

单词 warblers
释义 warblers
Sightings over the decades have shown that ever more of these warblers migrate to northerly grounds in the winter rather than heading south.
几十年的观察显示这些鸟在冬天更多地迁往北方而不是向南飞。 edu

Whereas migratory garden warblers remembered the food-containing chamber up to a year later, their sedentary relatives did so only for2 weeks.
一年以后,候鸟园莺还记得有食物的房子,可是它们不迁徙的亲戚却只过了两个星期便忘记了。 www.2r2y.com

As we climbed, local warblers began to trill through the quietness and dogs barked in the distance.
当我们攀爬时,鸟鸣和狗吠打破了当地的平静。 www.kle100.cn

Cuckoos would have good reason to do so, since the warblers and other small birds in whose nests they lay their eggs are understandably frightened of hawks, and give them a wide berth.
杜鹃有很好的理由去模仿鹰,由于莺和其它的小型鸟类在它们的巢中产卵,自然这些小型鸟类就很害怕鹰,并且对鹰敬而远之。 ecocn

David Haskell created artificial nests with clay eggs and placed them on the ground beside a tape recorder that played the begging calls of either tree- nesting or of ground- nesting warblers.
大卫哈斯克尔创建粘土人工巢和卵放在地上,旁边一台录音机,其扮演的不是树筑巢或地面筑巢莺调用它们的乞讨。 bbs.66xue.com

East Asia's Locustella warblers are a bit of a nightmare.

How many migratory warblers do you want to kill just to get better cell phone reception?
为了让手机的信号收发更好些,你们究竟想让迁徙的鸟儿为此付出多少生命的代价? com

So they're pretty close to the ground, but these warblers also nest in forests that have the low shrub density.
所以,它们倾向于接近地面,但是这些蓝莺也会在有着稀疏灌木丛的森林里面筑巢。 xiaoma

They then studied the reed warblers' reactions to both the covered and uncovered models.
我们发现,苇莺看到有条纹的模型的时候比较不愿意回巢。 www.kle100.cn

Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstarts and Yellow Warblers. Wood Thrushes, Bicknell's Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager may also have been trapped.
奥特朋纽约分会的志愿者认为美国红尾鸟,黄莺,画眉鸟,比氏鸫鸟,巴尔的摩黄鹂和各类唐纳雀可能也受困于此。 suiniyi

Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstars, Yellow Warblers, Wood Thrushes, Bicknell's Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager in the lights.
来自纽约奥杜邦的志愿者们在光线中发现很多种鸟类,如美国红星鸟,黄莺,画眉,比氏夜鸫,巴尔的摩金莺以及各种各样的唐纳鸟。 szcw




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