

单词 wanted
释义 want·ed 英'wɒntɪd美'wɑntəd 高COCA⁴¹⁹BNC⁴³⁴iWeb¹³⁷⁶⁸Economist⁹⁷⁶
desired or wished for or sought;

couldn't keep her eyes off the wanted toy

a wanted criminal

a wanted poster

characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for;

a cherished friend

children are precious

a treasured heirloom

so good to feel wanted

比喻用法。want要wanted group被选组wanted sound signal有用声音信号…wanted to unwanted carrier power ratio有用载波无用载波功率…wanted to interfering signal ratio信扰比wanted carrier所需载波bid wanted经 征求报价…positions wanted求职广告wanted to purchase征购wanted signal有用信号wanted emission所需发射position wanted希望职位wanted to rent征租房屋wanted subscriber被叫用户
want-ed如|被…的⇒adj.受到通缉的动词want的过去式及过去分词.adj.被征求的;被通缉的n.受通缉的人近义词 needed需要的desired渴望的required必需的precious宝贵的hunted动词hunt的过去式,动…treasured动词treasure的过…cherished动词cherish的过去…反义词 unwanted不需要的

The doctorwantedus to use the sheet for a shroud.医生想让我们用床单当裹尸布。
The invaderwantedto attack our country.侵略者妄图攻打我们国家。
Theywantedto know when you would go to the park.他们想知道你们什么时候去公园。
Hewantedto find some wine in the pantry.他想在餐具室里找到一些酒。
He iswantedby the police.警察正通缉他。
After many years abroad, hewantedto return home to his country.在国外多年后,他想回到故乡。
His love was a sham; he onlywantedher money.他爱她是假的,他只想要她的钱。
The managementwantedsome250 workers to give up their present incentive pay, which would have cut their daily wages by about$5 a man.资方想使250名工人放弃眼下的增产刺激金,这样每名工人的工资每天要减少5元。adj.desired
同义词 necessary,needed,requestedasked for
反义词 abandoned,fulfilled,renounced,satisfiedadj.cherished
同义词 appreciated,lovedtreasured,valued
反义词 abandoned,fulfilled,renounced,satisfied
essentialadjective important, vital
fugitiveadjective fleeing, transient
avoiding,brief,criminal,elusive,ephemeral,errant,erratic,escaping,evading,evanescent,fleeting,flitting,flying,fugacious,hot,impermanent,lamster,momentary,moving,on the lam,passing,planetary,running away,short,short-lived,temporary,transitory,unstable,volatile,wandering,wanted
huntedadjective pursued
chased,dogged,followed,hounded,outlawed,searched for,stalked,tailed,tracked,trailed,wanted
marketableadjective easily sold; in demand
bankable,commercial,fit,for sale,good,hot,merchandisable,merchantable,profitable,salable,sellable,selling,sought-after,sound,trafficable,vendible,wanted
missedadjective longed for
craved,desired,needed,wanted,wished-for,yearned for
more necessaryadjective essential
all-important,basic,binding,bottom-line,cardinal,chief,compelling,compulsory,crucial,de rigueur,decisive,elementary,exigent,expedient,fundamental,imperative,incumbent on,indispensable,mandatory,momentous,name of game,needed,needful,obligatory,paramount,prerequisite,pressing,prime,principal,quintessential,required,requisite,significant,specified,unavoidable,urgent,vital,wanted And that's why we wanted to come again but not only as travelers but in order to do something.
那也正是为什么我们还想再来的原因。不过不仅仅是作为旅行者,而是为了做些身什么。 yeeyan

As I was looking through some books in a bookshop, I dropped on just what I wanted.

The men had drilled all day and wanted a rest.

“ I wanted to do something in my life, ” she said.
“在我的一生中,我想做一些事”,她说。 yeeyan

“ They really wanted to work it out with me, ” she says.
“他们真的想和我一起出去干活儿,”她说。 yeeyan

Because I wanted you to know.
因为我想要让你知道。 yeeyan

Besides, I had three children by then and I wanted the best of everything for them.
除此之外,我那时候还有三个孩子,我想让他们拥有最好的东西。 yeeyan

Democracy would take us where we wanted to go, not our own effort. Sometimes you have to get off and push.
民主会把我们带到我们想去的地方,但光靠我们的努力还不行,有时候要下车推一推。 yeeyan

He wanted to die with his family.
他只想和他的家人一起死去。 yeeyan

I loved her and wanted to be with her, but I understood her reservations.
我爱她,希望和她在一起,但我能够理解她的保留态度。 yeeyan

I would have soon found the one I wanted if the books had kept in order.

I wanted to help, but what could I do?
我想帮助它,但我能做些什么呢? yeeyan

I wanted to see what books you had about that.
我想看看关于那方面你有什么书。 kekenet

I wanted to share his story with each of you.
我想和你们中的每一位分享这个故事。 yeeyan

I wanted to share one of their stories with you.
我想和你们分享他们其中一人的故事。 joycode

I wanted an answer from HIM.
我想让他给我一个答案。 yeeyan

I wanted her far away from me, so unattainable that she could continue as the mere memory she had become and remained all these years.
我想要她离我远一些,远到她没法继续与我维系这层关系,因为她变成了纯粹的记忆,而且这么多年就是这样保持着。 yeeyan

I wanted him to be comfortable with me.
我希望他和我在一起时感觉舒服。 yeeyan

I wanted to bark at him and bite his head off.
我当时真想向他狂吠然后把他的头咬下来。 yeeyan

She never hold out on the lure of money to do something they wanted.

We have everything configured as we wanted.
我们拥有一切我们想要的配置。 yeeyan

We wanted to be together.
我们希望在一起。 yeeyan

What have you always wanted to do?
你总是想去做的是什么事? yeeyan

Who they wanted to be, or pretend to be to themselves, their family and friends, really has nothing to do with what they own or buy.
对于他们自己,家人和朋友而言,他们想成为谁,或假扮成谁,与他们所拥有的或购来的真的没有任何关系。 yeeyan

Yes, I have wanted to be an astronaut.
是的,我想过成为一个宇航员。 edu.sina.com.cn




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