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词汇 war
释义 war. wɔ:r

U C 战争

fighting between nations, groups within a nation using military force

C U 斗争,竞争

competition; conflict

vi. 进行战斗; 作战

make war; wage war

vi. 斗争

fight; struggle

the waging of armed conflict against an enemy;

thousands of people were killed in the war

a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply;

war was declared in November but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring

an active struggle between competing entities;

a price war

a war of wits

diplomatic warfare

a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious;

the war on poverty

the war against crime

make or wage war

❌ They are at war against their neighbouring country.

✔️ They are at war with their neighbouring country.

at war后接with表示交战对象,不用against; 但wage war 之后要用against。


❌ They are at a war with their neighbouring country.

✔️ They are at war with their neighbouring country.

表示“处于交战状态”用at war, war前不可加a。


❌ The North has declared war to the South.

✔️ The North has declared war against the South.


war, battle, combat, conflict, encounter, fight


1.battle指两支强大的军队在某一地点进行的长时间的、大规模的战役,也可比喻表示“奋斗”“努力”等意思; war是指国与国之间或国内不同派别之间的公开的大规模战争; fight指两个人或两个组织之间的战争,尤指短兵相接的肉搏厮杀,也可指精神方面的激烈斗争或动物之间的争斗; encounter多指偶然相遇所引起的短时间的冲突或交战,是敌对双方在无计划、无准备的情况下所进行的遭遇战,也可用来指非偶发性的交战; combat泛指军事行动,尤指较小规模的战斗,多指人与人之间的战争,也可指动物之间的争斗; conflict可指实际战争,但更多地指精神方面的冲突和斗争。

2.war包含有多次的battle; fight是普通用语; combat与fight相比,含义较抽象笼统,但与conflict相比却较具体; conflict概念较fight更抽象,语体也较正式。











来自 PIE*wers,搅拌,混乱,来自 PIE*wer 的扩大格,转,弯,词源同 wrestle,versus.引申词 义战争。
用作名词 n.
动词+~avoid war避免战争conduct a war交战,斗争declare a war宣战end a war结束战争enter war参战fight a war交战,斗争force a war挑起战争go into war加入战争lose a war打败仗make a war发动战争prepare for war备战prevent a war防止战争start a war开战step up a war把战争升级wage a war开展战争win a war打胜仗形容词+~all-out war全面战争atomic war原子〔核〕战争civil war内战cold war冷战endless war无休止的战争full-scale war全面战争general war全面战争good war正义的战争hot war真枪实弹的战争limited war有限战争local war局部战争long war长期的战争lost war战败nuclear war核战争offensive war进攻战racial war种族战regional war局部战争religious war宗教战revolutionary war革命战争severe war激战shooting war真枪实弹的战争total war全面战争名词+~air war空战class war阶级战争price war价格战star war星球大战trade war贸易战world war世界大战~+名词war orphans战争孤儿介词+~after war战后at war交战at war with处于跟…交战中at war with one's neighbors跟邻国交战,跟邻居争斗the bitter fruits of war战争的恶果the outbreak of war战争的爆发the outcome of war战争的结局the prisoners of war战俘~+介词war against反击…的战争war between …之间的战争war without battle冷战用作动词 v.~+副词war continually不断斗争war effectively有效地打击war fearlessly无畏地斗争war fiercely残忍地斗争war gallantly英勇地斗争war historically历史性地斗争war hopelessly无希望地斗争war manfully果断地斗争war mortally你死我活地斗争war savagely疯狂地斗争war silently无声地斗争war terrifically恐怖地斗争war thrillingly激动地斗争~+介词war against与…斗争war for为…而战war over因…而战war with因…而战
用作名词n.declare war against

宣布将尽力与…作斗争 state that one will make every effort to stop or destroy (sth, usually badCan you declare war against violent crime?)你能和暴力犯罪作斗争吗?

war against v.+prep.

与…斗争 fight; oppose

war against sb/sthThey warred against the opposing army for eight years.他们与敌人整整打了8年仗。
He warred against vice.他与罪恶作斗争。
We must continue to war against poverty and disease.我们一定要继续同贫穷和疾病作斗争。
war for v.+prep.

为…而战 fight for sth

war for sthThey warred for freedom.他们为自由而战。
They are warring for national independence.他们正在进行民族独立战争。
war over v.+prep.

因…而战争 fight or argue about which side should possess

war over sthThey warred over disputed territory.他们因有争议的领土而进行战争。
war with v.+prep.

与…打仗 fight or oppose with

war with sb/sthThe country warred with its neighbours for years.该国与邻国打了多年仗。
We shall war with our old enemies and defeat them.我们将与我们的宿敌继续作战,并且要战胜他们。
The two armies warred with each other for four years.两军相互交战了4年。
The temptation warred with his conscience.这种诱惑与他的良心作斗争。故事记忆天上有 Star星星路上铺 Tar柏油有一辆 Car小汽车满身是 Scar伤疤司机喝 Jar酒瓶撞进了 Bar酒吧压坏了 Guitar吉他跑得很 Far远引起了 War战争)非常记忆wa蛙〖拼音〗+r草〖编码〗⇒蛙人在草地上发起了战争近义词 fightcombatconflictencountern. battleconflictv. battle反义词n. peace
用作名词n.The visit was broken short because there was talk of war.由于谣传战争,访问提早结束。
The dawn of peace has appeared, but the danger of war still remains.和平的曙光已经出现,战争的危险依然存在。
They were fighting a just war.他们在打一场正义战争。
The last century has seen two worldwars.上个世纪经历了两次世界大战。
Their courage brought the people through the war.他们的勇气使人民群众熬过了战争。
They carried the war into the enemy's camp.他们向敌阵进攻。
The king made war on his neighbour.国王向他的邻国开战。
Everyone cheered the news that World War Ⅱ was over.每人都为二战结束的消息而欢欣鼓舞。
On the outbreak of the First Revolutionary Civil War, the Government called in all gold coinage and replaced it by notes.在第一次国内革命战争爆发的时候,政府下令收回所有的金币,并代之以纸币。
The city was all burnt down during the the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.抗日战争期间,这座城市全部给烧毁了。
His one leg was blown off by a bomb in the American War of Independence.他的一条腿在美国独立战争中被炸弹炸掉了。
He was accused of betraying his country during the First World War.他被指控一战期间叛国。
Destruction and misery attended on war.破坏和苦难随战争而来。
Soldiers are trained for the war of nerves.士兵们为作神经战而受训练。
They were happy together, until the civil war came and broke up their home.他们在一起过得很幸福,直到内战爆发破坏了他们的家园。
The convention barred the use of the poison gas in the war.这项公约禁止在战争中使用毒气。
All his hopes were blasted by the war.他的所有希望都为战争所破灭。
The soldier was blinded in the war against disease.那士兵在同疾病作斗争中双目失明了。
China was at war with Japan in 1894.中国于1894年和日本交战。
They are at war with each other.他们互相争吵。
We don't favour underestimating the importance of the art of war.我们不赞成低估战略和战术的重要作用。
It goes against the principles of war.这与军事原则相违背。
We can never be frightened when the principles of war are concerned.牵涉到我们的战争原则时,我们是永远也吓不倒的。
They will furnish you with the necessary war materials.他们将向你提供必要的军需物资。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe two countries have been warring constantly for years.这两国多年来一直交战。Pwarheadn.弹头Pwartimen.战时Ppsywarn.心理战Pantiwara.反战的Ppostwara.战后的Pwarbirdn.作战飞机Pwarhawk好战者鹰派Pwarshipn.军舰战船Pwarplanen.军用飞机Pminiwarn.小规模战争Punwarlikea.不好战的Pwarmongern.战争贩子Pprewara.战前的ad.在战前Pwar-wearinessn.厌战情绪Pwarlordn.军阀军阀式领袖Pinter-wara.两次战争之间的Pwar-horsen.军马老练的政客Pbiowarfaren.生物战;细菌战Pwar-surgery战伤外科军阵外科Pwar-wearya.厌战的破损不堪的Pwarringa.交战的敌对的冲突的Pwarlordismn.军阀主义军阀作风Pwarfaren.战争战斗交战斗争竞争Pwarpathn.征途敌对行动敌对情绪Pwarworna.疲于战争的饱受战争创伤的Pwarcraftn.军用飞机军舰战略和战术兵法Pwarriorn.战士勇士武士鼓吹战争的人战斗尚武Pwarlikea.准备战斗的好战的尚武的勇于作战的军事的Pwar-housen.战马军马老兵经验丰富的人老练的政客陈腔老调



war泛指“战争状态,战术”时,是不可数名词。表示某一次具体的战争时可加不定冠词a或定冠词the, wars则指“数次战争”。



war一般只用作不及物动词,它的主语一般是人、党派等,客体多由介词against, for, over, with等引出,其介词宾语可以是人,也可以是抽象名词,一般不接具体名词。

用作名词The hope of a shortwarwent glimmering.战争无望在短期内结束。
A series of provocations led up to the borderwar.一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。
The army was disbanded when thewarcame to an end.战争结束时,军队即被解散。
They are waging awaragainst crime.他们正在展开一场反对犯罪的斗争。noun.armed conflict
同义词 battle,bloodshed,combat,conflict,fighting,hostility,strife,strike,struggle,warfarecontention,contest,enmity,hostilitiescold war,police action
反义词 accord,harmony,peace,surrender,truce,friendship,good will,kindnesscease-fireverb.fight, battle
同义词 differ,go to war,take up armsattack,attempt,bombard,challenge,clash,combat,contend,contest,disagree,endeavor,kill,meet,murder,oppugn,shell,shoot,strive,struggle,tugcampaign against,engage in combat,make war,march against,take on,take the field against,wage war
反义词 agree,aid,be lazy,give up,laze,protect,retreat,surrendermake peace
armed aggressionnoun armed conflict
armed fighting,armed hostilities,battle,combat,engagement,fight,warfare
battlenoun military fight
action,assault,attack,barrage,blitzkreig,bloodshed,bombing,brush,campaign,carnage,clash,combat,conflict,contention,crusade,encounter,engagement,fighting,fray,havoc,hostility,onset,onslaught,press,ravage,scrimmage,significant contact,skirmish,sortie,strife,struggle,war,warfare
battleverb fight, struggle
battledverb fight, struggle
battlesnoun military fight
actions,assaults,attacks,barrages,blitzkreigs,bloodshed,bombings,brushes,campaigns,carnage,clashes,combats,conflicts,contentions,crusades,encounters,engagements,fightings,fray,havoc,hostilities,onsets,onslaughts,presses,ravages,scrimmages,significant contacts,skirmishes,sorties,strife,struggles,warfare,wars
battlesverb fight, struggle




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