吉拉尼总理访问喀布尔的行程包括与卡尔扎伊总统和阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克的会谈。 voanews

Recently Afghanistan's Defense Minister, Abdul Rahim Wardak, proposed the creation of a joint military force to fight militants on both sides of the border with Pakistan.
最近阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克提议和巴基斯坦建立一支联合军事力量,来向巴基斯坦与阿富汗边境两侧的激进分子作斗争。 ebigear

The Turkish Army Provincial Reconstruction Team, a part of the international aid operation to Afghanistan with theoretical jurisdiction over Wardak, has not sent any of its forces there.
在援助阿富汗的国际行动中,“土耳其陆军重建队”对沃达克省拥有理论上的权力,但现在他们却没有往那儿派一兵一卒。 ecocn

In Wardak province, teachers at schools that are potential polling centers have started to receive death threats, said two lawmakers from the province.
Wardak省的两名议员说,该省可能成为投票站的学校的老师已开始接到死亡威胁。 iciba

Wardak is calling for less emphasis on heavy weaponry, better shared intelligence and greater use of Afghan forces to search for insurgents.
瓦尔达克呼吁不要过分依赖重型武器,而要更好地分享情报和更多地利用阿富汗安全部队搜寻反叛分子。 ebigear




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