

单词 Biddle
释义 Bid·dle 英ˈbɪdl美ˈbɪdļAHDbĭdʹl 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
And according to a sports psychologist. Professor Biddle, gyms“are not making the nation fit”, and may even cause harm.
据运动心理学家比德尔教授说,体育馆‘没有让全国人健康起来’,甚至造成伤害。 blog.sina.com.cn

The head of the Bank of the United States was Nicholas Biddle.
当时美国银行的行长是尼古拉斯。 kekenet

Although Nicholas Biddle threatened all sorts of action, the upper house passed a resolution that Congress should not give the bank a new charter.
尽管尼古拉斯.比德尔还威胁要采取各种各样的报复行动,但上院还是通过了一项决议,该决议说,国会不应该给美利坚银行制定新的章程。 yeeyan

But Steven Biddle at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington says there is a bigger problem.
但是华盛顿外部关系委员会称还有更大的问题存在。 unsv

He said his government must re- examine security measures. But Steven Biddle at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington says there is a bigger problem.
他说,伊拉克政府须重新检查安全措施,但是华盛顿外交关系委员会的 Steven Biddle表示还有更严重的问题存在。 hjenglish

Jackson's victory over the Bank of the United States was clear. Biddle started to lose the support of many members of Congress.
杰克逊总统战胜美利坚银行已经是显而易见了,比德尔开始失去国会议员们对他的支持。 yeeyan

Nicholas Biddle began to see that the battle was lost.
尼古拉斯开始察觉到这场战争已经失败了。 kekenet

One of Biddle's assistants described the feelings of bank officials.
一位尼古拉斯的助理描述了银行机关人员的感受。 kekenet

This action would strengthen the state banks and help to break the power of the Bank of the United States. Nicholas Biddle began to see that the battle was lost.
这一措施巩固了州银行,削弱了美利坚银行的权力。 yeeyan

Biddle took no responsibility for the financial crisis.
尼古拉斯没有对这场经济危机负责。 kekenet

Biddle started to lose the support of many members of Congress.
尼古拉斯开始失去一些议会成员的支持。 kekenet




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